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Thread: Raoul Moat on the run in the UK media say he's a "steroid addict"

  1. #1
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    Raoul Moat on the run in the UK media say he's a "steroid addict"

    Rauol Moat is currently on the run in the UK near Newcastle after killing his ex's current boyfriend, shooting her (she's stilla live) and attempting to kill a police officer (he's still alive).

    I think its fair to say this fella has lost his nut after his girlfriend going off with someone else when he was inside...

    However, the media have started blaming it on "steroids" and him being a "steroid addict".

    This is some of the garbage that is in the papers today (06/0710).

    Raoul Moat's steroid use may have increased his rage

    By Steve Myall 6/07/2010

    Heavy steroid users such as Raoul Moat have a tendency to explode in violent rages, according to medical researchers.

    Moat was addicted to the drugs and prone to unpredictable anger. So strong are the links between bodybuilding drugs and violence that the condition is known as "roid rage".

    There are also parallels between Moat's alleged rampage and the 2003 murder of Leeds policeman Ian Broadhurst by bodybuilder David Bieber. anabolic steroids are used to build muscle by flooding the body with the hormone testosterone.

    This causes disturbing physical side-effects, from acne and breast development to shrunken testicles, and heart attacks. In the 1970s anecdotal evidence began to suggest high doses could provoke aggression, reckless behaviour and euphoria. a 2008 US study in the american Journal of Public Health found young men on steroids were more prone to violence.

    Read more:

    The Facebook page, showing more than 80 friends, many of them apparently body-builders or working in the nightclub trade, was shut down this afternoon.********-crime

    Control freak and his reign of terror: Pumped full of steroids, sword-wielding club bouncer Moat thought he was irresistible
    By Paul Sims

    Raoul Moat is an unpredictable control freak with a violent temper who snaps without warning, say friends and family.

    The 6ft-plus ex-nightclub bouncer, who is addicted to steroids and anti-depressants, is so paranoid that he wired his house up with CCTV cameras and microphones, neighbours said.

    He was caught by police carrying a serrated steel knuckle duster and a terrifying 5ft long Samurai sword and has links to Newcastle gangsters.
    But Samantha Stobbart was almost blind to his serious flaws, said her half sister, Kelly, 27.

    'Sam thought he was the bee's knees,' she said yesterday.

    'Her problem was that she could not see above Raoul's chest. He's all muscles, rippling biceps, six pack.

    'He's all chest but he had a tiny waist and could fit into a pair of my size eight jeans. He thinks he's God's gift but he's the most ugly thing I have seen.'
    She said Moat, a teetotaller, was incredibly vain, using steroids to enhance his figure and injecting himself with tanning drugs to stay brown.

    He would also wander around the supermarket with skin-tight jeans and sleeveless t-shirts, thinking all the girls were loving it.'

    Kelly said that Moat had a jealous personality and that he and Samantha would frequently row. She would then flee and stay with family members but Moat would sweet talk her into returning home.

    'He'd come round and soft soap her and she'd disappear off and then we'd not hear from her for days because we knew she'd gone back to him and she knew we'd tell her she was a fool for doing it,' she said.

    In a picture from his Facebook page, Raoul Moat shows off the muscles and small waist that he is said to be obsessed with
    Samantha Stobbart's grandmother said the couple split up on a number of occasions after violent outbursts motivated by jealousy.

    Agnes Hornsby, 69, told how Moat turned up at her house in Gateshead one evening last year wielding a gun as he believed Miss Stobbart was with another man.

    'He threatened us with a gun when she was here,' she said. 'All because she'd put on her Facebook that she was going out with a friend.

    'He came here and said, "You've got a man in there" and I said, "There's no men in this house, it's me, Sam and Chanel (Miss Stobbart's daughter).

    'He had a gun then and he was out there for about two hours and she was on the phone to him trying to calm him down.'

    Mrs Hornsby said she told Moat she would report him to the police, but he replied: 'If you phone the police I'll get some of them before they get me.'

