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Thread: I think I hate Clomid, Nolvadex. Blurry Vision, Horrible Mood.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    I think I hate Clomid, Nolvadex. Blurry Vision, Horrible Mood.

    2nd Week of PCT.

    Serophene 50mg Tabs
    UG Lab Tamoxifen Citrate (Homebrewed with PEG 600/Alcohol)

    I took 50mg Clomid and 3cc=60mg of Tamoxifen Citrate per day for the first week.

    Now on the second week, I'm taking 50mg Clomid and 2 1/2cc=50mg Tamoxifen Citrate for the 2nd.

    Bad Moods.

    Blurry Vision.

    Sucks. At least my nuts are large, although that isn't a sure sign of test restoration.

    I drink about 3-4 beers or so a day, do you think that affects anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    alcohol does affect test production

    but the bad moods and vision will most likely be sides from the clomid, try lowering your dose and see how you go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Not drinking a bunch, just a few beers now and then. For the carbs .

    Man it's not gotten any better on this shit, I feel nauseous and shitty. It's not terrible, but it's - not good either.

    Hope the shit is working.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    Lower your doses before you do permanent ocular damage. No need to go above 20 mg of nolvadex. I would stay away from alcahol too. A couple of drinks suppresses test production for up to 3 days. Exactly the opposite of your deisred outcome. Not to mention taxing your liver.
    Last edited by Spartans09; 07-24-2010 at 10:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    2nd Week of PCT.

    Serophene 50mg Tabs
    UG Lab Tamoxifen Citrate (Homebrewed with PEG 600/Alcohol)

    I took 50mg Clomid and 3cc=60mg of Tamoxifen Citrate per day for the first week.

    Now on the second week, I'm taking 50mg Clomid and 2 1/2cc=50mg Tamoxifen Citrate for the 2nd.

    Bad Moods.

    Blurry Vision.

    Sucks. At least my nuts are large, although that isn't a sure sign of test restoration.

    I drink about 3-4 beers or so a day, do you think that affects anything?
    why not follow the advice you were already planning to follow?

    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    After going through a million threads, it was pulling teeth to find the answer to this question. I found it a couple times, and it seemed the general consensus was to stop taking HCG after the last pin of Testosterone (or whatever).

    My last pin was on Monday, where I also shot 250iu's of HCG, which I have been running throughout (starting about 3 weeks into cycle).

    I haven't noticed much atrophy.

    I was all ready to take HCG 250iu's 2x/week for the last two weeks before my PCT, but I'm reading that you want to encourage endogenous production of Leutinizing Hormone instead of exogenously producing it with HCG. That, and you get more estrogen production.

    But some people still seem to run it during the 2 weeks before their PCT.

    For PCT, I read the Swifto sticky and I'll run 20mg Nolv/25-50mg Clomid ED for 5 Weeks with some Vitamin C in the morning for Cortisol reduction.

    Any ideas?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Interesting that you know more about my posts than I do . I guess I just forgot what regimen I was going to use. Dropping down now to 20 Nolv 25 Clomid, it's been 2 weeks. Probably go for 3 more weeks then discontinue. I read up on alcohol's effects on testosterone, and yeah I'm not gonna drink any now. Thx for the tip(s).

    Now I can't wait to get back on, so much loss of muscle... Appetite went away. Next cycle; Test E, Tren and maybe Anavar or Deca.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    During PCT, your hormones are all over the place and completely unstable. It would be in your best interest to cut out all drinking during this time. Supplementing with a depressant when you're already using a SERM that deals with the brains emotion is probably not the best idea.

    Sorry to hear your appetite went away. Now is the most vital time to pack on those macros. I'd opt for Tore/Nolva next round.

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