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Thread: 1st Cycle--What to expect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    1st Cycle--What to expect

    Just started my 1st cycle last week. I started at 152.4 lbs the day of inject #1. Today 1 week Later I am 158.0. This is first thing in the AM after I enter the gym. Here is the cycle I am currenty on keep in mind its my 1st and I don't want to go too crazy. But, of course I want crazy gains.

    Week#1- 400mg Deca & 25 mg dbol ed
    Week#2-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo(Galenika/YU)&30mg Dbol ed
    Week#3-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30mg Dbol ed
    Week#4-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30 mg Dbol ed
    Week#5-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30 mg Dbol Ed
    Week#6-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#7-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#8-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#9-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#10300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo

    Starting 21st day after last Inject 1*300mg clomid 10*100 & 10*50

    What do you guys think?? I originally had the cycle a little different. Like no testosterone and I got slammed for that one. But I read an article that said "If you can't grow on deca and dbol you can't grow at all". But after getting slammed for no test and scared of the "Deca Dick" I added 500 mg of test depot. I would like to drop the deca to 200 mg /week what do you guys think. What can I guy that currenty weighs 158 expect from a cycle like this. I'm shooting for 30-40 lbs. Is it possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Start the test in week 0ne Bro. IMO at 154 tou definately don't need that much gear for a first cycle ...but anyway 500mg/week/Test......300mg/week/deca..1-10......20-30mgday/dbol..1-4
    That is all u need trust me man! Good Luck I hope u have Novaldex or some kind of anti-e on hand cause u don't know how prone u are.....later!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I would like to do less gear my 1st time. But everything that these guys keep telling me is that I needed more gear. So I figured since that was the general consensus I would up the dose.

    Once again I am only 158 lbs right now. I was about 152-3 last week. How can I lower the dose and still be effective. I could not start the test the 1st week as I was planning on doing a Deca & Dbol only cycle and I id not have the test and I will not have till friday or Sat. Which will be one week since my 1st jab of deca. I have been told by several people that the advice I was given was incorrect. Deca-dick etc. So as I was advised I added 500 mg of test depot every week, and upped the deca to 300.

    What do you guys think??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You should have researched your first cycle a little better.You don't need that much gear for a first cycle.Who is telling you that you need more gear?
    You should have stuck with the Dbol/Deca or Dbol/Test.
    Anyway good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    You havn't provided age and training experience and you've already started so this post might be a moot point but anyway:

    Wk1-10 Test 400mg(at your weight, no more is needed)
    Wk1-10 Deca 300mg
    Wk1-3 Dbol 30mgED

    Clomid looks good

    Make sure to run 10mg Nolva throughout the cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Hey guys I am currently in week 5 and am now 172.5 lbs. That is 20.1 lbs up so far. I have stopped the dbol at week 4. As I see no need to take it any longer. I am 20 lbs up right now as i'm sure most is water. Started liquidex today(.25mg ed). I am going to mexico with a couple chicks the 22nd. Its kind of my last hoorah before I get married. Will the liquidex help me get cut up?? I know its there I just have a slight amount of bloat.

    Do you guys think it will be best to run this cycle 12 weeks??? Since I started the test in week 2 I will only have 9 weeks of the test ethanate. If not that I was thinking about starting 50mg winny eod weeks 9-12. And clomid starting week 13.

    Keep in mind this is my 1st cycle.
    Here's the deal

    Start weight 152.4 lbs

    End week 1 159.1
    End week 2 164.5
    End week 3 168.6
    End week 4 167.6

    Start of week 5 ***172.5lbs*** and the test should start kicking in any day now

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    how have ur strength gains progressed?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    He's going to Mexico with a couple chicks for a last hurrah before he gets married. Bawahaaahahaa!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The strength gains are amazing. I have been very happy with that. Although strength has never been the problem, its the weight in general. Since I have very little bodyfat, and am 6'3 or so I always look skinny. The mass is wghat I really want and the strength is coming along with that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by Gettin'Old
    He's going to Mexico with a couple chicks for a last hurrah before he gets married. Bawahaaahahaa!!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    This is no way meant as a flame Bro.. but you were 6"3 and only 152 pounds when you started the cycle ????

    How long had you been training at all mate?? and were things like ur diet etc even close to being in check before ya started??

    Think ya might have jumped to the dark side a tad too early...