    Danielle Atkinson, a neighbour of Moat in Fenham, Newcastle, said: 'He was very paranoid and dead jealous. He has cameras all round the house and they pick up people's voices.'

    Born in 1973, Moat was brought up by his grandmother in Newcastle's deprived West End, a few doors away from his parents, Josephine and Brian.

    He went on to Stocksfield Primary School in Fenham and then Rutherford High School before leaving at 16.

    After that he worked as a panel beater and a nightclub bouncer in Newcastle's notorious Bigg Market, and also set up in business as a tree surgeon named Mr Trimit.
    But over the years he also became known for his links to the criminal underworld in the city and he was well known to the police. Father-of-three Tony Laidler, 35, said he had known Moat since they were children.
    The pair later worked alongside each other on the doors in Newcastle until Moat lost his accreditation several years ago after being convicted of a violent crime. He had since served several prison sentences.

    He also claimed his friend felt he had suffered harassment from the police.

    'He felt the police would never leave him alone and that he was getting grief from all sides,' he said.

    'He was so sick of the police. He said they had been round him all the time and had been for years.

    'He was so angry with them that at one stage he said he'd even put cameras up on his house so he could film them if they came knocking on his door.'

    But he added: 'He'll never give himself up to the police. That is the last thing he would ever do and he'll go all out to avoid being caught.

    'He's been in prison enough to know that he won't want that again so he'll be away on his toes.'
    Moat faced court in 2005 after he was caught carrying a serrated steel knuckle duster and a terrifying 5ft long Samurai sword.
    He was stopped by police as he drove a borrowed Mitsubishi Colt through Newcastle. Officers who searched the car discovered the cobra-headed sword stashed in the boot and a eight-inch-wide, twin bladed knuckle duster hidden in a 'secret compartment' beneath the dashboard.
    Moat said the sword belonged to him but denied knowing the knuckle duster was hidden beneath the dashboard and claimed it must have been put there by someone else.

    He was also well known to Newcastle's Public Protection Unit. They had dealt with several domestic incidents involving Moat.

    At the heart of each family dispute was his violent temper.

    Kelly Stobbart added: 'He's threatened everyone in our family. He put my windows through once after arguing with Sam.'

    Chillingly she warned: 'He wants a stand-off with the police, so they'll either have to shoot him in the knees or kill him.

    'He's a nutter and he's definitely not going to give himself up.'

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    Honestly, where do they get this shit?

    I just heard on the poresenter on Sky News saying the, "Steroids may effect his frame of mind and make him seseptable to violent outbursts...".

    More here:

  2. #2
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    I've been following this story.

    According to the media, this guy wants to go out in a blaze of glory taking as many coppers as possible. The sister of his dead girlfriend claims he is a "steroid nut" and also takes injections to help with getting a tan.

  3. #3
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    Steroids are correctly linked to violence. People have killed other people due to anger resulting from steroid abuse. (aka roid rage). Its a hard fact to admit to, true, especially by everyone here but if yuo have ever done a single cycle of test (like me) you know the anger issues are all true.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoth View Post
    Steroids are correctly linked to violence. People have killed other people due to anger resulting from steroid abuse. (aka roid rage). Its a hard fact to admit to, true, especially by everyone here but if yuo have ever done a single cycle of test (like me) you know the anger issues are all true.
    You dont think I have ever done a "single cycle of test" and I'm a staff member here young Skywalker?

    I actually looked at the latest research on this and have been for the past 2 hours or so and my findings were infact worrying. Although one of the largest studies was not a completely controlled setting ie; the results were gathered by how the user felt (self reports). It wasnt done using set behavioural models examined by experts. They simply asked the steroid user's questions on whether they felt more aggressive or not.

    I looked at alot more data and it seemed to state AAS can induce aggressive behaviour in males.

    Although there are also studies stating it causes no such behavioural change(s).

