OK..don't have a question...just wanted to share my thoughts. Took my last shot of Tren A today. I ran 150 mg EOD for ~ 2 months. Still going to run Sust 325 for 3-4 more weeks (basically till I run out). I am sad b/c I have made great gains on the Tren (as I did in the past) and I'd like to run it longer for more gains, but I not sure I should. I am Happy b/c I am looking forward to getting a full and restfull nights sleep... Something that I haven't had since starting the cycle. WOW Tren can wreak havoc on your sleep. My wife is really ready to kill me because with all my tossing and turning, sleeping for 5 hours a night etc. I have pretty much kept her up for 2 months too and she is PISSED now. We had a blowout to end all blowouts today arguing for like 2 hours strait (fun stuff)....she wanted me to go to a doctor to get checked out. I of course assured her that nothing was wrong blahh blahh blahh....full well knowing that it was the Tren doing it. But I for sure could not tell her I am juicing....I'll save that and drop that on her when I really want to get a divorce. The stress of hiding all this shit is starting to wear on me too. Hiding the gear...getting the mail before her....hiding the needles....trying to keep my T3 and Clen chilled in the fridge without her finding it etc etc etc. Then I think she has to know I am juicing...my arms/chest etc are freaking popping out of my shirt....she had to thing something is up?? How could she not know. Anyway...like I said I am happy this cycle (well the Tren part) is over for now. Love the results and I could deal with the sides if I was single.....but when your married or live with a GF....you need to think about how it effects them too. Will skip the Tren next cycle and will give Mast a try as I heard the sides are very mild. That's all....justed need to vent a little I guess.......