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Thread: numb hands at night

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state

    numb hands at night

    Hey guys, I've been on 4ius of hgh for almost a month now and just started a new kit, I've been waking up with my hands very numb, especialy my right hand. So numb that I can't feel it and can't hardley close my fist.

    I've heard of others having this but just wanted to hear what you all had to say


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Hey guys, I've been on 4ius of hgh for almost a month now and just started a new kit, I've been waking up with my hands very numb, especialy my right hand. So numb that I can't feel it and can't hardley close my fist.

    I've heard of others having this but just wanted to hear what you all had to say

    have you been doing heavyer lifts than normal, i had a similar problem with high volume lifts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    Not really any heavier, intinsity is up? Good pumps in the gym. I'm still trying to figure out if my hgh is even real...

  4. #4
    I got fat fingers at 10iu/ed. You must have some high quality stuff if you're getting puffy hands at 4iu.

  5. #5
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    My hands are beyond puffy. I can't get my wedding ring on!

    I think I'm going to back it down to 2ius.

    Anyone else?

  6. #6
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    Now it's not just a night, today my right had started to go numb while playing with my phone.

    Feels like the blood supply is restricted.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I used to get that when I had real HGH, go down in dosage and climb up very slow. Man I miss that....

  8. #8
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    Wow thats good news. I got a blood test done recenty to make sure this stuff is good but maybe I have my answer. I'm going to back it down to 2ius a day.

    Thanks guys!

  9. #9
    Does your wrists and your hands near your wrist hurt a lot? You might have carpal tunnel syndrome due to the water retention in the wrist joint. HGH is good stuff but I didn't like the CTS it caused in my wrists. I'm on a computer all day so it's especially painful.

  10. #10
    I think that is a good sign the hgh is working

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Perhaps this is incorrect but I thought I read that supplementing T4 (50-100 everyday) will help with some of the joint pains. (someone please confirm)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Does your wrists and your hands near your wrist hurt a lot? You might have carpal tunnel syndrome due to the water retention in the wrist joint. HGH is good stuff but I didn't like the CTS it caused in my wrists. I'm on a computer all day so it's especially painful.
    I notice when I try to type on the computer my wrist hurt bad, but I had that without the hgh. It prob hurts more now but marginally.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    Perhaps this is incorrect but I thought I read that supplementing T4 (50-100 everyday) will help with some of the joint pains. (someone please confirm)
    Haven't heard that but I am on t4, 100mcg everyday.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by RoachForLife19 View Post
    Perhaps this is incorrect but I thought I read that supplementing T4 (50-100 everyday) will help with some of the joint pains. (someone please confirm)
    That's incorrect.

    jing jai

  15. #15
    gymfu, it sounds like you have cts. This can be a side effect of hgh and is often gladly received as it assures us of the authenticity of what we are taking. Just be mindful though that cts can also be caused by excessive water retention which can also be achieved by taking substances other than gh. If you water retention isn't excessive and is mainly around your joints and your bp and pulse are normal then it is a good sign that your gh is g2g.

    jing jai

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    gymfu, it sounds like you have cts. This can be a side effect of hgh and is often gladly received as it assures us of the authenticity of what we are taking. Just be mindful though that cts can also be caused by excessive water retention which can also be achieved by taking substances other than gh. If you water retention isn't excessive and is mainly around your joints and your bp and pulse are normal then it is a good sign that your gh is g2g.
    That's really good to hear that from you.......
    That is exactly whats going on, I have joint pains in hands, wrists, feet, and ankles but don't look like I'm holding excesive water anywhere else. Been watching my pb and pulse and things are normal.

  17. #17
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    Dec 2009
    Don't take what I say as proof that your HGH is real, I did not get blod work done for that previous HGH but saw good results over 6 months and had the numb hands while texting or something like that. I haven t heard of any Chinese fake stuff resulting in numb hands. It just may be a indicator that you have the real stuff, you might wanna drop the dosage and climp up slowly. Getting a IGF 1 blood test done would be the most cost/efficient way of knowing almost for sure that what you have is hgh.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    Don't take what I say as proof that your HGH is real, I did not get blod work done for that previous HGH but saw good results over 6 months and had the numb hands while texting or something like that. I haven t heard of any Chinese fake stuff resulting in numb hands. It just may be a indicator that you have the real stuff, you might wanna drop the dosage and climp up slowly. Getting a IGF 1 blood test done would be the most cost/efficient way of knowing almost for sure that what you have is hgh.
    Thanks, I am awaiting blood test results as we speak. Can't wait to see what it is!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Wow thats good news. I got a blood test done recenty to make sure this stuff is good but maybe I have my answer. I'm going to back it down to 2ius a day.

    Thanks guys!
    The symptoms you are experiencing are commonly referred to as CT or carpal tunnel. Most of us have experienced it while running exogenous r-hgh.

    I would like to know what blood test you had done.
    If it measured Igf1 what was your score?

    I have run Pharm grade exogenous GH and had zero CT + UG GH that has presented with CT symptoms.

    Athough most claim this is a sign of gtg GH in my experiece it isn't true.
    The only true barometer of good GH is a blood draw which measures Igf-1 levels.
    I chose to pin 10 iu wait 3 hours exactly before performing a blood draw.
    New data suggests peak plasma Igf levels are 4 hrs after administration. It is no longer definitively one hour .

    I hope this helps feel free to PM if not.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifeguard102 View Post
    The symptoms you are experiencing are commonly referred to as CT or carpal tunnel. Most of us have experienced it while running exogenous r-hgh.

    I would like to know what blood test you had done.
    If it measured Igf1 what was your score?

    I have run Pharm grade exogenous GH and had zero CT + UG GH that has presented with CT symptoms.

    Athough most claim this is a sign of gtg GH in my experiece it isn't true.
    The only true barometer of good GH is a blood draw which measures Igf-1 levels.
    I chose to pin 10 iu wait 3 hours exactly before performing a blood draw.
    New data suggests peak plasma Igf levels are 4 hrs after administration. It is no longer definitively one hour .

    I hope this helps feel free to PM if not.
    My blood test will have test, igf-1, and growth hormone levels. I am going to call about it again monday.

    I discontinued the hgh on tuesday. This morning (sat) was the first day I woke up with out the numb hands. Tomorrow I want to start back with just 1iu and work my way up.

    All the advise on timing for blood test results I got was diff from yours. I administered 8ius IM in the glut and had my blood drawn 40min later.
    Last edited by gymfu; 08-29-2010 at 08:47 PM.

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