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Thread: I hate workout partners , smith machine ?

  1. #1
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    I hate workout partners , smith machine ?

    Guys , i ****ing hate my gym partner . Hes always bitching out on workouts and leaving me hanging . Im a way more advanced lifter than he is and im thinking of dumping him completely no homo . What do you guys think of using the smith machine for shoulders when i shoulder press ? will my gains suffer ? i will still be doing other compounds like lateral raises and upright rows .

    We have a smith machine in the gym and it is not a light one , its a legit regular bar weight .

  2. #2
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    You'll only benefit.

  3. #3
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    This new makeover SUCKS
    Quote Originally Posted by Cousinbutch View Post
    You'll only benefit.
    How do you figure ?

  4. #4
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    When I moved and no longer had a lifting partner I used a power rack to do military presses and set the safeties on the sides of the rack. Granted you can't do forced reps and stuff but the oh s#*t clause is definitely still there. Besides that just ask someone you trust to spot you I am lucky enough to have an ex Jacksonville Jaguar who hangs out in my gym quite often.

  5. #5
    There will be no problem using the smith.
    I don't do straight bar press.
    I ONLY use DB and Smith machine.


    The Smith movement give near perfect form.
    The ISOLATION. comes from the depth / height range of motion listed above.

    You may also do your upright rows on the smith.
    continue your lateral raises and alternate press with DB press EOW.
    Good luck.

  6. #6
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    Ditch the dude and don't bother with the machine. There are numerous reasons to not use machines, including but not limited to: muscle imbalance, possible injuries, unnatural range of motion, not utilizing stabilizer muscles...etc

    The smith machine will only handicap you. Why bother with it? You shouldn't learn to rely on machines or people to get your workouts done. What happens one day if the smith machine breaks? Then what? You're not going to do the exercise? Come on.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Ditch the dude and don't bother with the machine. There are numerous reasons to not use machines, including but not limited to: muscle imbalance, possible injuries, unnatural range of motion, not utilizing stabilizer muscles...etc

    The smith machine will only handicap you. Why bother with it? You shouldn't learn to rely on machines or people to get your workouts done. What happens one day if the smith machine breaks? Then what? You're not going to do the exercise? Come on.

    Smith machine cannot provide perfect form because it moves in one plane of motion. The only plausible reason for using them would be to acclimate your muscles to using bigger weights. Leave the machines to the girls and the jersey shore wannabees!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Ditch the dude and don't bother with the machine. There are numerous reasons to not use machines, including but not limited to: muscle imbalance, possible injuries, unnatural range of motion, not utilizing stabilizer muscles...etc

    The smith machine will only handicap you. Why bother with it? You shouldn't learn to rely on machines or people to get your workouts done. What happens one day if the smith machine breaks? Then what? You're not going to do the exercise? Come on.
    Yet another thing we agree on Nooomoto!!! Ditch the Smith!!!

  9. #9
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    I've seen WAY too many injuries with guys using a Smith Machine to press, don't do it!! If you're trying to find a safe way to press without a spotter you should either use dumb bells, or find a gym that has bumper plates that can be dropped. IMO the smith machine is only good for hanging your towel.

  10. #10
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    On days my gym partner isn't there I just use DB's instead (so instead of flat BB bench, I'll use DB's, or instead of BB military press I'll do DB shoulder presses, etc etc...)

  11. #11
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    I cannot workout with a partner unless he is fully dedicated and they never are they only want too workout 2 times a week or its excuses excuses just learn too ask someone else for spot if needed but i no my limits so im usually fine i never use that smith though i want my on controlled movements not anything on a track

  12. #12
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    Just ask a friend to spot you. Or grab some kid who is standing around doing nothing. I always have to explain to them exactly how I want to be spotted and they can still manage to screw it up.

  13. #13
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    Ditch the partner and dont use the smith, i hate them for everything apart from shrugs

    They force you into an un naturall plane of movement which increases risk of injury IMO

    Just do what you would normally do, push your self just as hard and u may find that u had the reps where ur spotter helped u, if u kno wat i mean

    IMO spotter should be there only to take the bar off your chest or whatever when u cannot move it off ur body, when u have completly failed

    IMO a spotter can be a faulse sence of security, u may find urself giving up because you can, without a spotter u have to get that rep

  14. #14
    ditch the workout partner and get a bowflex......

    no, but really ditch the guy and just ask gym people for spots. you go to a gym long enough you start to see familiar faces and know who's there to workout and who's there to ogle. that's what i do if i ever need a spot on heavy squats / arnold presses / french press. the spot for me is a mental thing b/c i'll struggle a little bit with the lighter weight, but as soon as i get a spot and go up just a little, i always question "damn did i even need a spot?"

  15. #15
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    I'm not a fan of the smith machine either, except for a few exercises (close grip bench, reverse grip bench, maybe one other I can't think of now off the top of my head).

