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Thread: First cycle - Contemplating workout routine

  1. #1

    First cycle - Contemplating workout routine

    I'll be starting my first cycle here in a few months when the time is right, im currently in the Military active duty but I have nailed my diet down pretty well and am ready to do a mild cycle.

    I will be doing a basic beginners cycle...

    10 weeks of Test E @ 400mgs/wk
    4-5weeks of Anadrol @ 20-25mgs/ED
    PCT: Clomid 3wks, ZMA, other natural boosters


    4,000+/- Cals
    600+/- Carbs
    330+/- Protein
    105+/- Fats

    True-mass for use in between meals
    2:1:1 recovery PWO
    Cycle Support
    jack3d - pre workout
    Vitamin B-6

    Protein supplements will be used in conjunction with meals or used to bridge meals while im at work. I work on ranges in a training area pretty far from base, so meals will be brought with me.

    Now the hard part...what type of training to do. Im usually a 1 body part a day kinda guy, kill that body part with mass builders as well as isolation excersises, hitting mulitple rep ranges. But im a little worried about missing out on oppurtunities to grow...i was thinking more towards 2x a week or the 4 days on 1 off repeat method. This is just a sample of what im thinking of and I could really use some hoping to attain 20-30lbs of mass while on this.

    Mon: Chest Bi's
    Tues:legs, abs
    wednesday:Shoulders, Tris
    Thursday:Back, traps
    Fri: off

    This seems to be what im leaning toward...a more frequent workout tempo but not too much. Id most likely do this for 4 weeks then merge into a different training routine such as 2x a week, push/pull or once a week

    this is the other type training, very similar to Arnold's basic workout

    Mon: Chest, Back
    Tues: Shoulders, Arms
    Wed: off
    Thurs: Chest, back
    Fri: Shoulders, arms
    Sat: Legs, Abs
    Sun: off

    The second workout of each muscle group would use diff excersises and not to failure, for example mon back would be for thickness and thurs would be for width

    The reason I wont be training legs 2x a week is due to my running requirements as a marine...big bulky legs would hinder alot of my training work wise

    Cardio will be done 3x a week to keep cardiovascular health, 1.5-3 miles each session

    If there are any other suggestions please feel free to let me know...

    Whatever im inclined to go with will only be used for about 4 weeks, then I will change workouts and volume to keep growing and to alleviate the chances of overtraining

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Height weight age goals.

  3. #3
    height 5'7
    weight: 171
    age: 22
    goals: 20-25 lean lbs, going to try to bulk as lean as possible without sacrificing good mass

    Strength is pretty decent for my size, I stopped focusing on weights and numbers about 1.5 years ago and started focusing on slower repetitions and contractions, so weights have somewhat decreased but still on a steady rise

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Since this is your first cycle you might have to do a little trial and error, certain things work different for each individual. Just stick to a clean diet and see where you go body comp wise and make adjustments as necessary. A "clean" 20-25 pounds might be a little ambitious, but it is possible.

    Just track every workout and food every day and you can see where you are going and if you are accomplishing your goals. I would get back into the numbers to see how much you are progressing on cycle, I don't know where I would be without reference points along the way to see my gains and knowing what numbers I am trying to break through every week. You can still focus on technique and do that too.

    As far as the workout stuff, I usually go about one body part every 5 days on cycle one every 7-8 days off. Also my workouts are about an hour on and about 40-45 minutes off. IMO anything more than once every 5 days is overkill and probably overtraining for most especially on large muscles. I do work my arms twice a week though, maybe calves too if I need to fill some time but no other muscle that much.

    One thing...why so many carbs in the diet?
    Last edited by bigslick7878; 06-01-2010 at 11:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    R.I.P T
    For your first cycle i would recommend only using one compound which would be test at 500mg for 12 weeks, but if you are insistant on using more then one you could frontload with dbol.

  6. #6
    I probably should have worded the whole not getting into numbers thing better. I keep track of progress, but before I was trying to race the numbers. Chasing after strength goals instead of mass...Now I'm all about chasing my desired mass...I will be logging weights to keep track of progress

    as for the carbs. I'm going off a template meal plan in which they had 2:1 ratio of carbs for protein. Does seem a bit much, what do u think I should be aiming for carb wise?

    I also have kind of a newbie question. Should the 400mgs of test be injected once a week or split into 2 200mg shots. I've read that it says once a week but I figured I'd ask on here

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    For your first cycle i would recommend only using one compound which would be test at 500mg for 12 weeks, but if you are insistant on using more then one you could frontload with dbol.
    That was the plan, bur my source could only attain drol. And given my current location and time restraints, my options were limited. I am wary of anadrol due to it's potentness..I'll be taking smaller dosages then most people would just to keep an eye on the sides. I'm mainly using it as a jumpstart until the test kicks in

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by FireFighterMuscle View Post
    I probably should have worded the whole not getting into numbers thing better. I keep track of progress, but before I was trying to race the numbers. Chasing after strength goals instead of mass...Now I'm all about chasing my desired mass...I will be logging weights to keep track of progress

    as for the carbs. I'm going off a template meal plan in which they had 2:1 ratio of carbs for protein. Does seem a bit much, what do u think I should be aiming for carb wise?

    I also have kind of a newbie question. Should the 400mgs of test be injected once a week or split into 2 200mg shots. I've read that it says once a week but I figured I'd ask on here
    Well if all you are going for is mass just look at the scale every day. I still would track other numbers but that is just me. I have one word of advice for you though, you are very young and trust me steroids or not you will be gaining weight naturally for the next 10 years. You might think you need to shove loads of food in now but that will gradually change as you get older. If you get into eating a ton of food now to try to bulk up it might be hard to reign it in later.

    I am not really a diet expert but I usually try to go 45/35/20. I probably take in only 180-200 carbs a day if that. Only reason you would need 600 grams a day is if you are expending a massive amount of energy every day. There is no way you could put all that to good use if you are not busting ass every day and burning some serious calories.

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