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Thread: Archangel.'s OFFICIAL Q & A Thread

  1. #81
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    For someone who has never cycled before, you look like you know a thing or two about nutrition and exercise. Especially since you claimed to be out of shape a few years back.

    I can see myself asking you for advice on nutrition and exercise. And you did admit that you cannot offer solid advice on cycling.... which I respect.

    You look greeat btw

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    For someone who has never cycled before, you look like you know a thing or two about nutrition and exercise. Especially since you claimed to be out of shape a few years back.
    It's a life-long learning experience, I still ask tons of questions myself

    I can see myself asking you for advice on nutrition and exercise. And you did admit that you cannot offer solid advice on cycling.... which I respect.
    Yes, I only feel comfortable offering a little insight regarding test, as I am currently running that myself, and maybe a thing or two about some other AAS, basically from what I have learned on here.

    You look greeat btw
    Thanks for the compliment, you don't look too shabby yourself

  3. #83
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You look completely different in these photos you posted on the 4/18/10, what have you done over the last 3 months?

  4. #84
    Same guy, same ink....same same?

    jing jai

  5. #85
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Same guy, same ink....same same?
    Yes, I am asking what as he done over the last 3 months because he looks different

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes, I am asking what as he done over the last 3 months because he looks different
    I agree he certainly does! A superb transformation!

    jing jai

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Well, that's what I started to wonder too. I started feeling like a thread of my own like this might be a little presumptuous, or at least look that way. I would feel a little bad closing it now after I've garnered some support of some of the vets, and I would feel like I were disappointing those that do like to ask me questions.
    No i didnt mean close the thread now its not doing any harm,What i ment was before you started the thread if you had done that then im sure people would have excepted you as someone who had good knowledge of what they were talking about rather than questioning your motives.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You look completely different in these photos you posted on the 4/18/10, what have you done over the last 3 months?
    That is an amazing transformation, I must admit! I hope to achieve similar results as I am almost done my prime. I too am curious what you did to achieve that in 3 months.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You look completely different in these photos you posted on the 4/18/10, what have you done over the last 3 months?
    Lol, you're right I do. It's the biggest compliment when someone says this to me. All I've done is SERIOUSLY dial in my diet and training, and of course, I began my first cycle of test, which I'm running now. It's great you point this out, because I would like to give a TON of credit here to Ronnie Rowland and his STS training system/cycling. That is what I have been utilizing, and have seen nothing short of STELLAR results.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Same guy, same ink....same same?
    Yes, I'm the same guy, no bullshit

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I agree he certainly does! A superb transformation!
    Thank you VERY much. I've been wanting to post the pics together as like a 12 week before and after. I think it would be a great testament to Ronnie Rowlands STS training, and also what serious commitment, dedication and perseverance can do for someone.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    No i didnt mean close the thread now its not doing any harm,What i ment was before you started the thread if you had done that then im sure people would have excepted you as someone who had good knowledge of what they were talking about rather than questioning your motives.
    I agree, it was a little rushed, sorry guys.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Great transformation in such a short time frame indeed.

    BTW, you can multi-quote responses instead of making new posts for each time you answer someone. A much quicker way that will save you some time lol..

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    That is an amazing transformation, I must admit! I hope to achieve similar results as I am almost done my prime. I too am curious what you did to achieve that in 3 months.
    As stated, I have to give a TON of credit to Ronnie Rowland and his STS style of training/cycling. Of course one must still possess the desire and dedication to adhere to the proper diet and training regime, but Ron helped me a ton.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Great transformation in such a short time frame indeed.

    BTW, you can multi-quote responses instead of making new posts for each time you answer someone. A much quicker way that will save you some time lol..
    Oh, lol I didn't know that, Thanks!

