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Thread: new workout routine! could use some input

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    new workout routine! could use some input

    hey guys.

    I been out of the gym for awhile & by no means does that mean out of shape. I'm in the military and because of deployment & SF training I have not had a solid routine & proper gym time.. I have lost 20-25 lbs the last 2 years due to high intense cardio & hours of field time/training.

    i'm 5'7 160lbs as it stands right now. I lost alot & very eager to get it back. I have a basic routine lined up and i would like alot of input. I also do not want to over train any muscle group.

    Mon - Chest & Biceps

    - Bench Press - 5 x 10,8,6,6,4
    - Incline - 4 x 10,10,8,8
    - Decline - 4 x 10,10,8,8
    Barbell Curl - 5 x 12,10,10,8,8 (last 3 sets superset with hammer curls)
    EZ bar Reverse curls - 2 x 12

    Tue - High intensity cardio for 30 min & abs

    Wed - Legs

    - Squats - 5 x 12,10,10,8,8
    - Leg Press - 3 x 15,12,10
    - calf raises - 5 x max
    - Leg Curl - 3 x 15

    Thu- Cardio

    Friday - Shoulders & triceps

    - Shoulder Press - 5 x 10,8,6,6,4
    - Side Lat Raises - 3 x 12
    - Front Lat Raises - 3 x 12
    - Close Grip Bench - 4 x 10 ( last 3 super set with skull crushers)
    - Dips 3 x max

    Sat - Back

    - Wide Grip Pull-ups - 4 x max
    - Dead Lift - 4 x 12
    - Barbell Row - 4 x 15,12,10,10
    - Seater cable rows - 3 x 12

    Sun - off

    So I know 6 -8 sets for bi's and tri's is good. My question is when i superset. does that count as one total set. Or is it still 2 sets total?

    besides that let me know what you guys think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I count them as 1 set.. I think your program looks solid man!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    ya that's what i was doing. I just don't want to over train my arms. I kind of want them to grow!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    looks solid bro. just keep a good log and you can adjust your routine if you're overtraining. good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Looks solid might want to add something for the rear delts!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Looks really good! Sumthing for rear delts, and maybe SS weighted dips w close grip bench. So the tri's don't get to blasted before its over.

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