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Thread: I think this question should go here...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question I think this question should go here...

    Ok.. anyone watched the BRANCH WARREN DVD UNCHAINED??

    Dude is an animal... outta control really... The man is my idol to say the least

    But, He and his Lifting Partners Techniques are all over the place...


    Arms day, Standing DUMBBELL CURLS...

    They are using Heavy DB's ... not staying strict... swaying to get the weight where it needs to go and just basically in no way isolating the bicep muscle.

    Next for instance...

    Legs day

    Branch and his buddies are doing leg extensions.. on the last set.. BRANCH DOES 48 quick fast uncontrolled reps... rests 10 seconds.. either raises or lowers the amount of weight... and does another 48 reps... THATS 96 FREAKING REPITIONS only one set of a leg excercise..

    They then go on to do SQUATS... THEY WARMUP... Do their exercise...
    and are done after Branch reps out 500 for 15...

    Now LEG PRESSES... HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY... But again.. not counting reps.. just going til what appears to be set was 19.. another 16 and yet another 23..



    Military press.. 1SET.. Warmup.. the bar.. 30 reps.. 2set 135-20reps 3set 225-12rep 4set 315-8rep 5set 365-8rep

    But he isnt seated.. he stands.. bounces the weight off of his upper chest for added boost to complete the repetition ... kinda like a push press because u can watch and he is using his tree trunk legs too heave the weight back into the air...

    MY QUESTION... There is no FORM, its basically.. the heaviest weight possible, doing it as many times as you can, not caring at all about form but just heaving IRON around like it is a dogs chew toy..

    Is this correct lifting?? I mean we all cheat on our reps occasionally... no one is strict, all the time, but i thought that was the thing.. heavy as you can but with proper form or else you risk hella injuries... I mean I respect Branch.. the dude. IS INHUMAN really.. but I mean.. I look at his lifting technique and I guess I was just in utter shock... I just guess that being that BIG you are allowed to do that or something I dont know.. it just struck me as odd.. I am in no way a PRO BODYBUILDER or a guru on LIFTING but I have always thought differently....

    What gives with this?? Anyone care to enlighten me as to why they would just be slinging around all this ridiculous weight not caring about form..??

    I guess maybe thats how you build muscle when you get that freakin big I dunno... it just blew my mind so I had to ask !!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Branch Warren shoulders and triceps on YOUTUBE, I think he has great form. Maybe its different on unchained?

    Ok I saw a little of unchained and this computer sucks, but yeah he is all over the place in that video, wonder if that's more of a stunt or what...
    Last edited by kickinit; 07-01-2009 at 11:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    it's just his sweet spot I guess

    theres no point locking out
    time under tension is where it's at

    haven't seen this dvd yet but I know what branch is like

    have you seen Jay Cutler. All Access yet?
    one of the best dvd's out there yet imo
    check it out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Use good form. Its OK to cheat once in a while to eek out a rep but to bounce all the time and throw stuff.. not so much

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Boston,Atl,Dominican Rep.
    I checked out some of his videos in youtube and I can see what you mean. I think that everyone gets to a certain point where they have to give up some form to take it to the next level. Im sure he knows his body very well and is confident that he wont get hurt. but then again he is kind of a nut!?!

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