  5. #5
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    Do steroids make you more aggressive? I would say yes to that as would most people I would think. But more to the point of slapping your girl in the heat of an argument or beating up a guy maybe, not going out and killing someone. Thats usually a premeditated thing and IMO you were already capable of doing something like that long before steroids. This is always going to be the case when things like this happen. The guy offs some people..."Oh, and he was on steroids too! Well, no wonder he did it! Its the steroids fault because if he wasnt on steroids then by God he would have been a model citizen!"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoth View Post
    Steroids are correctly linked to violence. People have killed other people due to anger resulting from steroid abuse. (aka roid rage). Its a hard fact to admit to, true, especially by everyone here but if yuo have ever done a single cycle of test (like me) you know the anger issues are all true.
    Strange, ive run many test cycles and never suffered anger issues...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
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    Business as usual yeah?
    why do steroids if your gonna be a vagina and shoot people

    should have run sust 250

  8. #8
    mabi the guy who thought sust made him a better fighter should take what this guy is taking

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Strange, ive run many test cycles and never suffered anger issues...
    I have to agree, if anything im alot calmer whilst on cycle.

  10. #10
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    Im far more composed while on cycle. I have aggression issues and have so most of my life. While cycling I tend to be in a better midset and far less likely to do anything "violent" as a result. Hell I even broke up with my girlfriend a couple weeks back and wouldnt even bother getting drawn into an argument that I probably would have if off cycle.

    With people misconceptions of steroid use, it is extrememly easy for the media to say "roids did this" and the common person will say "yes, that makes sense"... does it? really?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Strange, ive run many test cycles and never suffered anger issues...
    Yep....same here!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoth View Post
    Steroids are correctly linked to violence. People have killed other people due to anger resulting from steroid abuse. (aka roid rage). Its a hard fact to admit to, true, especially by everyone here but if yuo have ever done a single cycle of test (like me) you know the anger issues are all true.
    Can you point me in the direction of the data you are aware of that supports that statement?

    AAS may be able to increase aggression and cause behavioural changes, but they dont kill people.

    I bet you think they cause cancer, heart failure and liver cancer too dont you?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I bet you think they cause cancer, heart failure and liver cancer too dont you?
    is it from the bigger, stronger, faster documentary that my favorite comment comes from..... "...if steroids are proven to be so hazardous to your health and linked to countless deaths, where are the bodies?"

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    is it from the bigger, stronger, faster documentary that my favorite comment comes from..... "...if steroids are proven to be so hazardous to your health and linked to countless deaths, where are the bodies?"
    My grandmother said to me yesterday, "he's crazy because he takes all those steroids". She read it in the Daily Mail.

    Then you have documentary's such as 'The Man's the Arms Exploded' about Greg Valentino and you get some idiot on there stating they cause cancer's and heart attacks and are a "ticking time bomb" and you'll get those effects "years and years later".

    Another idiot trying to be an authority on AAS without a Danny.

  15. #15
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    Truth is this guy was a dickhead before he cycled, steroids just made him an even bigger dickhead

  16. #16
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    This is one of the largest studies done on young males taking AAS and their behavioural changes, but read the limitations at the bottom.

    Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use and Involvement in Violent Behavior in a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adult Males in the United States

    Kevin M. Beaver, PhD; Michael G. Vaughn, PhD; Matt DeLisi, PhD; John Paul Wright,PhD

    Authors and Disclosures

    Posted: 01/30/2009; American Journal of Public Health. 2008;98(12):2185-2187. © 2008 American Public Health Association

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    Abstract and Introduction
    Abstract and Introduction

    We examined the effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid use on serious violent behavior. Multivariate models based on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (N=6823) were used to examine the association between lifetime and past-year self-reported anabolic-androgenic steroid use and involvement in violent acts. Compared with individuals who did not use steroids, young adult males who used anabolic-androgenic steroids reported greater involvement in violent behaviors after we controlled for the effects of key demographic variables, previous violent behavior, and polydrug use.

