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Thread: avg hrt test dose per week and arimidex dose per week?

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i've pretty much eliminated adex from my trt...been 2 weeks since taking any since keeping test dose around 100-125 ew...

    working great...dont think i'll elevate test ever again...if i want a boost back up in lbm , i'll look into adding nandralone to the mix

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    what would i look for? when i came off i took .25 every day for 28 days......
    wow, that's alot of adex.

    there are different symptoms of high/low E2 for everyone but most say:

    Low E2 = low libido, ED, clicky/sore joints
    High E2 = low libido, ED, itchy/sore nipples

    what i recently did was started taking .25mg of adex on a monday. a few days later i got night boners back. i got night boners for about 4 days and then they started wearing off so i can pretty much get away with that dose twice a week. when i start losing night boners and getting ED/clicky joints i know i went too low so then i lay off the adex for a few days.

    i know some guys that just space out the adex dose to something like every 4-5 days. alittle harder to keep track of but it can be affective. it can be hard to cut those little pills into smaller doses than quarters.

  3. #83
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    wow, that's alot of adex.

    there are different symptoms of high/low E2 for everyone but most say:

    Low E2 = low libido, ED, clicky/sore joints
    High E2 = low libido, ED, itchy/sore nipples

    what i recently did was started taking .25mg of adex on a monday. a few days later i got night boners back. i got night boners for about 4 days and then they started wearing off so i can pretty much get away with that dose twice a week. when i start losing night boners and getting ED/clicky joints i know i went too low so then i lay off the adex for a few days.

    i know some guys that just space out the adex dose to something like every 4-5 days. alittle harder to keep track of but it can be affective. it can be hard to cut those little pills into smaller doses than quarters.
    so .25 every 4 days or so..... huh. do you think .5 every 3.5 days is too much then cause that would work out better to do .25 every 3.5 days.... would allow me to keep more adex at the end of the month. since i plan on using adex in my pre contest to suck the water out and t make my muscles look harder

  4. #84
    .5mg of adex is alot but it depends on how your body processes it. chances are if you need that much adex then your T is probably too high and that's why your E2 is too high.

    the problem is if your T is too high and it's converting to E2, taking adex will lower your E2 but then your DHT normally goes high. you can take stuff to lower your DHT but you get the point.

  5. #85
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    doing good so far with the 2 shot at 200mg a week total. no acne and my mood is really good. havent started taking adex yet dont know if i really need it or not? everything feels good so far so i may wait after my next blood test to see where i am at on E2.....also up frm 160 to just over 170 in 4 weeks!

  6. #86
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    sounds good blade...keep us posted

  7. #87
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    so far everything is good... acne 10 tims better since i am taking 2 shots a week, started taking adex last week will try what doc said 1mg every sunday for a month then 1mg every other week for a month then 1 a month after that.... just to see what happens...

  8. #88
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    glad to hear blade

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    so far everything is good... acne 10 tims better since i am taking 2 shots a week, started taking adex last week will try what doc said 1mg every sunday for a month then 1mg every other week for a month then 1 a month after that.... just to see what happens...
    Sounds like you've got a good plan to get it dialed in ... Good job!

  10. #90
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    well i upped my dose to 200mg every sunday and thurs.... i have to get my blood work done at the end of next month and i am afraid my level isnt high enough or she may ask questions about what i have been doing, if my level is too high its ok i will just tell her its due to me being on adex this time since i wasnt last time and just down my dose to what she says

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    well i upped my dose to 200mg every sunday and thurs.... i have to get my blood work done at the end of next month and i am afraid my level isnt high enough or she may ask questions about what i have been doing, if my level is too high its ok i will just tell her its due to me being on adex this time since i wasnt last time and just down my dose to what she says
    u mean 400mg total every week or 200mg total?

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    u mean 400mg total every week or 200mg total?
    yep 400mg a week, just about to come off. been doing good for the past 6 weeks or so on splitting my dose up. will let you all know how coming off this time is. same procedure as before clomid and adex.

  13. #93
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    hey guys something weird! last shot of 200mg was on april 8th, waited 2 weeks felt fine so i didnt start taking adex, or clomid. the 6th will be 4 weeks i have been off and i feel fine!?!? could my body be getting use to everything? i dont plan on taking adex or clomid this go round. i start my shots on the june 3rd which would be 2 months off everything. same as i did last time when i was on 400mg once a week for 18 weeks and used clomid and adex.

    any ideas why i feel fine let me know?

    oh yeah only thing other then splitting my shots up that i did different is i have been taking enzyte for 6 weeks.... dont know if that stuff makes a difference or not? i have been using it for more vascularity, works well!


