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Thread: aggression,roid rages ??? something there

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    aggression,roid rages ??? something there

    there have been many posts about roid rage,aggression and tempers while on juice...there are many different opinions on weather or not this happens or is true.

    i really dont believe in "roid rage" like portrayed in the movies where you have this incredible,uncontrolable anger(the hulk),but i do believe changes happen

    i have been off gear for awhile and made these realizations while being clean---not much sex drive--2-3 times per week and i was ok,not as much confidence and not near as much anger...things didnt really bother me much or piss me off and not much temper.

    i have been on test and eq 2 weeks now and i have noticed these things---sex drive blowing roof off--thinking about it alot now,confidence back at full speed and temper/fuse is very short...everything is aggitating me. will i "roid rage"--no i believe that is an excuse people use to blow your top , go off on people and cause damage ----but i will say this
    testostrone does increase aggression,sex drive and temper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    agreed, i cant stop thinking of sex! EVERY girl i see i just want to hump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You have androgen receptors all over your body - brain too. And it is a fact that AAS causes an increase in agression (as well as some causing an increase in sex drive for both sexes).

    Highly androgenic gear like testosterone and trenbolone seem to be the biggest links to agression. But it is no excuse - if someone can't contain their emotions or are implusive by nature, they shouldn't use.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i 2nd what warrior said!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Yeah, true.

    Steroids "boost" your natural character, if you have naturally violent behaviour it gets worse etc.

    Users must control theirselves or then skip roids.

    (Just noticed, 300. post )
    Last edited by fast; 06-17-2003 at 04:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    the thing I notice when Im on is that I get more anxious and restless and that inturn makes me more easily agitated.
    That and the pussy cravings combined can sometimes be a pain in the ass. But a good spanking session always helps
    So everytime I find myself crawling the walls from pussy cravings and anxiety I just calmly spend some quality time with myself

    But its far far away from beeing out of control. I have a very long fuse and I never ever lose my temper. Mostly the increased confidence and the fact that roids make me feel so good enables me to handle stressfull situations in a better way then when Im not on.
    When Im clean I snapp more easily but when Im on smaller things gets under my skin and iritates me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Excellent point Warrior. Anyone who feels they're "man enough" or mature enough to take the risk and responsibility of using AAS also needs to be "man enough" to deal with the sides; hair loss, loss\increase of sex drive, increased aggression, up and down emotions, etc. If you can't take the heat.......................

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Don't use and let it be an excuse to act like an ass. That just pisses me off when people act stupid and blame roids. Everyone has a social responsibility to chill out if they feel they are losing it while on gear. It will change a persons natural state of mind.

    So you know, if you have a good recovery program in place of post cycle ancillaries you shouldn't feel MUCH of the post gear lag. 3-4 days at the most! HCG and clomid with a nice dose of diet and sleep does wonders!

    FYI: the nick is a joke about those guys that do just that. Buddies of mine and I back in the day would regulate the jerky nutz that would act the fool when on gear and beer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sexdrive is always high on me. But im still young. When i get mad on i get more mad then i normaly do, but never so i would hurt anyone. It´s just like normal anger, self control is the key.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks for the replys bros

    dont get me wrong or wrong idea about me---i do not go into rages and blame roids---i hate seeing that on tv---a guy takes a shot in the gym,lifts weights and rages at everyone that is so stupid

    warrior i cant agree with you more bro---you got to control or dont do them

    i will say this when most women are about to start their monthly visits they change for a few days due to hormones---when on juice its the same way--the hormones that make us men are super inflated and can change people
    i am smart enough and mature enough to realize that my temper has gotten bad---juice has never affected me like this----i talked with king samson today and he made a good point...i have been dieting for almost 3 months and taking in low amounts of carbs(under 100 per day and usually around 50) and he stated this may be the reason that this cycle has affected me---on gear and low carbs

    so i am going to drop my test down to 300mg per week which is a very lose dose for my size(which i was going to drop down some anyways just was front loading)and keep eq up around 500mg per week and see what family is more important and not yelling at my little boy then this shit.i dont want to blow up anyways,i finally am getting lean and some cuts and my size has chest is 50",my shoulders span is 56" and my arms are right under 19" so i got the size and am enjoying getting cut.i actually am seeing some striations in my shoulders and chest and have 4 of my abs in--so heck with it

    i'll let you know in tapouts transformation on members cycle results if dropping test in half and dropping eq 100mg per week changes things.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    So you don't believe it drives you crazy, checkout this real life video footage

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thats some funny stuff bouncer

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    Rickson sums it up for me

    "Roid Rage implies to me that you are not responsible for your actions or in control of them. I think that is an excuse. Can there be increased aggression and irritability on cycle? Of course. Just like on alcohol or from stress at work. That doesn't give anyone the right to lose control or get violent. If you can't handle yourself on AAS you shouldn't take them. Roid Rage simply gives people looking for trouble the justification to find it."

