Eating my words..
Smacking myself in the face for you.
Good work.
Can I have another slice of humble pie please.
Eating my words..
Smacking myself in the face for you.
Good work.
Can I have another slice of humble pie please.
[QUOTE=LeroyB;5284642]Eating my words..
No hard feelings brotha
Smacking myself in the face for you.
Good work.
Thank you
Can I have another slice of humble pie please.[/QUOTE
Yes you may...![]()
I personally dont think those pics are 15 weeks apart, but well done on the transformation
I've been having several of you say this, so let me restate what I said before. In the little blurb above the pics I clearly stated how they were posted. The FIRST 3 pics are from FEBURARY, the SECOND 3 pics are from MARCH, and the last 3 pics are FROM APRIL (not shouting here, just wanna make sure you don't miss this again) The final 2 AFTER pics are from NOW (a couple weeks ago actually)
I hope this clears it all up
It's clear.... but the extra 3 weeks aren't gonna matter your transformation looks like 6 to 8 month minimum.... some guys can't do that in a year but you're saying you did it in 15 weeks.... Either way regardless how long it took you, good job.
You posted a thread on the 4/18/10 asking what bf you was because you just took your bf - your first pictures,
Then you started this thread on 7/22/10 showing your new avatar, the time difference is 14 weeks, which is completely different what yoru claiming.
Its plain to see that it isnt weeks we are talking about here, you should really state the truth because like ive said you have made great gains and built a good solid base but dont try and pull the wool over peoples eyes.
Thanks for the compliment, but GOD DAMN! WHY DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING! It's VERY simple.
You said it yourself, I posted those pics 04/18/10, do you NOT REALIZE those are also the exact same pics I'm claiming as my April pics!?! 04/18/10 = April....
Sorry guys, but SHEESH
Last edited by Archangel.; 07-28-2010 at 12:02 PM.
Your not listening are you, let me try and explain in more simple terms.
Those pics are not weeks apart but more like a year or more, is that better for you to understand?
I dont want to go back and forth on something what cant be proven.
All I can do is give you my opinion on the pics you have posted and from my experience in working with many guys over the years and I personally feel those pics are not weeks apart like what you claim, but again that's just my opinion.
I dont really care what your stating but I do find it unfair when your trying to mislead our members but that's up to them what they believe, again its just my opinion.
Best of luck
Arch, you don't understand.... We understand your timeline. All we are trying to say is regardless of 15 weeks or not.... we are saying it is not possible to get those results in 20 weeks or even 25 weeks let alone 15 weeks. I believe those pictures are more like a year or 2 apart and you are claiming it as 15 weeks.... just My opinion.
Oh man, I feel SO defeated right now. I was just so excited to share this with everyone, and I've mostly received negative comments relating to the untruthfulness of my transformation. What sucks even more, is that most of these comments have come from the people that I and everyone else respect the most on this board.
Your right, it is a crazy transformation. Hell, I didn't even realize how different I looked until I looked at all these pics side by side, as I see myself everyday. Well, thanks for all your kind words anyways, I don't know what else I could do to prove it. I'm actually posting 2 back shots of myself that I took TODAY after my workout. This is the 16 week mark if anyone cares or believes me
Here are 2 CURRENT back shots I took TODAY after my workout. This is the 16 week mark.
timeline aside, great transformation. keep doing what you're doing, you'll be a beast.
I don't really give a hoot about the time line deal. You've done a great job so far, keep up the positive work.
Do you plan on competing? You have a solid foundation to do so...
I have thought about it yes, but I just thought that onstage I won't look so "great" as I would standing beside my buddies out in the real world. I just figure that everyone I would be competing against would look easily as good as me, I don't really know what would make me stand out from the rest, you know?
When you say I have a solid foundation to compete, what exactly do you mean? Are you implying that I could if I worked on some things, or do you mean I'd be good to go now if I cut down?
I've been to many local shows here in Texas. You have the size. If you nailed your conditioning, you would wipe out your competitors.
Visit a local show from time to time, you'd be surprised to see some of the competitors and how they would match up to you.
When I said foundation, I was referring to your symmetry/size. You have both from what I can tell. I haven't seen the wheels, so I can't say you have the complete package. But I'm willing to bet you'd do well if you dedicated yourself to a solid pre-contest diet.
You know what bud, I might just formulate an intelligent cutting diet and dial myself in for the possibility of a competition. Coincidental you mention the wheels, because after I got a friend of mine to take those back pics for me today, I tried to take a couple pics of my legs, but I was so shaky the pics were blurry. I should have asked my buddy to snap some of the legs too, but he'd already left. Next time I'm there I will capture my wheels, and post them here so you and anyone else can critique. I assure you my legs aren't small, but I feel they need more definition, same with calves, but you tell me.