  16. #96
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    Yeah just find the person you want to reply to and click the quote button on the bottom right hand corner of their post. Then apply the same method to each person you want reply back too. Once finished click post reply at the bottom of the page and you are set.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Yeah just find the person you want to reply to and click the quote button on the bottom right hand corner of their post. Then apply the same method to each person you want reply back too. Once finished click post reply at the bottom of the page and you are set.
    That should save some time, thanks

  18. #98
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Lol, you're right I do. It's the biggest compliment when someone says this to me. All I've done is SERIOUSLY dial in my diet and training, and of course, I began my first cycle of test, which I'm running now. It's great you point this out, because I would like to give a TON of credit here to Ronnie Rowland and his STS training system/cycling. That is what I have been utilizing, and have seen nothing short of STELLAR results.
    To be honest they look like 3 yrs apart rather than 3 months, can you post the same pose's with your face open,let me see the actual difference, thanks

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    To be honest they look like 3 yrs apart rather than 3 months, can you post the same pose's with your face open,let me see the actual difference, thanks
    Lol damn Arch you should feel even more special they don't think it's you!

  20. #100
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    Lol damn Arch you should feel even more special they don't think it's you!
    I dont think you understand what i written, I will try and put it a little easier for you!

    The photos look like they are 3 yrs apart not 3 months (that was a compliment), could you post pics of the exact same pose's with your face on so we can see the transformation

  21. #101
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    O.K. I will reduce carbs by 50 on no activity day, (I just went and did 30 minutes cardio anyway,lol). So, the way my Split works, I'll be carbing up on chest/shoulder day and then again on leg day. Makes sense, thanks again...

    BTW, the transformation is amazing.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I dont think you understand what i written, I will try and put it a little easier for you!

    The photos look like they are 3 yrs apart not 3 months (that was a compliment), could you post pics of the exact same pose's with your face on so we can see the transformation
    completely agree.

    I've seen--and done--some amazing transformations, but I just don't think it's physically possible to do the proposed transformation in 3 months time.

    Hell, alot the VETs/HOF here have seen my transformation pics on RR's board, and they were done in 7months time.

    I'm not calling you out yet, Archangel, I'd like to see some more pics as well.

  23. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    To be honest they look like 3 yrs apart rather than 3 months, can you post the same pose's with your face open,let me see the actual difference, thanks
    Okay, first I have to make a correction. I did a little combing back through the calendar, and the time span between the pics is more like 15 weeks to be totally honest. Sorry for the slight misleadment there, but now everyone has the true facts. As for the pics you are requesting, I don't have a before and after front shot of the EXACT same pose, but what I can post for you is a before with my hands down by my side, then the after that you now see in my avy. I will also post a before and after back shot of pretty much the exact same pose. However marcus (and everyone) please give me a couple days to do this, as I am leaving to visit my baby girl in about 5 minutes, and will be back on tuesday, so I don't have the time to do it now. However, when I come back I will show something else that's very inspiring as well; I will post my 5 month before and after pics! I swear you guys won't even recognize me! Thanks for your patience everyone.

  24. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    Lol damn Arch you should feel even more special they don't think it's you!
    Thanks chrisx!

  25. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    O.K. I will reduce carbs by 50 on no activity day, (I just went and did 30 minutes cardio anyway,lol). So, the way my Split works, I'll be carbing up on chest/shoulder day and then again on leg day. Makes sense, thanks again...

    BTW, the transformation is amazing.
    Good stuff. Remember, it's a very individualistic thing, so you may have to tweak it here and there, but I feel 50g is a good starting place. Thanks for the compliment.

  26. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    completely agree.

    I've seen--and done--some amazing transformations, but I just don't think it's physically possible to do the proposed transformation in 3 months time.
    As I stated above to marcus, it's more like 15 weeks, so sorry for the inaccurate timeline I originally stated, but it is me in both pics, I assure you.

    Hell, alot the VETs/HOF here have seen my transformation pics on RR's board, and they were done in 7months time.

    I'm not calling you out yet, Archangel, I'd like to see some more pics as well.
    Just check my reply to marcus, I will be posting all that good stuff for you guys in a couple days. Till then, everyone is encouraged and welcome to keep the questions coming!