    Anabolic-androgenic steroids are muscle-building synthetic compounds closely related to male sex hormones and legally available only by prescription. Although attention has focused on professional athletes, evidence from national surveys indicates that adolescents and young adults also are using these substances.[1] The dramatic physical changes and resultant consequences of anabolic-androgenic steroid use are well documented; however, the behavioral and emotional effects of steroid use, although of interest,[2-6] have not been as thoroughly researched. Elevations in testosterone stemming from anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse have led researchers to examine purported links to aggressive and violent behaviors, and several studies have shown an association between anabolic-androgenic steroid use and increased aggression and violence[4,5,7-12] including homicide.[13] Some reports, however, have failed to identify links to aggressive behavior.[14-16]

    We examined the empirical relation between anabolic-androgenic steroid use and involvement in different types of violent behavior (e.g., shooting or stabbing someone) in a nationally representative sample of young adult males. We hypothesized that respondents who used anabolic-androgenic steroids would self-report greater involvement in a variety of violent acts after we controlled for substance use and demographic factors.

    We analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Detailed information about the Add Health data and the sampling design is available elsewhere.[17,18] Briefly, the Add Health is a nationally representative sample of American students who were enrolled in 7th through 12th grade in 1994. Three waves of data were collected (2 in adolescence and 1 in early adulthood) on more than 20000 participants. In total, the data span nearly 7 years of human development.

    We measured anabolic-androgenic steroid use in 2 ways. First, during wave 3 interviews, respondents were asked whether they had ever used anabolic-androgenic steroids during their life (0=no; 1=yes). Second, during wave 3 interviews, respondents were asked whether they had used anabolic-androgenic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs during the previous 12 months (0=no; 1=yes). Overall, 2.6% of the males had used anabolic-androgenic steroids at least once in their life, and 2.3% had used anabolic-androgenic steroids in the previous year. The prevalence rates were much lower for females (0.9% for lifetime use and 0.4% for previous year); thus, we restricted the analyses to males only.

    The dependent variable was self-reported violent behavior assessed through 8 questions asked at wave 3. This scale is similar to violence measures used previously[19] and captures involvement in acts of serious violence, such as physical fighting (α = .67). Three sets of control variables were also included. First, a 7-item wave-2 violent behavior scale (α = .74) was included to help control for underlying antisocial propensities. Second, a wave-3 polydrug-use scale was included to help isolate the effect of steroids from that of other drugs (α = .61). Third, models also were adjusted for age (measured in years) and race (0 = White; 1 = minority).

    We examined the association between anabolic-androgenic steroid use and violent delinquency by estimating negative binomial regression equations to take into account the severe skewness of the dependent variable (skewness statistic = 4.56).

    Table 1 provides estimates of the relation between lifetime anabolic-androgenic steroid use and violence. Model 1 shows that males who had used anabolic-androgenic steroids at least once in their life reported greater involvement in violent behavior compared with males who reported never using anabolic-androgenic steroids. This association remained even after we controlled for violence at wave 2 (model 2), polydrug use at wave 3 (model 3), and the combined effect of both measures (model 4).

    Table 2 provides estimates of the relation between past-year anabolic-androgenic steroid use and violence. Males who used anabolic-androgenic steroids in the previous year scored significantly higher on the violence scale in comparison with males who had not used anabolic-androgenic steroids in the previous year, after the effects of wave-2 violence (model 2), polydrug use at wave 3 (model 3), and the combined effect of both measures (model 4) were controlled.

    Table 1 provides estimates of the relation between lifetime anabolic-androgenic steroid use and violence. Model 1 shows that males who had used anabolic-androgenic steroids at least once in their life reported greater involvement in violent behavior compared with males who reported never using anabolic-androgenic steroids. This association remained even after we controlled for violence at wave 2 (model 2), polydrug use at wave 3 (model 3), and the combined effect of both measures (model 4).

    Table 2 provides estimates of the relation between past-year anabolic-androgenic steroid use and violence. Males who used anabolic-androgenic steroids in the previous year scored significantly higher on the violence scale in comparison with males who had not used anabolic-androgenic steroids in the previous year, after the effects of wave-2 violence (model 2), polydrug use at wave 3 (model 3), and the combined effect of both measures (model 4) were controlled.

