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Thread: Primo tabs/dbol Cycle tips after ten years off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Question Primo tabs/dbol Cycle tips after ten years off?

    After been out of the gym for a while I was now planning on getting back in again. Have primo tabs and some dbol, plus nolvadex, so I am wondering what the best 'cycle' is, to keep as much as possible of the gains. 6'6" and 240lbs, relatively lean. I know that there are better stacks, but this is all I got for now.

    My plan so far:
    30-35mg dbol/day for 8 Weeks
    200-250mg primo tabs/day 10 weeks
    20mg nolvadex/day 8 weeks

    Would appreciate some 'professional' input..

  2. #2
    chinups Guest
    That is the sickest cycle I have ever heard. I am by no means a pro but from what I have read over the last two yrs this is just not too advisible. noone really runs more then 4 wks of dbols and the reco. dosage for primo is 400 mg a wk. I think I will bump this to see if some of the knowledable bros can talk you out of this.


  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    I mean that is 1400 mg a wk of primo man if you do 200!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    ooops, suppose to be 20-25mg/day of primo

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    Well that sounds alot better but I would drop the dbol to 4 wks maybe 5 but wold do it for 4. Try stacking primo with winstrol or anavar. Those would be better combos..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    However, if I do 20-25mg/day, then it seems to be to low if the rec. is 400mg/w.
    Regarding the Dbols, many years ago a friend and I did russian dbols for 8 weeks straight, maybe that is why I am bolding now, hehe.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    stacking primo w/ anavar? Do you get some mass doing that? Or do you just become hard and lean? I need mass.

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    primo and anavar would be ideal for someone in the 8-12% BF range. It will get you hard/lean/vascular...I would say more of a cutting agent. Although I beleive with a good diet you can do anything you want, the diet is the best steriod you can take.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    There isn't enough test in that cycle.

  10. #10
    chinups Guest
    Test is not mandatory Rickson. I will admit that it is prob the best steroid but by no means mandatory. IMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The 250mg of primo tabs ed is a good dose, you can go up to 300mg ed with tabs. You add that and anavar together, you better have lots of cash.

    Do 250-500mg of test a week, you'll save money and get some nice gains.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by chinups
    Test is not mandatory Rickson. I will admit that it is prob the best steroid but by no means mandatory. IMO
    Of course its mandatory. Who filled your head with crazy thoughts that it wasn't.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think Test is pretty much mandatory too.
    Although I have seen ppl cut very well from a Eq/Winny cycle.

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