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Thread: Project GET BIG: My New Cycle

  1. #1

    Project GET BIG: My New Cycle

    Hello everyone. I'm back and bigger with another cycle log. Since my first log went so well and I received so much helpful feedback and support, I had no choice but to do another and give back to the community once again. You cats are good people.

    So if you didn't see my last cycle log, I'm 23, stand 6'2" and am currently weighing about 235 at like 14% bodyfat (I was 222 when I started my last cycle with even more bodyfat). This is going to be my fourth cycle. Also, crab and artichoke are still my favorite foods. I'm still approximately two weeks from my first shot, but I thought I'd start my log right now so I could begin the discussion before everything is set in stone and rolling along. This is my game plan:

    1000 testosterone enanthate - weeks 1-10 (split between two shots)
    40 d-bol every day - weeks 1-6
    100 anadrol a day - weeks 1-6

    I will be taking HCG throughout (a couple 500 iu shots every two weeks) to prevent testicular atrophy and will have nolvadex and letrozole on hand just in case.

    This is obviously a bulking cycle. I will combine all this gear with 7000 calories a day and a generous amount of barbecued meat to achieve my bulking goals (I'm convinced that the things that get you big, in order of importance, are: diet, training, rest, and barbecue - maybe it's in the sauce?). As this is my off-season from bodybuilding, I will not be too concerned with eliminating fat, just getting really f**king BIG!

    I've been leaning towards following these first ten weeks with a three week cruise at 200 test a week followed by another blasting cycle similar to the one outlined above, but I also might just jump for some rock-solid pct. This is something I'd like to discuss with y'all.

    As for my goals, I'm looking to weight in at 255-260 by the cycle's end (weight I'm able to keep) and increase my strength by at least 50 pounds on the bench and 100 pounds on the squat. Judging from my past results these are very realistic goals but I'm carrying around more mass then ever and this is my fourth cycle. Gonna have to be on point with my diet, training, rest and barbecuing to achieve those goals.

    I will post pictures a few days before I start as well to give a good visual indication of my starting point. I'll probably do bi-weekly weigh-ins and try very hard to check this thread daily to keep the discussion lively and so on.

    Be talking to you all soon. Let's get this party started!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Two liver toxic orals that cause similar sides over the same time period? Bad idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    hell yeah glad to see ya back

  4. #4
    I've considered the problem with the orals and my liver, but that is kind of the reason I'm running both together. Generally, I would run only anadrol and at around 200 mg a day to elicit the type of gains I'm shooting for. By combining the two I'm able to get those same results at a lower dose of each with less side effects, or at least that's my logic which has been corroborated by several friends of mine and internet success stories. Also, I believe the liver toxicity issues associated with oral steroids have largely been blown out of proportion. It seems like everyone discussing steroids on the internet is under the impression that orals will MELT your liver instantly, but this is, I believe, the product of an embellished internet dialectic and the science behind the issue is lacking and indicates that orals are probably not as bad as people would make them out to be, indeed that they have a bad rap. I would like to state that I am not saying orals are in all ways fine and harmless, one should definitely always approach orals with due caution. Additionally, it will only be six weeks. If my liver can't take six weeks of anything at 23 years of age then I have a seriously weak-sauce liver and should probably be eating quiche instead of barbecue. I do, however, appreciate your opinions, so how about I get my liver values checked before and after to act as a human guinea pig and shed some light on the combination of orals and its impact on the liver?

    Oldschoolfitness, glad to see you back again for my latest thread and I'm looking forward to some more good conversation.

    Good commentary everyone, keep it going!

  5. #5
    Also, I've switched from a more classic volume-based training split to my version of Doggcrapp training. The results have been outstanding and I can't wait to see how well it works with gear. I believe the extreme stretching it employs have already had noticeable effects on the shape of my muscles and its very high frequency (which I have even ramped up a bit as I've found my body LOVES frequency) will allow me to achieve my short-term size goals in the least amount of time possible. Good lookin out Dante, you've come up with a fantastic training system!

