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Thread: can someone please explaine -

  1. #1

    can someone please explaine -

    to me how anadrol cause gyno its a dht compound not a progestrin either so what is the reason ? The whole prolactin thing doesn't make sence as it is not even a prostagin. Ant help would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    Anadrol does not aromatize, meaning that it does not convert to estrogen. However, it somehow mediates estrogenic side effects, most likely through the use of non-estrogen metabolites. It also binds with aromatase, but does not get converted into estrogen in the process.

    This is important to understand because trying to use an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) will not eliminate the symptoms. The problem is not being caused by aromatization. Trying to use an AI will just displace the Anadrol and allow it to go on producing estrogenic effects.

    Tamoxifen is the best solution, as it will bind directly to the estrogen receptors and prevent uptake of the estrogen.

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