  27. #107
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    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    Archangel I am having trouble with the rear traps area and rear delts. What exercises do you like to attack these with? I see some guys do something that looks like a bentover barbell row only they are almost standing (only slightly hunched over) and I can never tell if they just have terrible form or are intentionally hitting the rear traps area or what.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I dont think you understand what i written, I will try and put it a little easier for you!

    The photos look like they are 3 yrs apart not 3 months (that was a compliment), could you post pics of the exact same pose's with your face on so we can see the transformation
    If you don't doubt it's him why ask for the same pose WITH his face? If you do it's understandable no need to get defensive about it

  29. #109
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisx View Post
    If you don't doubt it's him why ask for the same pose WITH his face? If you do it's understandable no need to get defensive about it
    probably because in the pics from April his face looks like a young kid well under 20 years old, and as marcus has stated twice the transformation would appear to have taken longer than a few months, so marcus wants to see his face now. some guys have a baby face, when he's 40 he'll be glad he does, I just don't understand why you are making it an issue to question marcus' intentions when he has already explained twice what he means.

  30. #110
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    His tats dont match upon careful inspection.
    I am calling BS.
    And I am going to go ahead and say its pretty silly yo posts and official questions and answer thread on a forum that is an official question and answer forum as a whole - UNLESS you are a vet or have enough experience to reckon your responses would carry more weight than the average visitors.
    I have as much - if not more exp than the OP and I would not consider this.
    All in all I think this whole thread is silly and I am glad to have gotta to raise my post count in it.

  31. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Archangel I am having trouble with the rear traps area and rear delts. What exercises do you like to attack these with? I see some guys do something that looks like a bentover barbell row only they are almost standing (only slightly hunched over) and I can never tell if they just have terrible form or are intentionally hitting the rear traps area or what.
    I like to attack rear delts primarily with reverse pec-deck, as I find I can get a real squeeze and keep constant tension on the muscle by not letting the stack go all the way down on the negative portion. I find it's beneficial to get that "squeeze" on the positive, and hold it for a second or so. I also like doing rear delts with a cable while standing. This is performed by adjusting the height of the pulley on a push-down station, so that the pulley is about shoulder height to you. I hold the station with the non-working arm for stability, grab the cable, keeping it at almost full arms length, then perform the positive almost as if you were bitch slapping someone (sorry for the comment). On both these I also find it beneficial to grip only with my thumbs, so I can turn my hand sideways, as if doing a karate chop. I feel this helps add tention to the target area (rear delt).
    I feel the row you're referring to is intentionally done by some as a means to work traps, yes. Having said that, I feel you can accomplish the same thing with t-bar rows executed in the same manner. This is also easier on the lower back, assuming your t-bar station has a pad to rest your chest on as some do. I simply do and prefer smith machine shrugs. I perform six sets at the end of my back workout, however, I also attribute a lot of my trap development to rack pulls/dead lifts. Hope this helps

  32. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    His tats dont match upon careful inspection.
    I am calling BS.
    No offense bud, but I think you either need your eyes checked or your computer monitor cleaned, 'cause that's the exact same tat.

    And I am going to go ahead and say its pretty silly yo posts and official questions and answer thread on a forum that is an official question and answer forum as a whole - UNLESS you are a vet or have enough experience to reckon your responses would carry more weight than the average visitors.
    That's just your opinion, but there are those that approve and appreciate the fact that I'm trying to help

    I have as much - if not more exp than the OP and I would not consider this.
    What are you basing this statement on?!? You don't know the second thing about me or my life. Are you purely basing your above statement on the fact that you have more posts than me on this forum? That would be utterly ridiculous. C'mon bud, are you really gonna try to cut me down based on these ridiculous reasons? Don't hate on me because I enjoy helping people, and had the courage to open my own thread after being encouraged to do so by several members, it's not my fault you either lack the caring or the balls to open a thread of your own. Pull up, man, I'm here trying to help people.