    If anyone has tried this training method as well I'd love to discuss it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sounds pretty heavy on the orals, you've got plenty of liver protection haven't you? I'm not questioning your experience at all. I know this is your forth cycle. I'm definately going to follow this log, I'm looking forward to seeing you make some great gains. Diet diet diet . Are you willing to take some before pictures for us? Cover your face and tats

  7. #7
    Ya I take ALA and milk thistle for my liver. I don't know how much they really help, but I figure I might as well. In a little bit I'll post a description of my diet and training so y'all can get a better idea of just what I'm doing. I don't have a whole lot else to do at my job but f**k around on the internet - it's a great job! And yes, there will be before pictures which I will take just before my first shot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rootsnatty View Post
    I've considered the problem with the orals and my liver, but that is kind of the reason I'm running both together. Generally, I would run only anadrol and at around 200 mg a day to elicit the type of gains I'm shooting for. By combining the two I'm able to get those same results at a lower dose of each with less side effects, or at least that's my logic which has been corroborated by several friends of mine and internet success stories. Also, I believe the liver toxicity issues associated with oral steroids have largely been blown out of proportion. It seems like everyone discussing steroids on the internet is under the impression that orals will MELT your liver instantly, but this is, I believe, the product of an embellished internet dialectic and the science behind the issue is lacking and indicates that orals are probably not as bad as people would make them out to be, indeed that they have a bad rap. I would like to state that I am not saying orals are in all ways fine and harmless, one should definitely always approach orals with due caution. Additionally, it will only be six weeks. If my liver can't take six weeks of anything at 23 years of age then I have a seriously weak-sauce liver and should probably be eating quiche instead of barbecue. I do, however, appreciate your opinions, so how about I get my liver values checked before and after to act as a human guinea pig and shed some light on the combination of orals and its impact on the liver?

    Oldschoolfitness, glad to see you back again for my latest thread and I'm looking forward to some more good conversation.

    Good commentary everyone, keep it going!
    Don't underestimate the detrimental effects of orals. People probably do overstate the dangers, but I think you have conversely understated them. You have suggested the smartest thing to do though, which is to get your enzymes checked. I would suggest that if possible, you get them checked before, in the middle of, and after the use of orals. Make sure to have some n-acetyl cysteine on hand for liver support, that it pretty much the best thing to take to protect your liver. It can be bought over the counter and it is the same drug that people are given when they suffer from tyenol-induced liver toxicity. Good luck with the cycle.

    P.S. I like how you believe in the anabolic effects of barbeque, if thats the case I guess I'll have to start eating it more often.

  9. #9
    Ok, so diet-wise I've switched to using a lot more weight gainer shakes which I make myself as it is a much more efficient and cost-effective way to get the calories I need. So here is an example day:

    Breakfast: 6 eggs, oatmeal (This never changes)
    Weight Gainer: 2 scoops whey, 3 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups milk, banana
    Lunch: 2 tuna sandwiches, apple
    PWO Shake: 4 scoops whey, 20 oz. fruit juice, 3 tbsp. flax seed oil
    Dinner 1: 4 barbecue chicken thighs, basmati rice, green salad
    Dinner 2: Same as above, I just make enough for two meals
    PM Weight Gainer: 2 scoops whey, 3 tbsp. peanut butter, 3/4 cup oatmeal, 2 cups milk, banana, 1 cup cottage cheese

    Generally the meals that change are my lunch and dinner, otherwise its stays pretty much the same. I get roughly 7000 calories a day from this diet plan.

    I'll get my workout plan up next.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tjax03 View Post
    Don't underestimate the detrimental effects of orals. People probably do overstate the dangers, but I think you have conversely understated them. You have suggested the smartest thing to do though, which is to get your enzymes checked. I would suggest that if possible, you get them checked before, in the middle of, and after the use of orals. Make sure to have some n-acetyl cysteine on hand for liver support, that it pretty much the best thing to take to protect your liver. It can be bought over the counter and it is the same drug that people are given when they suffer from tyenol-induced liver toxicity. Good luck with the cycle.

    P.S. I like how you believe in the anabolic effects of barbeque, if thats the case I guess I'll have to start eating it more often.
    I will definitely be getting some of this n-acetyl cysteine after I do some research on it, as I have never heard of it. I'm going to set up appointments to get my liver values checked before, during, and after this one. If I see something start to go haywire I'll be discontinuing the orals immediately.

  11. #11
    Sup Roots'..?! Good to see you back bro.

    I'll definitely be dropping in from time to time again.

    Cycle looks good BTW. Watch out for BP issues from the 100/40 split.

    Get yourself on some taurine quickly before the back pumps start to occur. They are very harsh on the drol/bol combo.

    Only other thing I would suggest is since you're only using one injectable compound why not space out the Test-E dose a little bit. (IE) rather then 500mg x 2/wk run it EOD @ 250mg/eod.

    ^^ Believe it or not, even with the long esters, the more frequent one injects the more stable their blood levels remain; with each day being considered ideal/optimal.

