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Thread: New to bodybuilding but experianced with weights

  1. #1

    New to bodybuilding but experianced with weights

    Hey everybody

    I have bin doing weights for 4 years and love it, im quite experianced read alot of books try new workout's exercises methods all this.

    Diet seems fine 3000+calories 140+grams of protein a day(im 97kg)

    Know all about shocking the muscle to make sure the muscles carry on growing and this

    But i now feel i am ready to begin a bodybuilding career i was always said to from an early age your a big strong lad and this. At just 15 i was benching 90kg for instance and weighed 15stone!(we all had some excess fat i didnt have alot although) I now have a keen intrest to become a bodybuilder


    Would i have to workout 2+hours at the moment i workout around 90 100minutes but i hear bodybuilder do 4-6 but i am willing to do that once i find out how they trained from them hours i dont belive they could go all out for 4-6hours and not expect muscle failure

    How do i start getting into competetions in england

    I am not willing to do steroids so any clean bodybuilding supplements(protein creatine and zma are not new to me) would be aprreicated

    Any advice you like to offer will Always be read and appricated

    Feel free to ask questions your self!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Who told you that body builders workout for 4-6 hours at a time? Even 2 hours is too much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In my apartment.
    Even Arnold would only workout for around 90 minutes at a time at the most...just sayin'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Who told you that body builders workout for 4-6 hours at a time? Even 2 hours is too much.
    I'm up at around 2 hours, but that is a leisurely 2 hours since I don't have to hurry and go to work. Before i was laid off, it was about an hour and twenty minutes, 5x a week.

  5. #5
    im working out 6 times a week and i think i recall reading it in arnold schweneggers book of the guide to modern bodybuilding i could be wrong though.

  6. #6
    Anything else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The Shore
    How often are you training each muscle group per week?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Arnolds encyclopedia is a great tool. Altho it says modern there are some old school techniques. Everyone is diffrent and what works for sum may not work for you. And yes I could see some body builders working out 4hrs a week including cardio. But for the weightlifting 45-90min seems to be the fave of most. Because of overtraining and blood shugar. I pesonaly believe It is best to be out before the 90 min mark (including warm up). But not including am cardio at a 45-60 min max. Also if you don't eat enuf you will not grow. Good luck dude!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Also arnold said 4 days on training muscle groups, or when soarness goes away. If a person is beginner it could take up to 7-10 days. Keeping in mind to always try and close the gap w experience. If you hit soar muscles you are asking for an injury and overtraining. Keep in mind everyone has diffrent genetics.

  10. #10
    Thank-you. I love his book i read it daily it is a great tool yes, i tend to train 6 times a week sets per exercise 10-12reps i push as hard as my greatest strength can and i tend to do 16-20 sets per body part i.e Chest-4xbench press 4x incline 4x decline 4x flyes 4x cable crossover's. tends to rip muscle fibre like thier's no tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    First things first, Arnold's book is awesome and his training was too. Don't forget he was juicing and was a Pro body builder, Which means he didn't have to work other than working out. 1 hour each day is more than enough if you are going to be working out 6 times a week. Protein intake is low. at 97 kg u should be takin in atleast 200+ grams. Learning how to get into competitions in England I would recommend, Finding a Local bodybuilder who competes and can give you the How-To's. Cheers and good luck mate..
    P.S head down to the diet section and post ur stats and current diet. I am positive our friends here on A-R will make it even better for you...

  12. #12
    cheers pal alot of help being sent thanks alot

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What are your stats?? 140G protein seems low

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