    Our results suggest that the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is related to heightened levels of violent behaviors. However, limitations must be considered. First, the measures of anabolic-androgenic steroid use were based on self-reports, not on direct measures as have been used by previous researchers.[8] Another limitation of our study was that the measures of violent behavior were drawn from self-reports, which necessarily raises the question of whether the reports were reliable and accurate. With these limitations in mind, the current research suggests that the media attention and public concern surrounding anabolic-androgenic steroid use may be justified given its association with violence among males in the United States.

    1.Johnston LD, O'Malley PM, Bachman JG, Schulenberg JE. Overall, illicit drug use by American teens continues gradual decline in 2007 [press release]. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan News Service; December 11, 2007.
    2.Bahrke MS. Psychological and behavioral effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Int J Sp Exerc Psychol. 2005;4:428–445.
    3.Pagonis TA, Angelopoulos NV, Koukoulis GN, Hadjichristodoulou CS. Psychiatric side effects induced by supraphysiological doses of combinations of anabolic steroids correlate to the severity of abuse. Eur Psychiatry. 2006;21:551–562.
    4.Skarberg K, Engstrom I. Troubled social background of male anabolic-androgenic steroid abusers in treatment. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2007;2:20.
    5.Trenton AJ, Currier GW. Behavioural manifestations of anabolic steroid use. CNS Drugs. 2005;19:571–595.
    6.Wood RI. Anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence? Insights from animals and humans. Front Neuroendocrinol. Published online January 3, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2007.12.002.
    7.Conacher GN, Workman DG. Violent crime possibly associated with anabolic steroid use. Am J Psychiatry. 1989;146:679.
    8.Klötz F, Garle M, Granath F, Thiblin I. Criminality among individuals testing positive for the presence of anabolic androgenic steroids. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63:1274–1279.
    9.Pope HG, Katz DL. Affective and psychotic symptoms associated with anabolic steroid use. Am J Psychiatry. 1988;145:487–490.
    10.Schulte HM, Hall MJ, Boyer M. Domestic violence associated with anabolic steroid abuse. Am J Psychiatry. 1993;150:348.
    11.Thiblin I, Kristiansson M, Rajs J. Anabolic androgenic steroids and behavioral patterns among violent offenders. J Forensic Psychiatry. 1997;8:299–310.
    12.Thiblin I, Parlklo T. Anabolic androgenic steroids and violence. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2002;412:125–128.
    13.Pope HG, Katz DL. Homicide and near-homicide by anabolic steroid users. J Clin Psychiatry. 1990;51:28–31.
    14.Bahsin S, Storer TW, Berman N, et al. The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men. N Engl J Med. 1996;335:1–7.
    15.Yates WR, Perry PJ, MacIndoe J, et al. Psychosexual effects of three doses of testosterone cycling in normal men: a controlled personality study. Biol Psychiatry. 1999;45:254–260.
    16.Pope HG, Kouri EM, Hudson JI. Effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on mood and aggression in normal men: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000;57:133–140.
    17.Harris KM, Florey F, Tabor J, et al. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: study design. Available at: Accessed March 1, 2007.
    18.Resnick MD, Bearman PS, Blum RW, et al. Protecting adolescents from harm: findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. JAMA. 1997;278:823–832.
    19.Guo G, Roettger ME, Shih JC. Contributions of the DAT1 and DRD2 genes to serious and violent delinquency among adolescents and young adults. Hum Genet. 2007;121:125–136.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Truth is this guy was a dickhead before he cycled, steroids just made him an even bigger dickhead
    Completely agree.

    He's a headcase, but AAS may have made him worse.

  18. #18
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    Makes me wonder "who" are the studied individuals... lets say you take someone from a violent area in America. Chances are they cycled to not be small and a little more intimidating. They were the same person before they cycled, just with the added mass and inflated ego, I would not doubt that they were more likely to do something were strength, intimidation, violence may be required. Who really knows.