  14. #94
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    changed my mind.... acne has gottin kinda worse so i figure my e2 level is higher then norm will take1mg of adex when i feel i need it... also i am going to wait till july 1st before my next cycle... that will give me 3 months on and 3 off.. my first bodybuilding show will be aug 7th plan on competing at 150-154 pounds, so starting back on july 1st will give me 6 weeks on before the show so i will fill out and lean up more.

  15. #95
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    soo.... 2 months off... doing fine havent taking any more adex since last time... i have 1 more month to go till i go back on. going to see another endo about my levels and see what they think about my low GH and IGF-1 levels....

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    soo.... 2 months off... doing fine havent taking any more adex since last time... i have 1 more month to go till i go back on. going to see another endo about my levels and see what they think about my low GH and IGF-1 levels....
    that all u got for us is "doin fine" ?????

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    that all u got for us is "doin fine" ?????
    I'd like to hear a little more also.

    Hey Vette, I re-read through this post from the beginning and noticed your were sort of "cycling" (so to speak) your TRT and then coming off and trying to stimulate your LH levels with HCG only.

    Do you still run that? And did the HCG only help bring anything back naturally?

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    I'd like to hear a little more also.

    Hey Vette, I re-read through this post from the beginning and noticed your were sort of "cycling" (so to speak) your TRT and then coming off and trying to stimulate your LH levels with HCG only.

    Do you still run that? And did the HCG only help bring anything back naturally?
    Good observation. No, I'm not running my program like that anymore. At the first of the year I switched it up and started adding HCG to my weekly routine. My "T" level hit just over 1000 when I did that "blast", but it's a lot of HCG for such a short session. After further research it just made more sense to me to do it this way.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    that all u got for us is "doin fine" ?????
    so far... lol just been working out eating a ton! went to the dietician, she worked up a meal plan for me, found out i burn 4500+ cals a day without adding extra for cardio and workouts.... so i am eating 125g of fat a day, 600g of carbs and 225g of protein. been doing cardio every night i work out 5+ days 30min at a time heart rate at 130bpm. the dietician told me i am sitting at 12%bf that includes internal and external fat. i have 9 weeks till my show i need to burn roughly 1% of bodyfat a week til then to be around 4%. we will see... now i am trying to figure out this water thing... before my show. dont really know what to do about dropping water and keeping the size and fullness.

  20. #100
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    currently my doc is giving me 200 test cyp every wednesday and I am doing hcg 500iu eod for a month and check the boys out then, going to talk later to doc about scripting some anastrozol for gyno which I am doing on my own 1.5mg eod for 2 weeks then determine how the gyno is but so far it has taken care of over 1/2

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    so far... lol just been working out eating a ton! went to the dietician, she worked up a meal plan for me, found out i burn 4500+ cals a day without adding extra for cardio and workouts.... so i am eating 125g of fat a day, 600g of carbs and 225g of protein. been doing cardio every night i work out 5+ days 30min at a time heart rate at 130bpm. the dietician told me i am sitting at 12%bf that includes internal and external fat. i have 9 weeks till my show i need to burn roughly 1% of bodyfat a week til then to be around 4%. we will see... now i am trying to figure out this water thing... before my show. dont really know what to do about dropping water and keeping the size and fullness.
    amazing bro..keep up the good lookin for pics

  22. #102
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    Hey, whatever happened to Zona Dave? I still think that is one smoking A$S in his Avi. Thank God for Test!

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Hey, whatever happened to Zona Dave? I still think that is one smoking A$S in his Avi. Thank God for Test!
    i was thinking the same thing as i saw the water beading off dat a$$ oh well just go to the hot ass thread vettester

  24. #104
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    Aug 2009
    just wanted to tell you guys something awesome! got new insurance since i got married through my wifes work.... got to go pick up my test and 4 pills of adex both together cost me 18 bucks! so much better then before test use to be 61 now its 2 bucks, adex was 55 for 4 pills now 16! this is gonna help out my budget a lot! now time to buy more and better food! lol

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    just wanted to tell you guys something awesome! got new insurance since i got married through my wifes work.... got to go pick up my test and 4 pills of adex both together cost me 18 bucks! so much better then before test use to be 61 now its 2 bucks, adex was 55 for 4 pills now 16! this is gonna help out my budget a lot! now time to buy more and better food! lol
    Good job. You can't beat that deal!

