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Thread: ROID RAGE...........the myth!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    ROID RAGE...........the myth!

    i have been wanting to bring this subject up for awhile now. i just want to hear everyones take on ROID RAGE. Do u think its all bullshit? do u feel its all mental? or maybe u have something ud like to share. i have researched it and found that alot of people just think its b.s. but at the same time i know that im 10x's more irritable when on the sauce (i control it though). so i just wanted to hear some expert opinions! thanx

    "dont piss on my back and tell me its raining"
    ~somebody on knockaround guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Roid Rage implys you would automatically flip out on people. This is untrue. Its an obvious fact that testosterone increases aggression though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yes I do strongly believe that you will get a little more aggressive but not to a HUGE degree. Here is my highly scientific formula:

    Asshole(on a daily basis)+Anabolic Steroids=SAME asshole!

    Good fella(on a daily basis)+ Anabolic Steroids= good fella with big muscles

    SO as you see according to my highly elaborate scientific explanation you can predict what will happen after the individual get on AS.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United Kingdom
    I find that i do get abit more irritable when on but i feel i am still in control 100% so most of it is bs i think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hey Big_R, I have to agree on that.

    All the people that I knew was using steroids, have the same mind on this case, and it happens to be normal. I think that, when an individual has no or low self control, he goes crazy by having an instrument to put his fault on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I believe it to be true. It happened to me, but I was provoked. You know just the usual arguing with the girlfriend, swearing and whatnot, didnt raise my voice at all either. But she came in the living room where I was eating lunch and threw a cup of ice tea all over me. I lost it, needless to say. I still feel terrible to what I did and what had happened. We are really good friends now and do stay in touch. I actually kept my running gear away from her, always denying it and saying no im not doing anything. Well, I finally told her I was.. My philosophy was she was lying to me, so Ill lie to her about this. It was something she didnt need to know about. Now, If it gets brought up with anyone I go out with..Im completely honest, if they ask me Ill say yea Ive used it before, or I am using right now. Honesty seems to be the best policy for me. Ive been completely honest with the girl Im seeing now, she doesnt like it by all means, but she knows....Everything seems to be under control. That bad situation only happened once, and It wont happen again. Who wants to be known as someone who beats up on woman, thats a terrrible reputation to have.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm with Big R on this one. Granted, I have felt a little different on fina as far as irritability/aggressiveness go, but not to a degree that I couldn't control.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Im with Big R too. It depends on the personality of the person, Steroids do make you more aggresive so if your in an argument then you might feel more aggresive towards the person your arguing with than you normally would, how far this goes i think then depends on the person. Ive personally had lots of rages in the past but i seem to have learnt to controll it better now. Just imagine a dickhead with a bad attitude that doesnt even like people looking at them, (theres many around) and if they got there hands on gear and put on 28pounds of muscle then there gonna think they can take the world on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Juice just makes me want to do crazy and uncontrolable things. But it is easy to control.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I don't know guys. Didn't you read what Billy's signature said? I mean, it's straight from the Steroid Encyclopedia, THE Steroid Encyclopedia! Or just watch a special on Sixty Minutes, we're all doomed!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i am currrently on my first real cycle, i have played w/ juice in the past, but b4 i found AR, so they were useless cycles (100mgwk/prop shot once a week for6 weeks ) but anyways i always get so annoyed of everything, and my fuse is very short. but im not the nicest guy when im off, i control alot of my aggression but i am known to be a fighter, when the situation arises!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ehh it´s the estrogen that makes you go bananas, testosterone makes you feel good.
    PMS anyone? estrogen is the answer.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I notice that I am irritable as hell. Even simple shit like road construction will just flip me out, but I take it all out at the gym. Usually after week 6 I am back to normal.

    Funny thing is on cycle you are aggressive, and post cycle (with clomid) you are an emotional cry-baby. Two extremes brought on by this damn sport!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Sin City
    I find it veyr hard to control my temper... I've always had a temper problem... and when I am off cycle I get even more irritable for awhile not emotional. But I agree with Whoisdaman, I flip out on stupid shit like that too. I also think control freaks will more likely be the aggressive ones taking advantage.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I get irratable as well. I have a more heightened sense of aggression while on, especially test. Test does increase aggression in people, even natural test. So yes, "roid rage" is true to an extent. People with higher test levels are more aggressive even without steroids, and steroids are just really a test boost. Although, Palme could be onto something with the estrogen pms theory! lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Roid Rage implies to me that you are not responsible for your actions or in control of them. I think that is an excuse. Can there be increased aggression and irritability on cycle? Of course. Just like on alcohol or from stress at work. That doesn't give anyone the right to lose control or get violent. If you can't handle yourself on AAS you shouldn't take them. Roid Rage simply gives people looking for trouble the justification to find it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i agree with rickson on this one. i agree with everyone who posted on this thread to some degree as well. my take on it is that high testerone levels do increase aggression. but that fact cant be used to excuse or justify any behavior... you own what you do regardless of what your justification may be. even if the myth of roid rage was true and people went psychotic on AS, it still wouldnt excuse your behavior because you decided to use them. in any scenario there is no escaping responsibility for your actions.