    Ive seen far more deaths, fights, violence as a result of alcohol. Im not trying to overlook a potential "problem" with steroids affecting the behavior of todays youth, but I would love to see a controlled study done, not one which uses "opinions" over fact

  19. #19
    Maybe he was on a high dose of Tren/Mast lol. (no test ) That would definitely bring the aggression out in anyone!


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post

    Ive seen far more deaths, fights, violence as a result of alcohol. Im not trying to overlook a potential "problem" with steroids affecting the behavior of todays youth, but I would love to see a controlled study done, not one which uses "opinions" over fact
    I have family members dead over alcohol and have had my share of problems with it. Some people can get by with it and seem to come out ok but for others its their ultimate demise. Its many times more dangerous than weed or aas but you'll never see it banned for long because its a part of history going back to Jesus and before him even (not trying to bring religion in just saying).

  21. #21
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Im far more composed while on cycle. I have aggression issues and have so most of my life. While cycling I tend to be in a better midset and far less likely to do anything "violent" as a result. Hell I even broke up with my girlfriend a couple weeks back and wouldnt even bother getting drawn into an argument that I probably would have if off cycle.

    With people misconceptions of steroid use, it is extrememly easy for the media to say "roids did this" and the common person will say "yes, that makes sense"... does it? really?
    right on thats me 100%....i fell so good on test that how can i not be in a good mood and of course going off in public just causes unwanted attention for yourself.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I have family members dead over alcohol and have had my share of problems with it. Some people can get by with it and seem to come out ok but for others its their ultimate demise. Its many times more dangerous than weed or aas but you'll never see it banned for long because its a part of history going back to Jesus and before him even (not trying to bring religion in just saying).
    you're absolutely right. And in Canada, the average amount of tax on each bottle is 350% of the actual bottles cost. Good luck getting the gov't to get rid of that while looking out for "we, the little people"

  23. #23
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    dont ask for a source thx
    canadia is a strange place.....not that the USA is any better....we all fuked up too...

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    canadia is a strange place.....not that the USA is any better....we all fuked up too...
    giant melting pot north america is... we should just make the continent like mexico and then gear would be free and the world would be a better place.

  25. #25
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    So where the f*ck is Raoul Moat then...?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    So where the f*ck is Raoul Moat then...?
    He is behind you

  27. #27
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    I will be very surprised if they catch him alive, he must know that he's going to be spending the rest of his life in jail...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  28. #28
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    Steroids make people going on shooting sprees?

    We all know steroids make baby girls.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    He is behind you
    He is aswell.

    He's covered in nettles and shit... Jeez.

    I asked him where he's been?

    He said he's been playing cat and mouse with a big cat...

    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I will be very surprised if they catch him alive, he must know that he's going to be spending the rest of his life in jail...
    Well. Whats he got on him.

    1 murder, 2 counts of attempted murder, 1 on a police man (that will put you away fro 20+ years alone), 2 counts of kidnap (if they were actually kidnapped...).

    Yeah... He wont see freedom again I dont think. Not a chance.

  30. #30
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    They will have to kill him, he said that he wants a police death so he has to be shot by police and killed!! he will just keep shooting until he is shot and killed!! im still waiting for someone to bring up chris benoit here

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Steroids make people going on shooting sprees?.
    Duh... all postal employees are AAS users, that explains it as well as all of Americas problems.. Steroids are ruining the morals and ethics of american citizens and we need to put a stop to it... NOW

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post

    Well. Whats he got on him.

    1 murder, 2 counts of attempted murder, 1 on a police man (that will put you away fro 20+ years alone), 2 counts of kidnap (if they were actually kidnapped...).

    Yeah... He wont see freedom again I dont think. Not a chance.
    Murder with a gun now carries 30+ years but the attempted murder on old bill will seal it....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  33. #33
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    This is nonsense. Almost as ridiculous as stating Chris Benoit murdered his wife and kids because of steroid use, totally discounting the large amount of alcohol and benzodiazepines that he consumed shortly before that. People have committed similar atrocities on alcohol alone. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are drugs which readily cross the blood-brain barrier and exert a direct effect on neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Testosterone while somewhat involved in brain chemistry, does not exert an immediate measureable effect on brain chemistry. It does have a culmulative effect on MOOD. However, effecting a persons mood will not motivate them to commit assaults and murders. People who commit such crimes are usually deeply disturbed prior to any exogenous hormones or drugs. Those with pre-existing conditions can have their symptoms exacerbated by the use of drugs, but it is far from being the sole motivating factor behind their actions.