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladehines View Post
    just wanted to tell you guys something awesome! got new insurance since i got married through my wifes work.... got to go pick up my test and 4 pills of adex both together cost me 18 bucks! so much better then before test use to be 61 now its 2 bucks, adex was 55 for 4 pills now 16! this is gonna help out my budget a lot! now time to buy more and better food! lol
    u went from cheap to cheapest BIACH

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    u went from cheap to cheapest BIACH
    yeah i still cant believe it!

  28. #108
    I'm looking for an HRT doc near McAllen, Texas. If not available could you please refer me to a good source. I want to do things the right way but my source has gone belly up. When I went to my General Practitioner all I got was, at first to workout more, then I got prescribed Prozac. I don't know what else to do, the wife is pissed, my libido is way down and I've been looking into ordering from a site called, even though all posts seem to be negative.

    Please help........., just always had my own source, until now.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    That isnt a hrt dose, your doing a cycle 400mgs per wk is a cycle not replacement for your natural testosterone
    I do 400 mgs a week and it brings me up to 600 to 750.So the blanket statement as I have said before is a cycle is not right.Everyone is different and there body metabolizes test differently.At 400 mgs a week 52 weeks a year is not a cycle for me.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    I do 400 mgs a week and it brings me up to 600 to 750.So the blanket statement as I have said before is a cycle is not right.Everyone is different and there body metabolizes test differently.At 400 mgs a week 52 weeks a year is not a cycle for me.
    how many times have you tested blood after pinning 400mg of test and what day after pinning do you draw blood

  31. #111
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    hey guys small update... i got 4 days tilll my first show, not going to come in as lean as i hoped..i am around 6% or so but since its my first show this is all a learning experience. anyway i was 160 this morning on my scale and will cut all the way down to 154 1/4 or under by saturday. water loading right now been drinking 2.25 gallons a day or more since saturday and will drop to 1 gallon tomorrow of distilled water instead of tap like i have been drinking. then friday will drop to 1/4 of a gallon before 2pm and sip from then on out. also decarbing till fri... eating 80g of carbs since monday and will carb load fri with 400g and eat lots of fatty foods for my last meal fri night and saturday morning... i hope all goes well! wish me luck! thanks all!

  32. #112
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    Dude, that is so cool! Great job! I know a guy that just went through the same thing a few months ago. In fact, he was right about the same weight class. 6% is crazy, man! Real cool. Good luck ... Let us know how it turns out.

  33. #113
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    best o luck

  34. #114
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    thanks guys! can't wait to drop the rest of this water weight and get my spray tan done and really be able to see what i look like! this morning i weighed 156.2 so 2lbs too heavy but if i use the bathroom that should take care of more then 2lbs! hopefully!

  35. #115
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    hey guys good news i won my show! to bad i was the only one in my weight class. but i did learn alot and that was the reason i did it...thanks for all the comments. gotta another show in feb so i am on a mass gain now till then

  36. #116
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    hey bro a wins a win!!!!!!


  37. #117
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    Agreed ... Just to make it to a point to be show quality is impressive!!!

    Blade, let me ask you, how do the rules work with these guys when you're on TRT? I know there are contests that don't check, and then there are the ones that do. Either way, I don't care, it's their program, but I am curious if a person on medically prescribed TRT would be exempt from tests because it's a medical condition? Just curious. Didn't know if you've had to cross this bridge.

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Agreed ... Just to make it to a point to be show quality is impressive!!!

    Blade, let me ask you, how do the rules work with these guys when you're on TRT? I know there are contests that don't check, and then there are the ones that do. Either way, I don't care, it's their program, but I am curious if a person on medically prescribed TRT would be exempt from tests because it's a medical condition? Just curious. Didn't know if you've had to cross this bridge.
    good question....always wondered if i went to try out for the nfl if i could still play...lmao

  39. #119
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    well either way it is illegal... most shows say they can test but never will, except the natural shows they test for sure

  40. #120
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    hey guys went to the doc today, found out she dont know shit about injections.... that was her exact words... nice!....... so i have been taking 400mg a week up to 450mg, and using adex once a month, my test was 1500+++, and estro was 88... i told her i still feel tired, no energy, i want to sleep all day.... she said she doesnt know why, i should feel great other then the slightly high estro... so she cut my dose down to 300 a week, adex once a week, and HCG for test atrophy..... i was hinting i thought it was hgh related, and i had been gaining body fat, app 4% over thee past year since i have been on test, and the only test she did for HGH was igf-1 which doesnt rule out gh deficiency... what do you guys think? i am looking for a new doc

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