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Thread: steroids at the gym

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wales, UK

    Question steroids at the gym

    I know the rules are not to discuss sources of where to get steroids, and my question is not where to get them but how to go about approaching the subject with someone at the gym of obtaining them? Any thoughts or advise guys?

    If this topic is not allowed then i apologse in advance, let me know and I'll delete the post.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Newark, DE
    I think this is okay, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. First, aren't steroid legal in your country?

    Second, don't ever approach someone you don't know very well and ask them for anything illegal. Anyone with a brain will think you are a narc. That's a good way to get beat up. I'd advise building a relationship with them first, and this is going to take months to years. Once they know and trust you they will be much more willing to discuss any matter with you. Personally I'd only ever ask someone who I really trust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Wales, UK
    Their legal with prescription and legal o possess, but it's illegal to supply i believe.

    I agree with your advise dude, it's just hard to "get to know" the guys you think are on gear and jump inbetween their sets and work out with them cos they lift so more than i do LOL.

  4. #4
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    May 2009
    well when you do end up getting to know people well enough bring it up indirectly. a question like, hey have you seen the movie bigger stronger faster? may bring it up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    mate you need to come to my gym everyone there broadcasts that they are on gear and the can get it for you lol if you are close to bristol i could point you in the right direction to someone who will get you some

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    hope that is not breakin any rules on the forum

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    sorry dude how old are you first

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    well when you do end up getting to know people well enough bring it up indirectly. a question like, hey have you seen the movie bigger stronger faster? may bring it up.
    lol i can see this now

    You:"Yo lemme work in with you right quick"
    Some guy:"Uh ok-"
    You:"So u seen bigger stronger faster"
    Some guy:"Yea i tho-"
    You:"Got any steroids?!"

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    So, can you get a prescription for personal use? That was my impression of the laws in the UK. Correct me if I'm incorrect.

    As far as working in with the big guys, yeah it can be tricky. I used to work in with the big guys on legs. My bench wasn't quite up to theirs yet, but my legs have always been super powerful. You get into a little friendly competition and start pushing each other and the next thing you know there's 1,200lbs on the leg sled and you're going for eight reps to beat the guy who went before you. After that you've pretty much bonded and they'll tell you whether or not they like to wear womens' underwear.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    I think this is okay, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. First, aren't steroid legal in your country?

    Second, don't ever approach someone you don't know very well and ask them for anything illegal. Anyone with a brain will think you are a narc. That's a good way to get beat up. I'd advise building a relationship with them first, and this is going to take months to years. Once they know and trust you they will be much more willing to discuss any matter with you. Personally I'd only ever ask someone who I really trust.

    HAHA Very true, jus because someones on Gear doesnt mean their a dealer or willing to get them for anyone either.

  12. #12
    [QUOTE=TKO Performance;5360918]So, can you get a prescription for personal use? That was my impression of the laws in the UK. Correct me if I'm incorrect.

    if only you could, a prescription is only £7

  13. #13
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    So, can you get a prescription for personal use? That was my impression of the laws in the UK. Correct me if I'm incorrect.

    As far as working in with the big guys, yeah it can be tricky. I used to work in with the big guys on legs. My bench wasn't quite up to theirs yet, but my legs have always been super powerful. You get into a little friendly competition and start pushing each other and the next thing you know there's 1,200lbs on the leg sled and you're going for eight reps to beat the guy who went before you. After that you've pretty much bonded and they'll tell you whether or not they like to wear womens' underwear.
    Lets leave your preference in underwear out of this topic...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    What's underwear?

  15. #15
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    That is a mental image I did not want...

  16. #16
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    Yeah, scrub that one out of your brain. Hah!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    So, can you get a prescription for personal use? That was my impression of the laws in the UK. Correct me if I'm incorrect.

    As far as working in with the big guys, yeah it can be tricky. I used to work in with the big guys on legs. My bench wasn't quite up to theirs yet, but my legs have always been super powerful. You get into a little friendly competition and start pushing each other and the next thing you know there's 1,200lbs on the leg sled and you're going for eight reps to beat the guy who went before you. After that you've pretty much bonded and they'll tell you whether or not they like to wear womens' underwear.


  18. #18
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    Yeah, got sidetracked there for a bit, but what did he mean by that? Can you get a prescription for steroids for personal use in the UK?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shafts basson View Post
    lol i can see this now

    You:"Yo lemme work in with you right quick"
    Some guy:"Uh ok-"
    You:"So u seen bigger stronger faster"
    Some guy:"Yea i tho-"
    You:"Got any steroids?!"
    hahaha. yeah well...whatever. you know what i mean

  20. #20
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    ya you can imagine how much money is being made around the globe....

  21. #21
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    Most of the gyms i've worked out in there always seems to be an employee (trainer/manager/desk attendant) Who is a source. If you keep going to a gym long enough and people see you're not playin around someone will approach you

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by P90 View Post
    I know the rules are not to discuss sources of where to get steroids, and my question is not where to get them but how to go about approaching the subject with someone at the gym of obtaining them? Any thoughts or advise guys?

    If this topic is not allowed then i apologse in advance, let me know and I'll delete the post.

    Careful of where you do this. Some countries it would be ok but other countries it can land you in jail from and undercover. Gym buys are usually the

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by P90 View Post
    I know the rules are not to discuss sources of where to get steroids, and my question is not where to get them but how to go about approaching the subject with someone at the gym of obtaining them? Any thoughts or advise guys?