    On a side note...Guns are illegal in England, so isn't it completely IMPOSSIBLE that this guy had a gun? I mean they are against the law, he should be obeying the law right???

    "When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns"

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    This is nonsense. Almost as ridiculous as stating Chris Benoit murdered his wife and kids because of steroid use, totally discounting the large amount of alcohol and benzodiazepines that he consumed shortly before that.
    not too mention he had a medical chart of head trauma 13 pages long... that must have been the gear as well...

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    This is nonsense. Almost as ridiculous as stating Chris Benoit murdered his wife and kids because of steroid use, totally discounting the large amount of alcohol and benzodiazepines that he consumed shortly before that. People have committed similar atrocities on alcohol alone. Alcohol and benzodiazepines are drugs which readily cross the blood-brain barrier and exert a direct effect on neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Testosterone while somewhat involved in brain chemistry, does not exert an immediate measureable effect on brain chemistry. It does have a culmulative effect on MOOD. However, effecting a persons mood will not motivate them to commit assaults and murders. People who commit such crimes are usually deeply disturbed prior to any exogenous hormones or drugs. Those with pre-existing conditions can have their symptoms exacerbated by the use of drugs, but it is far from being the sole motivating factor behind their actions.

    On a side note...Guns are illegal in England, so isn't it completely IMPOSSIBLE that this guy had a gun? I mean they are against the law, he should be obeying the law right???

    "When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns"
    Guns are illegal in the UK however you may apply for a gun licence and get one. Only a few weeks ago a taxi driver went on the rampage with a number of guns he had a license for..

    In this case however theres no way this guy had a licence, he had only just been released from jail. Even though guns are illegal they are very easily accessible..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    why do steroids if your gonna be a vagina and shoot people

    should have run sust 250
    LMAOOO....he could've killed everyone by hand and then some! Especially if they were in the process of stealing his car.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Guns are illegal in the UK however you may apply for a gun licence and get one. Only a few weeks ago a taxi driver went on the rampage with a number of guns he had a license for..

    In this case however theres no way this guy had a licence, he had only just been released from jail. Even though guns are illegal they are very easily accessible..
    It's my understanding the handguns are completely outlawed in England, and a citizen may only possess a long gun, and then under several restrictions even in the home. The fact that you mention guns are 'easily accessible' to criminals is the key problem with gun bans, THEY DONT WORK. All that they do is disarm the law abiding citizens, whilst the criminals obtain and use guns regardless of the laws. This means that citizens must be at the mercy of criminals, with no viable means to defend themselves against attackers because they have been disarmed. Your country obviously does not trust you enough with such a weapon, you citizens are mere pee-ons in the eyes of your government. It is not the police's job to protect you, that is not their mandate, most of their time is spent solving crimes AFTER the fact.

    "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

  38. #38
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    I believe its ignorant to say steroids cause an increase in aggression in all users, however though it does take place in some people.

    for example from BG's interview

    marcus300; Have AAS changed you at all?

    BG: Fuc'd up my work life. Tren made me crazy, lost a few jobs, almost lost my girl, got kicked off of here. I still cant get a good job around here, all the big companies are afraid of me, I was a time bomb.

    Tren gave me nitemares, I would wake up so mad I couldn't lay next to my wife, I would drive my car to the job site and sleep the rest of the nite there
    Last edited by stevey_6t9; 07-07-2010 at 01:33 AM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    So where the f*ck is Raoul Moat then...?
    He's living with mad matt in a tent in

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    He's living with mad matt in a tent in
    He's not, i threw him out..

    He claimed he thought my penis was his gun...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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