    All in all I think this whole thread is silly and I am glad to have gotta to raise my post count in it.
    I think I speak for for most when I say in the future, please keep my thread to either questions regarding diet/training, or just positive comments in general. If you are really feeling that negative and/or insecure about yourself, pm me if you feel the need to express it that bad, thanks

  33. #113

    OKAY! This is for everyone waiting on my pics!

    OKAY! This is for everyone waiting on my pics!

    I just got back from visiting my daughter, and I scored the before pics of myself off my gf's computer! They will be attached in this order:
    First pics; me in Feb, front/side/back shots.
    Second pics; me in March, front/side/back shots
    Third pics; me in April, front/side/back shots
    Fourth pics; me now, front/back shots (I don't have a side shot, sorry)

    K, I can only upload 5, will do the rest next post
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Feurary me.jpg 
Views:	83 
Size:	70.3 KB 
ID:	108882   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Feburary me side shot.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	77.7 KB 
ID:	108883   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Feburary me back shot.jpg 
Views:	61 
Size:	75.3 KB 
ID:	108884   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	March me.jpg 
Views:	76 
Size:	71.2 KB 
ID:	108885   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	March me side shot.jpg 
Views:	71 
Size:	73.6 KB 
ID:	108886  

  34. #114
    Some more...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	March me back shot.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	72.9 KB 
ID:	108887   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	April me.jpg 
Views:	85 
Size:	79.2 KB 
ID:	108888   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	April me side shot.jpg 
Views:	77 
Size:	74.9 KB 
ID:	108889   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	April me back shot.jpg 
Views:	74 
Size:	89.6 KB 
ID:	108890  

  35. #115
    And the final afters

    I hope you guys like them!

    I raise my right hand to god and SWEAR these are ALL me.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15 weeks STS Progress 1.jpg 
Views:	95 
Size:	86.8 KB 
ID:	108891   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC02220.JPG 
Views:	82 
Size:	69.9 KB 
ID:	108892  

  36. #116
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    His tats dont match upon careful inspection.
    I am calling BS.
    And I am going to go ahead and say its pretty silly yo posts and official questions and answer thread on a forum that is an official question and answer forum as a whole - UNLESS you are a vet or have enough experience to reckon your responses would carry more weight than the average visitors.
    I have as much - if not more exp than the OP and I would not consider this.
    All in all I think this whole thread is silly and I am glad to have gotta to raise my post count in it.
    ^^^ridiculous comment

  37. #117
    Join Date
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    What were your starting and finishing stats?

  38. #118
    Join Date
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    Wow.... those Pics you posted are amazing. I would say good fuken work if it took you a year but you're saying 15 weeks?? That's amazing.

    I am going through a similar transformation right now and I am only 15 weeks into it and I think its gonna take me minimum 7 to 8 months total to make the change.

    Not that its relevant, but how old are you? You look 22.... 24 max.

  39. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    What were your starting and finishing stats?
    Ya sorry, I meant to post those, but I was too excited to show everyone the pics I forgot.

    Starting stats (in Feburary)
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 218-220 (on any given day)
    Chest: 48"
    Waist: 42" (OUCH)
    Arms: 18"
    Thighs: 26"
    Forearms: 13"

    Stats Now
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 185-188 (on any given day)
    Chest: 45"
    Waist: 32"
    Arms: 17 1/2"
    Thighs: 25"
    Forearms: 13 1/2"

    That's all the measurements I took.

  40. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Wow.... those Pics you posted are amazing. I would say good fuken work if it took you a year but you're saying 15 weeks?? That's amazing.
    No man, the first 3 pics are from Feburary, the second 3 are from March, and the final 3 are from April. It's been about 15 weeks since the final 3 to the afters.

    I am going through a similar transformation right now and I am only 15 weeks into it and I think its gonna take me minimum 7 to 8 months total to make the change.

    Not that its relevant, but how old are you? You look 22.... 24 max.
    I'm 25, 26 in October.

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