  18. #18
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    Jan 2002
    for me personally it makes me irratiable, i get mad at little things easily, as far as rippin someones head off, if ur a hot head ur a hot head....simple.

  19. #19
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    when i'm on, i have a hightened sense of well being. Much more happy go lucky. The only time I feel a definate edge is when I'm on tren. Fina definately cuts down on my fuse. Other than that, I'm lovin' life when I'm on.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    new york
    Roid rage myth is exactly that, A MYTH. Factors such as the feeling of increased testosterone or messed up signals from estrogen can play with you but, im in agreeement with BIG-R! A much greater fact that everyone skips is AGE when on cycle. A 30 yr old man vs a 18 or 21 yr old act differently in life with or without juice. A wise man who knows his 400-500 pond bench, 20 inch gunz and a family of sourts will restrain himself due to his already knowing knowlege of not needing to proove his strength whether he is drunk, or simply pisssed off and will simply remove himself from a situation. A 20 yr old who is on his 1st or 2nd cycle and has newly added muscle feels his heightened sense of power and feeling of power and thus may easily feel the need to proove it by fighting and arguing. I believe this topic is intended for females who use it against their boyfriends only! They are the only ones that actualy believe in the myth; just like ur dick shrinking when its actually ur balls! Knowlege is key here which comes with age + experience!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    great point fear!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    only fellt it at the begining of a cycle, usualy i feel normal week 6 or 7 ... Just take it all out at the gym great powerboost...
    peace beef

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Im going on week 3 of dbol sust and deca, was ready to beat the shit outta 2 little fuckers at a bar looking at my girl and talking bout her, man don't hit the bar scence while on juice. I just went cause a friends going away for a year.

  24. #24
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    when im not on the juice i feel like everywhere i go, theres a fight waiting to pop off, i dontknow what that is but when im around guys i dont know i get a bad vibe, and juice only makes it 100x's worse! like i said earlier i control it. but somethings cant be avoided.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    I think I read an article about someone who tried to blame this so called "roid rage" on a murder case? Anyone hear anything about that? It was in the past, but anyhow, I think that most of it is hyped up - overrated on the market of drug awarness. Just due to people trying to encourage youngsters not to juice and such, brings this belief that roid rage actually is a situation that makes you unctrollable. IMO.


  26. #26
    Join Date
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    The Office
    I'm noticablly more agressive while on, not like I attack people or anything. My fuse is just shorter and things that wouldnt normally bother me to much now get under my skin. But with a little effort its controllable. So "ROID RAGE' is true only to an extent.......

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    South Jersey
    I believe roid rage was developed by those assholes that refuse to take any responsibility for their own actions. Also, you see uneducated fools that feel that they have to play the part of the "raging" steriod injecting wieghtlifter. "I am crazy, dont mess with me, i am on juice" Maybe that is just in Jersey. I dont feel that it makes me more aggressive. It just makes asshole bigger assholes.

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Originally posted by BIG R
    Yes I do strongly believe that you will get a little more aggressive but not to a HUGE degree. Here is my highly scientific formula:

    Asshole(on a daily basis)+Anabolic Steroids=SAME asshole!

    Good fella(on a daily basis)+ Anabolic Steroids= good fella with big muscles

    SO as you see according to my highly elaborate scientific explanation you can predict what will happen after the individual get on AS.


  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Roid rage is an after school special.

    A failing attempt to have an excuse for immature and ignorant behavior.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Vancouver BC
    Roid rage is a bunch of Bull Shit... ignorant mother fuckers make up shit and little jackasses with 20 lb of added muscles give them that excuse.

    yeah We all do "THAT STUFF", and when some dumbass pisses you off on the road or elsewhere u have no excuse other than showing them some "courtesy"

    take ROAD Rage for example, u dont need to be on anabolics, ur either pissed off, or ur bored or desperately in need of attention.

    why cant they just legalize anabolics, i mean take smoking for example, does do no good to u or Drinking.... at least us on "THAT STUFF" are much advanced Healthwise compare to those idiots

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    To be honest, I am an irritable person, but the funny thing is I feel so much more relaxed on my cycle. So, it is actually doing the opposite for me...I think It is bullshit and it just gives guys an excuse......

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    im on a fina/prop cycle and im not normally and asshole but now i flip very easy and get depressed over dumb shit! so i do believe in it

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    lol mythhhhh ?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    It's not a myth, it's true. It's how you deal with roid rage that makes the difference.

    ... and don't say "it's all bullshit for you a-holes to have an excuse", because if you have run moderate-high doses of test + fina then you WILL become more irritable. If not then you react differently to it, but don't say it is bullshit because you've never delt with it.

    and sure I have gotten more aggressive on every cycle I have ran, but I have never once gone off on anyone. You learn to control it and become the better man.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    i think i control my temper better when i am on AS just because of being aware of roid rage.

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