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Thread: Looking for a HIT routine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Looking for a HIT routine

    stats 5'9 184
    age 32
    on Cycle - test - tren - masteron
    Goal : Cut
    I saw this on a site - so I am not stealing the source, but how does this look ?

    Week One

    Monday-Friday [chest-back-delts]

    Benchpress [rest-pause] 5-8reps
    Incline flys [6-9reps] + dips [5-8reps][Pre-exuast]
    Chins [5-8reps] + pullovers [6-9reps] + pulldowns [5-8reps][double pre-exuast]
    Seated press [5-8reps] + side laterals [7-10reps] + wide grip upright
    rows [5-8reps][double pre-exuast]

    Wednesday [legs-arms]

    Squats 1x20 [modified rest pause]
    Thigh extensions [7-10reps] + sissy squats [max reps][pre-exuast]
    Leg curls 7-10reps [negative emphasis]
    One leg DB calve raise 1x50reps [modified rest pause]
    Closegrip bench [5-8reps] + lying tricip extensions [5-8reps] +
    negative only dips [4-7reps][double pre-exuast]
    Preacher curls [5-8reps] + negative only chins [4-8reps][pre-exuast]


    Week Two

    Monday-Friday [legs-arms]

    The same workout from wednesday week one.

    Wednesday [chest-back-delts]

    Same workout from monday and friday week one

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    check your PM box ryan...

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