    Again, good to see you back. Look forward to seeing some tremendous gains bro!


  12. #12
    Vitruvian man, good to see you again. I wish I would have known taurine helped with back pumps last cycle, I got some horrible ones from the huge doses of anadrol I was running. I might also go for the more frequent injections - I really enjoy blasting frequently. Hopefully I can pull out the biggest gains yet since I can focus all my attention on gaining mass rather than cutting for a competition as well.

  13. #13
    So here is how my training has been going:

    I've essentially been following a doggcrapp training protocol with a bit higher frequency. I only do one exercise per body part. On each exercise I do as much weight as I can possibly lift 7-8 times and then when I fail I rack the weight, rest 15 seconds, and lift again until failure, rack it, rest 15 seconds, go to failure once again and then static hold the load just before lockout for 20 seconds. This single rest-pause set is brutal enough to fatigue my muscles enough that I don't need extra volume.

    My training schedule is 2 on, 1 off, and with that frequency I'm training muscles approximately 2.5 times per week. The first day on is chest, shoulders, triceps, back width and back thickness; the second day on is biceps, forearms, quads, hamstrings and calves. I rotate between my three favorite exercises for every muscle, so I will hit all three exercises once each in a three week cycle. For instance every 1st, 4th, and 7th day I'd be hitting chest with flat bench, incline bench and Hammer Strength chest press respectively. On the 10th day the cycle would repeat with flat bench. Also, each time I return to a lift I have to beat my recorded previous lift by at least ten pounds. If I don't I switch exercises (hasn't been a problem yet though).

    After each lift I stretch the muscle I just used extremely hard in the pursuit of improved shape and perhaps hyperplasia. This workout is short and sweet for me but extremely mentally taxing. The results I'm only right now beginning to see appear great and I can't wait until I get on cycle to see them really get going!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    running the same routine man hope you like it because i love it!!!

  15. #15
    HighRoller, tell me some more about your experience, I'm curious and would like to know how well you gained on such a regimen.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2010
    well im kind of a youngin from the AAS perspective and have been using this training method cuz my buddy who is HUGEE bench's 430 showed me it and my lifts just keep going up and up. The routine is consists of 3 sets, and a static at the end where you hold the weight for 30 seconds. so for your first set you should try and shoot for 9-12 reps, second set 5-7, then third set 2-4. and then a 30 second pause for your static.

    Monday- Chest, Shoulders,Triceps, back width, and back thicknesse.
    Wednesday- Biceps,forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads.

    Chest- small incline using smyth press, bench smyth press, and incline dumbells. After all chest workouts static laying on bench holding dumbell at chest level for 1:30 seconds (feel it in the chest).
    shoulders- Rack shoulders, smyth shoulder, dumbell.
    Triceps- Dips with weight, EZ curl bar on ground. then Static with dumbell behind head for 1:30
    Backwidth- weighted pull ups, pull downs.
    Back thicknesse- racked deadlift, Deadlift, T-row
    Biceps- EZ curl, Drag curls, seated bicep curl,
    Biceps 2nd lift- hammer curls to chest
    Forearms- cable pulls 20 rp one set each arm

    Been workin for me man i started on this routine about 9 months ago and i cycle on it at about 7 months and i've put on good 25 lbs pretty much from just one cycle, and its amazing because if you write your lifts down you honestly increase weight or reps everytime you hit the gym mind blowing

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    orals are great for gains, sometimes i think everyone underestimates them. heavy oral use through many years i'm sure could cause some problems, but i think this is a whole different ball game. good luck with the dc ran it all summer with the m-w-f routine. did some cardion 2-3x week and really trimmed up down to what i thought was 10%, but after checking was 12%(damn stuff is tricky) shaped up chest and shoulders better than anything else. intense muscle has great info; offical dc board.

  18. #18
    Ya, I've only really heard good things about DC training and that's why I decided to give it a try. I've spent some time on intense muscle as well: very informative forum. I'm going to cycle my DC training with my AAS cycles - when I'm on gear, I'm on DC, and when I'm off gear, I'm off DC, or at least taking it easier.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    yep if you run DC you will chisel those shoulders, chest, very fast its amazing just remember the statics, and chest statics after ur chest lift, and tricep static after ur tricep workout, helps alot to rip the muscles your arms will be dead after these statics and feel it immensely in ur muscles

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    throw up some pics for us

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rootsnatty View Post
    Ya, I've only really heard good things about DC training and that's why I decided to give it a try. I've spent some time on intense muscle as well: very informative forum. I'm going to cycle my DC training with my AAS cycles - when I'm on gear, I'm on DC, and when I'm off gear, I'm off DC, or at least taking it easier.
    when you are off your cycle you should be lifting almost harder then when you are on cycle.