Sounds good. I've never competed, although people tell me I should. I just don't have the desire to yet. Maybe once I hit 240lbs or so, I'll go for it. But for now I'm having fun busting my ass in the gym.
Damn Arch good freaking job! To all those who don't beleive you...the first thing I thought was, "Man, what lab is your gear made from?" Maybe others don't realize how important diet is (cuz I know you had yours dialed in to the t based on all the diet questions you asked Ronnie), and the system by which you made your gains. After I knew you had the training and diet down, the next big question that came to mind was What lab your gear is from. Maybe people need to think outside the box, because clearly they've tried to disprove you with no avail.
Good job Arch, look forward to learning more from you in the future
Hey and don't give the secret out about what I mentioned above. I said it to get people to think outside the box so to speak on HOW you could have made such a transformation rather than spend so much time trying to disprove you. So don't let the cat out of the hat!
Hey Man, the diet is rockin!! Dropped a ton this first week and muscle strength and size still climbing...
One Question though. I attribute a lot of this to 30 minutes of pretty intense cardio 5 days a week before 8:00 am. About 145 heart rate throughout. I've heard people refer to this as fasted cardio. I've been drinking a protein shake (12 egg whites, 1 powder, 1 cup of pineapple juice, 1/2 a cup of milk.) immediately following the cardio. Is this a good idea? I have read you should wait to eat after fasted cardio but I don't know how long. Should I drop (or modify) the am shake and how long would you wait to eat your first meal?
By the way, I've gone from 259 to 250.5 in 12 days...
Last edited by The Titan99; 07-29-2010 at 11:37 PM.
Hey mate your looking awesome!
Can you give me a brief rundown on your workout? Like the ammount of sets and reps per excercise, weight (your using slingshot so I assume you start off heavy first set and work down to a light one on your last set) do you go to failure on every set of just the last one? Also technique.. Eg lat pulldown, pull weight down fast, hold for a second, then slowly release? Lastly how often do u switch up excerises?
Questions sound noobish lol but I'm just interested to know what you do.
By slingshot training, I'm referring to Ronnie Rowland (of this forum) way of training, so I don't know if you've had a chance to read his sticky on STS training, but that's pretty much what I do in a nutshell. However, if you haven't, I will break it down for you. I do a total of 9 intense worksets per muscle group, except back where I do 12. All sets are taken to "good failure" which means stopping when you can no longer perform another clean rep. Yes, my first work set is at my heaviest weight for a given exercise, and I perform 4-6 reps. Next set I reduce the weight to allow me to get 8-10 reps, and finally I reduce the weight to allow me 12-15 reps. That completes the first exercise for a given bodypart. I then repeat the process for 2 more exercises for the same bodypart equaling out to a total number of 9 work sets (minus warm-ups). As for technique, I try to be as clean as possible, and referring to the lat pull-down specifically, I perform the positive prtion of the movement fairly fast, but also smooth (no jerking at the beginning), I try to squeeze and contract my lats as the bar rests across my upper chest, then negative for about 2-3 controlled seconds. As for switching up exercises, I do it as LITTLE as possible. The only time I will switch up exercises is if I have completely stagnated on something. I feel that this is something people tend to do way to much, because if someone is always just switching up to switch up, it's going to be very hard to make any progress on any lifts.
Don't forget, you're gonna have to have your diet dialed in as well if you expect to make much progress.
Nice information, will be trying some of this stuff out
Arch what was your diet like during all aspects of the Sligshot phase? How many cals over your BME, etc?
Actually, because I had so much fat to shed, I actually ate BELOW my BME. In the early weeks of my STS training I was only consuming around 1800 cals in the form of 250p/100c/45f. This was actually below maintenance by about 400-500 cals for me. However, as I got leaner, I did notice that I had to begin to increasingly eat more cals to continue to make strength gains. I began eating around 2200-2400 cals around the 10-12 week mark, and I am still doing this now. It's something like 275-300p/200c/45f. I feel the only reason I was able to make progress at below maintenance was because of my high-ish bf%, and I wouldn't recommend it for someone lower.
agreed. ban him!
Listen superstar.... most of us have entertained this thread and remained positive and have not taken it to an aggressive level.... but you need to chill out and stop coming out of the Peanut Gallery with these tiny smart ass remarks. You're tone is overly aggressive for no reason.... I understand you are in Love with Archangel but he's a big boy and can handle this himself.... Now run along.
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