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Thread: Want Quality muscle!

  1. #1

    Want Quality muscle!

    He guys im 19 years old and I have done gear for about two years now. Alot of test. I dont like retaining watter B/c I look like a giant ballon and my face looks like a whole other person. I want to gain quality muscle with little watter retention. What do you guys recomend.

    im 5"8 and 170lb
    pretty lean.

    in the past I have done primo and winny and got some good results, but I just want some opinions..


  2. #2
    I recommend not doing shit. You're still too young to be doing more damage to your body than you already have. I'd lay off anything and try the natural way for a few years.So why'd you want to juice - football, chicks ??

  3. #3
    yea, I just Dont have any patients I like seeing fast results and feeling good. Ive done them for my self just looking good, and chicks (haha). Mad people my age do juice were im from I guess I canr explain it I just like lookin and feelin good!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    If you're doing juice that young you should be doing it for a better reason then chicks bro. Like a perscription, that's a good reason. Otherwise you really shouldn't take them in your teens.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pretty boy
    yea, I just Dont have any patients I like seeing fast results and feeling good. Ive done them for my self just looking good, and chicks (haha). Mad people my age do juice were im from I guess I canr explain it I just like lookin and feelin good!
    what are ur stats, like measurements and stuff, arms ?

    just curious ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    wtf happened, no one cares about this anymore lol ? pretty boy hasnt even returned !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by gundam675
    wtf happened, no one cares about this anymore lol ? pretty boy hasnt even returned !
    When he says he's 19 it doesn't matter what his stats are, he shouldn't be using AS.

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