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Thread: *Size* issues before begining TRT??

  1. #1

    *Size* issues before begining TRT??

    Has anyone else here had [ahem] "size" issues before they began their TRT? And if so, has the TRT helped in any way?

    Aside from low libido and performance issues prior to beginning TRT, I also had some size issues as well. In my twenties, when I had a healthy sex life, my size was good, I wouldn't call it great, but well within the normal range [seven inches... yes I measured it, what 20-something hasn't?] Now 20 years later of living with Low T and I'm no where near that. I didn't think atrophy was possible there but obviously it is.

    Nine months into my TRT and there's been about a 50% improvement, however I'm still nothing near what I was.

    Has anyone else experienced this and if so, is there anything that can be done about it? I've thought about a pump but I'm too embarrassed to order one on line. I've thought about going into the city and paying cash for one at an adult store. I haven't even been able to bring myself to ask my doctor. Is there anything he can prescribe that might help? What about Enzyte? It sounds like a big scam to me from the research I've done.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 05-06-2010 at 08:20 PM.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2009
    Size??? Can't say that TRT has done anything to add or take away. It has helped with the overall libido, but everything else has remained the same.

  3. #3
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    Tallahassee, Fl
    face it... if TRT helped with size this board wouldn't exist becuase there would be no need for questions or for people to determine "if" they should do TRT... ha ha... everyone would do it

  4. #4
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    Aug 2003
    This is a tricky question because if you have been gaining bodyfat over the years then yes the base of your shaft will begin to disappear beneath a layer of fat. Your lady wont notice a huge difference upon penetration but when just playing around it will look noticeably smaller.

    On TRT you can notice an increase in erection firmness and thus it looks like a beast again, plus the bodyfat dropping will aid in putting little billy back to his former glory.
    So I guess in a manor of speaking yes TRT can help, as an increased energy and motivation to drop bodyfat that is.

    Hit the treadmill hard and watch him come out to say "hello"

  5. #5
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    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    Just put it in a taffy stretcher for a few turns. Problem solved.

    On TRT I've had days when I could pound a rail road spike through a 2x4, and the wife even commented last night that she thought Jimmy might be bigger. I don't think so -- I think it's the fat loss thing making it seem a bit bigger. Combine that with the rigidity factor and I've got the ol' diamond cutter back from my college days.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    This is a tricky question because if you have been gaining bodyfat over the years then yes the base of your shaft will begin to disappear beneath a layer of fat. Your lady wont notice a huge difference upon penetration but when just playing around it will look noticeably smaller.

    On TRT you can notice an increase in erection firmness and thus it looks like a beast again, plus the bodyfat dropping will aid in putting little billy back to his former glory.
    So I guess in a manor of speaking yes TRT can help, as an increased energy and motivation to drop bodyfat that is.

    Hit the treadmill hard and watch him come out to say "hello"
    Thanks gentlemen, that seems to make sense. It's encouraging because I was afraid that years of LowT had might have done irreparable damage to my boy. Good to know some hard work and continued treatment should have me "back in form" in time. As far as*how* I ended up with LowT, I'd hypothesized one of the causes may have been the hard-core mountain biking I used to do on a pretty regular basis. There were times on some of the longer rides where my "twig and berrys" would get numb. This happened on a hand-full of occasions and I'd suspected I might have done some nerve damage however, with the TRT, I've definitely noticed an increase in sensitivity and feeling like normal again. Thank God!

  7. #7
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    Yup hit the HIIT cardio, pound the weights and knock the socks off the little lady for years and years!

  8. #8
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    i gained 12lbs of lean mass within a year on 200mgs test cyp

  9. #9
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    there is a correlation between length of your penis and loss of body fat.. you can see an increase in length if you lose visceral body fat (belly fat and fat around your pubis)..

    the more accurate description would be that your penis length doesn't actually change.. what changes is how much is hidden by body fat..

  10. #10
    Although your dick decreases in size a tiny percentage each year after you hit 40-50. I believe you can sustain your natural size with exercises. Google is your friend here.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    This is a tricky question because if you have been gaining bodyfat over the years then yes the base of your shaft will begin to disappear beneath a layer of fat. Your lady wont notice a huge difference upon penetration but when just playing around it will look noticeably smaller.

    On TRT you can notice an increase in erection firmness and thus it looks like a beast again, plus the bodyfat dropping will aid in putting little billy back to his former glory.
    So I guess in a manor of speaking yes TRT can help, as an increased energy and motivation to drop bodyfat that is.

    Hit the treadmill hard and watch him come out to say "hello"
    There must be a lot of truth to that. I started getting back in shape a little over 2 years ago. I was not obese or anything, just about 30+ lbs of fat gained over many years.

    Now that my body fat is low 12% my junk definatly looks bigger. I/we; the new GF and I where watching a video of me and an ex the other day and she said SEE!!! it's bigger now. LOL She has been saying/complaining for the last 6 months to a year that it's getting bigger.... LOL It did look a good 2in longer now compared to then...

    Loose the body fat if you have any, it helps. Ohhh yeah, shaving helps also LOL

  12. #12
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    There must be a lot of truth to that. I started getting back in shape a little over 2 years ago. I was not obese or anything, just about 30+ lbs of fat gained over many years.

    Now that my body fat is low 12% my junk definatly looks bigger. I/we; the new GF and I where watching a video of me and an ex the other day and she said SEE!!! it's bigger now. LOL She has been saying/complaining for the last 6 months to a year that it's getting bigger.... LOL It did look a good 2in longer now compared to then...

    Loose the body fat if you have any, it helps. Ohhh yeah, shaving helps also LOL
    fook, how'd you swing that one? lol

  13. #13
    My buddy swears by L-Arginine. He said it makes him swell up and look bigger. I googled it and it says it increase blood flow to the penis. It is actually referred to as a natural viagra. I bought a bottle, but just haven't tried it out yet.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    My buddy swears by L-Arginine. He said it makes him swell up and look bigger. I googled it and it says it increase blood flow to the penis. It is actually referred to as a natural viagra. I bought a bottle, but just haven't tried it out yet.
    Keep us posted, I'd be interested to hear what kind of results you get.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    My buddy swears by L-Arginine. He said it makes him swell up and look bigger. I googled it and it says it increase blood flow to the penis. It is actually referred to as a natural viagra. I bought a bottle, but just haven't tried it out yet.
    guess ur like me...dont need it

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    fook, how'd you swing that one? lol
    i was thinkin the same thing but some peeps are OPEN

  17. #17
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    Be careful when using Arginine. I've used it in the past to boost NO2 levels and after a couple of weeks have experienced problems. Only way I can explain it is similar in feeling to having an object lodged in my chest. The feeling tends to go away a week or two after discontinuing the arginine. I have a theory that acid reflux (in my case also caused by the arginine) may be bringing unabsorbed arginine back into the esophagus and causing irritation thus creating the issue. Also, sun exposure while taking arginine can bring on cold sores (if you have been exposed to the virus... which many folks have).

    The symptoms do not occur with products designed to increase NO2 levels by the leading supplement companies. The reason may be because they contain Arginine AKG which is designed to improve the absorption of the arginine. I've never had the aforementioned problem when using these products.

    Arginine as found in the supplement sections of pharmacy's or your local department store is cheap, but the discomfort it has caused me has reminded me quite often of the old saying... "You get what you pay for."

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