  22. #22
    Now I just can't agree with that. You lift harder on cycle because you are able to lift harder. I just wouldn't have enough recovery ability to train muscles hard with as much frequency off-cycle compared with on-cycle. Personally, I have found it nearly impossible to overtrain on-cycle, but with no juice overtraining becomes a very real issue for me.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rootsnatty View Post
    Now I just can't agree with that. You lift harder on cycle because you are able to lift harder. I just wouldn't have enough recovery ability to train muscles hard with as much frequency off-cycle compared with on-cycle. Personally, I have found it nearly impossible to overtrain on-cycle, but with no juice overtraining becomes a very real issue for me.
    Is this going to be your first run with DC training? I noticed you have it scheduled for 2 days one 1 off. I'm sure you know that the normal set up is 3 days per week, mon, wed, fri. If this is your first time with DC you may want to stick to the classic set up, you can always increase if you are feeling good, but you know your body better than I. I guess if you start feeling beat up you can cut back.

  24. #24
    Yeah, I saw that the usual was a Monday-Wednesday-Friday routine, but that didn't seem like nearly enough frequency for me. I usually train my bodyparts twice per week (except for recently I tried once per week with terrible results), very heavy, and with a pretty high volume. Dropping down to 1.5 times per week (as per the standard program) seemed like a step in the wrong direction frequency-wise. I'm noticing great results and am not feeling overtrained so I will stick to this until I have a reason to do otherwise. Good lookin out though.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rootsnatty View Post
    Yeah, I saw that the usual was a Monday-Wednesday-Friday routine, but that didn't seem like nearly enough frequency for me. I usually train my bodyparts twice per week (except for recently I tried once per week with terrible results), very heavy, and with a pretty high volume. Dropping down to 1.5 times per week (as per the standard program) seemed like a step in the wrong direction frequency-wise. I'm noticing great results and am not feeling overtrained so I will stick to this until I have a reason to do otherwise. Good lookin out though.
    Yea when you first switch over from higher volume DC feels like you aren't doing nearly enough. You have to remember that you do hit each muscle group more often. I am actually on my first cycle now, and I started doing DC a few months ago. My test is starting to kick in now so I modified the program to a four day a week split as follows:

    Monday: Upper body
    Tuesday: Lower body
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: upper
    Friday: lower
    Saturday: off
    Sunday: off

    I rotate the days just like with the standard set up, just as you can see there is one fewer off day per week. After the cycle ends though I plan to go back to the three day split. If you are doing everything with proper intensity even three days a week will be tough on your body and you will see tremendous growth. Like I said before, if you do it your way just pay attention to how you feel. I would suggest that if you stop making good progress each week that you cut it down.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    WOW, 100mg Anadrol. Make sure you warm up good before going heavy. Anadrol made me so strong at 50mg that I made new personal best on every lift.

    You will also retain a great deal of water. Take some before and after pics. Would love to see your progress.

  28. #28
    Everyone is asking for the pictures - I'm so flattered! But like I said, my first shot isn't for about two weeks and I will post them right before then as to demonstrate my true starting place. I just wanted to start the thread a couple weeks prior to generate some good discussion and insights, which I'm getting in droves. Thanks y'all, keep it coming.

    Tjax, we are pretty much doing the same DC cycle except you have one more rest day per week. Thanks for the helpful advice - I will keep an eye on my progress and if it slows I'll be sure to cut back on the frequency. As of now, however, the training is hauling along like a freight train and is showing no signs of slowing down. I haven't seen this much forward progress in a long time. I'm very excited to find out what the future holds, hopefully I can get my bench over 450 and my squat over 700 on this cycle; at the current rate at which I'm progressing I should blow that goal out of the water.

    Glover, I will absolutely make sure to get adequate warm-ups in, I always do. I see a lot of guys just jump right on heavy weights and I believe that is a recipe for disaster. I am well versed with anadrol (this will be my third time running it) and I love the size and strength games it grants the user almost immediately after the first dose, not to mention the increased aggression and intensity. The water retention never really bothered me, even at doses well over 100 mg a day without any AI's or SERM's, my problem was always with back pumps and, potentially the worst side effect of all, a periodic loss of appetite. I hope with the lower dose (yes this is a lower dose for me!) and its combination with d-bol, I will garner all the rapid gains I've seen in the past while avoiding the side effects of each. I've heard that such a course of action will do exactly that, and after looking into the science behind this protocol I am convinced that the combination is worth a shot. I'll keep you all informed so we can all benefit from my experience in terms of the knowledge gleaned from my telling.

