Rauol Moat is currently on the run in the UK near Newcastle after killing his ex's current boyfriend, shooting her (she's stilla live) and attempting to kill a police officer (he's still alive).
I think its fair to say this fella has lost his nut after his girlfriend going off with someone else when he was inside...
However, the media have started blaming it on "steroids" and him being a "steroid addict".
This is some of the garbage that is in the papers today (06/0710).
Raoul Moat's steroid use may have increased his rage
By Steve Myall 6/07/2010
Heavy steroid users such as Raoul Moat have a tendency to explode in violent rages, according to medical researchers.
Moat was addicted to the drugs and prone to unpredictable anger. So strong are the links between bodybuilding drugs and violence that the condition is known as "roid rage".
There are also parallels between Moat's alleged rampage and the 2003 murder of Leeds policeman Ian Broadhurst by bodybuilder David Bieber. anabolic steroids are used to build muscle by flooding the body with the hormone testosterone.
This causes disturbing physical side-effects, from acne and breast development to shrunken testicles, and heart attacks. In the 1970s anecdotal evidence began to suggest high doses could provoke aggression, reckless behaviour and euphoria. a 2008 US study in the american Journal of Public Health found young men on steroids were more prone to violence.
Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-sto...#ixzz0su5kHYJW
The Facebook page, showing more than 80 friends, many of them apparently body-builders or working in the nightclub trade, was shut down this afternoon.
Control freak and his reign of terror: Pumped full of steroids, sword-wielding club bouncer Moat thought he was irresistible
By Paul Sims
Raoul Moat is an unpredictable control freak with a violent temper who snaps without warning, say friends and family.
The 6ft-plus ex-nightclub bouncer, who is addicted to steroids and anti-depressants, is so paranoid that he wired his house up with CCTV cameras and microphones, neighbours said.
He was caught by police carrying a serrated steel knuckle duster and a terrifying 5ft long Samurai sword and has links to Newcastle gangsters.
But Samantha Stobbart was almost blind to his serious flaws, said her half sister, Kelly, 27.
'Sam thought he was the bee's knees,' she said yesterday.
'Her problem was that she could not see above Raoul's chest. He's all muscles, rippling biceps, six pack.
'He's all chest but he had a tiny waist and could fit into a pair of my size eight jeans. He thinks he's God's gift but he's the most ugly thing I have seen.'
She said Moat, a teetotaller, was incredibly vain, using steroids to enhance his figure and injecting himself with tanning drugs to stay brown.
He would also wander around the supermarket with skin-tight jeans and sleeveless t-shirts, thinking all the girls were loving it.'
Kelly said that Moat had a jealous personality and that he and Samantha would frequently row. She would then flee and stay with family members but Moat would sweet talk her into returning home.
'He'd come round and soft soap her and she'd disappear off and then we'd not hear from her for days because we knew she'd gone back to him and she knew we'd tell her she was a fool for doing it,' she said.
In a picture from his Facebook page, Raoul Moat shows off the muscles and small waist that he is said to be obsessed with
Samantha Stobbart's grandmother said the couple split up on a number of occasions after violent outbursts motivated by jealousy.
Agnes Hornsby, 69, told how Moat turned up at her house in Gateshead one evening last year wielding a gun as he believed Miss Stobbart was with another man.
'He threatened us with a gun when she was here,' she said. 'All because she'd put on her Facebook that she was going out with a friend.
'He came here and said, "You've got a man in there" and I said, "There's no men in this house, it's me, Sam and Chanel (Miss Stobbart's daughter).
'He had a gun then and he was out there for about two hours and she was on the phone to him trying to calm him down.'
Mrs Hornsby said she told Moat she would report him to the police, but he replied: 'If you phone the police I'll get some of them before they get me.'
Danielle Atkinson, a neighbour of Moat in Fenham, Newcastle, said: 'He was very paranoid and dead jealous. He has cameras all round the house and they pick up people's voices.'
Born in 1973, Moat was brought up by his grandmother in Newcastle's deprived West End, a few doors away from his parents, Josephine and Brian.
He went on to Stocksfield Primary School in Fenham and then Rutherford High School before leaving at 16.
After that he worked as a panel beater and a nightclub bouncer in Newcastle's notorious Bigg Market, and also set up in business as a tree surgeon named Mr Trimit.
But over the years he also became known for his links to the criminal underworld in the city and he was well known to the police. Father-of-three Tony Laidler, 35, said he had known Moat since they were children.
The pair later worked alongside each other on the doors in Newcastle until Moat lost his accreditation several years ago after being convicted of a violent crime. He had since served several prison sentences.
He also claimed his friend felt he had suffered harassment from the police.
'He felt the police would never leave him alone and that he was getting grief from all sides,' he said.
'He was so sick of the police. He said they had been round him all the time and had been for years.
'He was so angry with them that at one stage he said he'd even put cameras up on his house so he could film them if they came knocking on his door.'
But he added: 'He'll never give himself up to the police. That is the last thing he would ever do and he'll go all out to avoid being caught.
'He's been in prison enough to know that he won't want that again so he'll be away on his toes.'
Moat faced court in 2005 after he was caught carrying a serrated steel knuckle duster and a terrifying 5ft long Samurai sword.
He was stopped by police as he drove a borrowed Mitsubishi Colt through Newcastle. Officers who searched the car discovered the cobra-headed sword stashed in the boot and a eight-inch-wide, twin bladed knuckle duster hidden in a 'secret compartment' beneath the dashboard.
Moat said the sword belonged to him but denied knowing the knuckle duster was hidden beneath the dashboard and claimed it must have been put there by someone else.
He was also well known to Newcastle's Public Protection Unit. They had dealt with several domestic incidents involving Moat.
At the heart of each family dispute was his violent temper.
Kelly Stobbart added: 'He's threatened everyone in our family. He put my windows through once after arguing with Sam.'
Chillingly she warned: 'He wants a stand-off with the police, so they'll either have to shoot him in the knees or kill him.
'He's a nutter and he's definitely not going to give himself up.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz0su76yZow
Honestly, where do they get this shit?
I just heard on the poresenter on Sky News saying the, "Steroids may effect his frame of mind and make him seseptable to violent outbursts...".
More here: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sourc...90f0351a245477