    But also glad to see that the cycle is working well, so keep it up..


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    My diet was a bit off b4 i started but i had been training for about 2 years. It is just very very hard for me to gain. I think my test levels are always a bit low. One doctor had said they were low beofre but not low enuf to justify test therapy. Another doctor diagnosed me with depression. I of course feel great on cycle. I am now 188 pounds with about 3 weeks of test deca left and 6 weeks of winny which I just started. I am shooting for 40-45 lbs off this cycle and to keep about 30-35 post clomid. But oncer again i think the original doctor was right and it will probaly be harder for me to maintain the gains post cyclebeacuse of the lower test levels. But I am eating like a fucking cow and then eating some more . My bodyfat has gone up a bit but you can barely tell. up from 4.1% to about 6.3% and you can tell i have gained weight in a major way. My boss asked me today if he could get what i'm on and of course I said sure go to GNC and buy youself some creatine, protien a good muti-vit and some l-glutamine and you can do the same. I think he actually bought that line of bs.

    All I can say is I LOVE GEAR. All I can think about is maintaining the weight I have gained and planing my next cycle. Of course 3-4 months post clomid. I swear to god i will pull it out and start jerking off on the scale at the gym when I hit 200 lbs. Which you guys may laught(6'3" 200lbs) at but for a guy with my body comp and my metabolism its unbelievable as I have never been able to gain weight before.

    And I swear to god the ladies can smell that extra test OH MY FUCKING GOD can they.
    Last edited by GETTINBIGGER; 06-17-2003 at 09:15 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Oh and by the way that trip to mexico was a fucking blast.. Gotta love women that like each other. I loved playing volleyball when on this cycle i was so aggresive it was amazing jumping higher than ever before and spiking the ball like crazy. And i can finally 2 hand power dunk a basketball again, i guess those grueling calf workout 3x/week are working.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Awesome to see your results Bro.. Keep up the good work..

    152 to 188 is a huge jump mate.. must be exstatic... Have ya noticed anythings like stretch marks due to the huge growth in a very short time??

    Look forward to seeing some after pics if ya gonna put them up..


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I think I might have some by the pits but my woman says its probalby from tanning and it not tanning in the wrinkles. I'm still putting coco butter on them daily.

    Yes I am definately putting up pics as soon as I can get my digital back from the shop. One of the ladies got sand and water in it on the trip and it got fucked. I figure its only right to put up the pics as you guys were a major reason for my gains being as good as they were. Shit I almost did a deca only cycle. I would have had no dick for months.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    HAHAHA, yer then those two ladies in mexico wouldn't of been too much use to you

    Glad to see your putting pics up mate, I look forward to seeing them..


  17. #17
    WOW, you grew much more than my first cycle...
    6'3 25years old been lifting for 6-7 years.
    With good diet!

    178~190 then 2 months later off went to 186-188
    1-4wks 420 mg /prop
    1-4 wks 300 mg /deca
    4-8 wks 300 mg/ primo
    4-8 wks 50 mg /win EOD

    2nd cycle
    186-189 ....
    1-4wks 380 mg / ethanate
    1-4wks 240 mg/ deca
    4-6wks 300 mg / primo
    4-8wks 50 mg/ win EOD

    Only good thing i can say is all the muslce i typical gain is all muscle..
    Oh and my strength gains are waaay high.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The acne has started in a major way. Using retin-a every am and rubbing alcohol in the pm seems to be slowing it down at least. Its on my delts neck chest and even my cock. I freaked out and though I had and std the doc said it was probably the gear. Thank god, don't know how I would explain that one.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    There is a pretty reason why both your cycle's wern't very successful fitsimmons... And without trying to sound rude, they were both fairly poorly planned mate...

    Like running the prop for the first 4 weeks was the right idea.. and Winny for the 4 isn't bad either (could run it for 6 or so though)..

    But with the rest mate you havent run anything anywhere near long enough to get proper effect out of it.. For example.. You already stopped taking the Test E and Deca by the time it was just starting to take effect)..

    Definalty make sure ya do alot more research bro before attempting your third cycle, and it will then be alot more successful than your previous two..


  20. #20
    hmmm i've heard you shoudl never go for longer than 8 weeks?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Yeah bro number one thats not enough juice, number two theres no fast acting gear, number three shoulda ran it longer.

    Good luck GETTNBIGGER.

    Peace bros,


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