    Good discussion all. Keep it going!
    Last edited by rootsnatty; 09-15-2010 at 01:11 AM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    the big man (dante) list a 4 day program for busy schedules(shorter but just as intense) and he also list a 4 day program for those with above average recovery (aka root+AAS). the m-w-f is for the average trainee( aka oldschool... getting to old i guess)

  30. #30
    Haha, well thanks for the praise. It seems to be working so far. I think a lot of times people read something and believe it is weightlifting gospel as it is written and only as it is written. The truth of the matter is this weightlifting thing is all about discovering how your body responds to manifold demands imposed upon it during a training regimen, demands concerning not just lifting and cardio, but diet, sleep, and even having a social life as well. In a way, however, that is the greatest long-term reward this lifestyle has to offer: giving an individual a perfect understanding of their individual body and how it reacts to stimuli far beyond the scope of the average human being. As an example, a good friend of mine is a national-level amateur bodybuilder, and this guy knows just how much any lapse in his routine will effect him pre-contest. The summer before last I accompanied him to Las Vegas where he was competing in nationals. He stayed up a couple hours past his bedtime two days out from the show and knew he was going to be flat the next morning, but the amazing part is he knew just how flat. He told me how much smaller his arms would be the next day exactly, and when I was skeptical he asked me to measure. Sure enough the next morning he got the tape out (apparently you always just have one of these on you at that level) and we checked. Sure enough he wasn't close, he was EXACT. I told him that night he should just sleep in, advice he chose to ignore telling me that he would tweak a few things diet-wise and be back on track. The next day I paid close attention to him as he added in a bit more carbohydrates at each meal, and presto! Come showtime he was big, vascular and ready to do battle. Now a similar strategy would not have worked for me, I need my beauty sleep, but these things are all valuable lessons you learn along the way and carry with you the rest of your life, constantly evolving to suit your changing physiology. Whether you lift for bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletics, or just recreation and enjoyment, you are adding to your knowledge base about yourself and this trial-and-error process is more valuable than anything that can be gleaned from a forum, a book, or a magazine.

  31. #31
    That being said, learning from other sources is very important, and generally aids a great deal in creating the starting point from which one sets off on his training journey. Though I understand my body better with each passing day, I am still humble and open to the advice others present me with so I can establish the best possible training system possible for my individual goals and physiology.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    about time to get started isn't bro !!!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    boone, n.c.
    oh no we have lost root; the orals have finally taken over!! (lol just kidding bro just checking in)

  34. #34
    Was following this dude's threads. Getting pretty annoyed at all the cliffhangers around here.

    This guy looked like he was using pretty hardcore cycle's. Wonder if somthing went horribly wrong this time?

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    ^Yeah bummer..would have been very interesting.

  36. #36
    Hi everyone. Sorry I did that to you! School got ridiculously hard last quarter and occupied nearly all my time. On top of that I was working three jobs and studying to get certified as a personal trainer. Some things had to fall by the wayside and unfortunately posting on this forum got neglected. On that same note, lifting in general suffered as I just didn't have the requisite time to hit the gym. I have purposefully cut back on my class and work load this quarter and I got my certification so I can really get back to my training. Unfortunately over my little hiatus I lost about twenty pounds...

    On a good note, through a mini test-only cycle I have jumped back up above my previous weight by a couple pounds and I am as strong as ever before. I have made some important changes to my training (yet again) and here are a couple examples: I have been including lots of heavy deadlifts and have been squatting almost to the point where my ass rests on my heels. Also, I've started doing legs and back three times a week to really target those body parts. My workouts still favor full-body training and only the biggest, heaviest compound lifts, but I have dropped rest-pause training for more traditional strength training because it is more fun for me. I still, however, use very slow negatives on my pull-ups as I feel this hits my back and makes it grow better than anything else.

    Anyway I hope everyone is good and training is better all around. I really love you guys (not like I want to f*** you, but I feel like part of a family when I log on and have a few PM's asking if everything has been cool).

    As for this thread I'm killing it and starting over fresh in a "Project GET BIG 2.0" where I will lay out my next cycle and my training plans and eating plans and all that fun stuff. Maybe I'll even get to that right now, I have some time to kill. See everyone there. Happy late Christmas and New Years.

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