    If this topic is not allowed then i apologse in advance, let me know and I'll delete the post.

    You should just ask if they are on winny or deca depending if they are bulked or lean looking then go from there. just say.. you look leaner/bigger how much deca/winny r u on.. if he punches you in the mouth than beat him over the head with a barbell.. no seriously thoguh if that doesn't work go to spain or turney.. if you are ever in Dublin i will put you in contact wiht my guy.

    If you are a cop than i will have your family killed.. JK..

  24. #24
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    ITs just not going to happen! Any bro in the gym thats a hook wont connect if u ask simple math + = narc!

  25. #25
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    Yeah, got sidetracked there for a bit, but what did he mean by that? Can you get a prescription for steroids for personal use in the UK?

    Legal to possess import use etc....

    Against the law to sell/ supply in UK

  26. #26
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I would like to bet that u can buy steroids OTC at 80% of weight lifting gyms in the UK

    How do u think these guys make a living, they charge so little to train there!

    Ofcorse the guy selling them to u is breaking the law, your doin nothing wronge

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    Yeah, got sidetracked there for a bit, but what did he mean by that? Can you get a prescription for steroids for personal use in the UK?
    No you can't just ask your doctor for them over here, but some people with certain conditions receive regular steriod injections.

    Quote Originally Posted by fleck View Post
    ya you can imagine how much money is being made around the globe....
    If only! That certainly would be great, I'd totally invest!

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    Legal to possess import use etc....

    Against the law to sell/ supply in UK
    You hit the nail on the head there! I used to know someone that used to go on holiday to Turkey every other year and he used to bring back a years supply at a time and never got any trouble at customs, I guess he fell into the personal use category .

  28. #28
    check the sponsers on other boards ther G2G
    Last edited by easy flo; 09-18-2010 at 07:47 AM.

  29. #29
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    I got the number to my TRT doctor through a guy at the gym .

    I somehow started a conversation with him and he brought up TRT .
    I had seen him several times . Always wears shirts with chest cut out so you can see his great pecs . Always benched pressed and pushed more there then at squat rack . Walks around and talks as much as he works out .
    He called his wife and got number .
    A couple weeks later I see him and said thanks for the hook up . He said what you talking about ? Acted like he never saw me before .

  30. #30
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    Why not ask the biggest dudes at your gym for a pointer here and there, maybe throw in a complement on one of their muscles in a non gay way and ask for a tip. You can slowly start to get to know guys this way and if they are the biggest they are most likely juicing. I wouldn't bring up the topic of steroids though, or ask them where to get them especially. Let the relationships slowly develop and then guys who use steroids will be more likely to just talk about it to you.

    I told some dude running a nutrition shop what I was on one time. I drop in there every now and then and he has dudes who are friends who hang around there sometimes. The guy himself is natural and def does not sell anything illegal but now when I'm in the shop if someone comes in that's a friend of his and is on steroids he will make a comment like "he's on the program" to me to let the guy know it's cool to talk about steroids in front of, or with me. I could easily share or get sources from these guys if I needed one.

    This is a privately owned nutrition shop, don't try this crap at GNC or some big chain store nutrion product shops.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    hahaha. yeah well...whatever. you know what i mean
    lol i know. just messing around.

    even some people i am good friends with that do roids wouldn't say anything until they heard i was on by a mutual friend that is on gear as well.

    its like some secret club lol. And btw... a lot more people are in this "club" that i thought.. a lot more

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    Why not ask the biggest dudes at your gym for a pointer here and there, maybe throw in a complement on one of their muscles ...
    sorry but i must...

    You: "So looks like you been working out man, you look good"
    Gym Guy: "Yea its a lot of hard wor-"
    You: "Damn your biceps are sexy, got any steroids?!"


  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by shafts basson View Post
    lol i know. just messing around.

    even some people i am good friends with that do roids wouldn't say anything until they heard i was on by a mutual friend that is on gear as well.

    its like some secret club lol. And btw... a lot more people are in this "club" that i thought.. a lot more
    yeah ive noticed the club to. its awesome lol

  34. #34
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    Don't most people here look for an internet source and ask about reliability after being a member for long enough.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    Don't most people here look for an internet source and ask about reliability after being a member for long enough.
    If your savvy you should be able to find multiple online sources in one day online. You would prob shat your pants if you knew what I had access to online. The internet is an incredible resource, but suckers beware as there are anonymous people preying on the naive and making tens or hundreds of thousands every year.

  36. #36
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    haha i have to say...the advice about complimenting a bodypart...might get you beat up just as easy as being blatant, or might raise some questions at least for the complimentEE, happened to me last year, created a pretty awkward workout environment and made sure to wear baggy clothes and did my squats with my back to the wall...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevo123 View Post
    haha i have to say...the advice about complimenting a bodypart...might get you beat up just as easy as being blatant, or might raise some questions at least for the complimentEE, happened to me last year, created a pretty awkward workout environment and made sure to wear baggy clothes and did my squats with my back to the wall...
    Well if your gonna come across as a fem u obv don't want to do it, but if your rear delt is lagging and your looking for a pointer for an exercize or 2 to get it up to par and don't act like a fan boy of fag boy I don't see how a problem is gonna come of it. Then again I'm 6'2" and 260lbs so most people won't mess with me regardless.

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