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    true that matt cant agree more

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    matt pretty much summed it up, its no excuse, but what i do is shutoff all of my angry emotions (quite easy for me to do) but that shuts off most of my other emotions aswell, so i dont really talk and am not as personable as i usually am, but i NEVER even get angry or pissed off or annoyed at anything, i just dont let it enter my mind, i think thats what people who are on have to try and do, dont let shit enter your mind and it wont bother you.

    Why do you think we're not angry hairy monkeys like we used to be? less test in our blood naturally. (well most of us anyway hahahaha)

  16. #16
    Sir Victorian guy, V.C. is offline Knight of the Garter and Member of the Victorian Order
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    England, by Grace of God

    Roid rage is a FACT, Brother!

    Sadly, we iron warriors do indeed pay a price for paying heed to our longing to be huge. The following account is sad, but true. I posted this many moons ago here on AR.

    Roid rage- TRUE story- must read!!!

    I have read that 'roid rage' is nonsense. Well, let me say, after Sunday's events, I KNOW roid rage is real, and it frightens me!

    I have been on a bulking cycle of 2 grams of test a week and 200 mg anadrol a day for some months now, and I can tell you I definitely must be experiencing roid rage. Here is how it all happened-

    Sunday began as always. I awoke in the morning, ate stacks of pancakes, several packs of sausages, 2 dozen eggs, and a 5-scoop shake of Joe Weider's 'Mega Mass', then donned one of my 1500 dollar Italian suits, and headed off for Sunday mass. My driver, Nobby, whisked me to the 500 year old Cathedral I attend every Sunday, and we both walked in and sat down most humbly and reverently.
    As the mass commenced, I heard a voice behind me whispering, and some giggling, and simply EXPLODED in rage. I spun around, and screamed "Would you mind being silent, this is a HOUSE OF GOD, you tramp!!" in the face of the teenage girl who was the cause of this disturbance. The congregation was silent, even the priest stopped saying mass for a moment. The man in front of me turned around and gave me a most insulting look, as if I had somehow done something wrong here!
    I sat shaking in rage at this pencil neck, and when that part of the mass came in which members turn to others and shake their hands, saying 'Peace of Christ', this man turned to me. I grasped his hand, began crushing it in a vice-like grip, and screaming.
    It took 20 parishioners, including Nobby, to pull me off of him- I voluntarily released my grip, and he fell to the floor, his hand a lump of crushed bone.
    Later, outside, as the ambulance took the fellow away, a hostile crowd of parishioners approached me. One of them, a woman who looked about 100 years old, 5 feet tall, and not a pound over 95, came at me brandishing an umbrella- she meant to strike me! Nobby saw this danger, and came rushing forward, clothes-lining the old witch with one of his stubby, massive arms- she was knocked backward so hard that she did a perfect back-flip, arse-over-tit, and fell to the cement like a rag doll. Then the priest approached us, and I punched him right in the face with the force of a wrecking ball, sending him to the ground, knocked out cold. Nobby took out his bike chain and, swinging it over his head, sent the rest of the hostile crowd running in terror.
    Nobby and I got into the Rolls Royce and left the scene, as the blaring of police sirens grew near.
    Those bastards! They were lucky I hadn't stuck about to press assault charges!

    Brothers- what do you think- am I indeed suffering from 'roid rage'?


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sir Vic, I must say that is no way near 'roid rage, but simply just having a bad day. I will say I do miss you and Nobby's adventures, especially when it involves his bike chain. Please don't let it be another several months before we hear another.
    Last edited by BIG TEXAN; 06-23-2003 at 08:45 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey

    she was knocked backward so hard that she did a perfect back-flip, arse-over-tit

    lmao; thats fucking hilarious. This guy has def got the funniest shit on this board hands down........

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