    But nothing is wrong with using Machines now and then, or for certain exercises.

    Especially Hammer Stregth machines. I love them.

  16. #16
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    I don't go to the gym so my input is probably shit. But do you have a bulletin board at your gym? Maybe you can post a 3x5 looking for a new partner?

  17. #17
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    I don't have a partner and I refuse to use a smith machine because I think it's a waste of time, unless your working off an injury. Just use the saftey pins, I can see bench being a problem still, fortunatly for me my gym has saftey hooks on the bench so when I fail half way up I can throw the back on the hooks safely. I even do my 1 rm without a partner and I've never had an issue

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by jypoll View Post
    I don't have a partner and I refuse to use a smith machine because I think it's a waste of time, unless your working off an injury. Just use the saftey pins, I can see bench being a problem still, fortunatly for me my gym has saftey hooks on the bench so when I fail half way up I can throw the back on the hooks safely. I even do my 1 rm without a partner and I've never had an issue
    but what happens when you fail 1" up ? then you're ****ed......

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    but what happens when you fail 1" up ? then you're ****ed......
    If you're going to be doing a weight where you think you might fail at some point, get a spot. Simple. I always workout alone, and if if it's a maximal effort day, I get a spot towards the end of that exercise because I know when I'm up around 85% theres a chance I might fail.

  20. #20
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    **** a Smith Machine anything and **** that same partner....those are 2 useless things I don't need slowing me down. I lift alone like Thorogood drinks. I don't use any machines, cables, or partners. I got it covered.

  21. #21
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    Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    but what happens when you fail 1" up ? then you're ****ed......

    as noomoto says... i will attempt a final rep where i may not finish it but if i know i cant get it back on the hooks i wont attempt it,

  22. #22
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  23. #23
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    ive never had work out partner and would never want one either.. i find that they only hold you back..

    FORGET SMITH MACHINES!!!!!!!!!!! JUST USE DUMBELLS... Put the weight on your knee and toss it up to your shoulder to do shoulder dmbell press.. do the same for bench and incline press as well.. you can start with barbell bench but just finish with dumbells.. if you cant rep it just drop it.. no spotter needed

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    FORGET SMITH MACHINES!!!!!!!!!!! JUST USE DUMBELLS... Put the weight on your knee and toss it up to your shoulder to do shoulder dmbell press.. do the same for bench and incline press as well.. you can start with barbell bench but just finish with dumbells.. if you cant rep it just drop spotter needed
    a spotter is there for that extra one or two that's gonna push you and make you stronger. if you're not pushing yourself to the max every time you're strength training not really a point

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    a spotter is there for that extra one or two that's gonna push you and make you stronger. if you're not pushing yourself to the max every time you're strength training not really a point
    While I agree with your statement, the whole point was that if you don't have a spotter/workout partner, would the Smith machine be a better option. And I agree with Machine that instead of using the Smith machine it is much more beneficial to use dumbbells. When my workout partner isn't there for me I use DB's and if I can't get the last rep I'll hold where I'm at as long as I can and slowly lower it to my starting point and then drop it. However, sometimes I will ask another random person to spot me on my last set as well, as like you said, it is fairly pointless unless you're pushing yourself to the max.....unfortunately most of the people at my gym suck at the sport of spotting

  26. #26
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    On the barbell
    If you want to maximize the last set to failure and you do not have a good workout partner, I would highly suggest utilizing the rest pause reps and negatives.
    Example: Last set you lift a weight 7 times and you cannot lift it the 8th time, put the bar down for 5 seconds and try lifting it again, and repeat that until you cannot complete a single rep. Just be careful and if you are doing barbel bench, make sure to set up the safety stopper bars in case you drop the bar. Just be smart about it.

  27. #27
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    I only like to lift with people who are as serious and experienced about lifting as I am. Whenever I'm with someone who doesn't fit that criteria it completely throws me off. My rests are too long/short, my focus is done. I'm always afraid they will do something dumb when spotting me. I always just lift alone now and if I do a set where I need a spotter I'll just ask someone near me, nobody is going to say no.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    I only like to lift with people who are as serious and experienced about lifting as I am. Whenever I'm with someone who doesn't fit that criteria it completely throws me off. My rests are too long/short, my focus is done. I'm always afraid they will do something dumb when spotting me. I always just lift alone now and if I do a set where I need a spotter I'll just ask someone near me, nobody is going to say no.
    so you're saying you only do the body pump classes at the gym now ??

  29. #29
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    iv gone through so many workout partners iv lost count. Iv yet to find some one as dedicated who will stick with it consistantly. Sick of hearing guys making excuses or not training cause they decided to go out drinking the night before so I just train by myself now. Ill ask for a spot when im benching heavy but other than that I get on fine

  30. #30
    what's up with dudes pulling their pants down just above their junk ??

  31. #31
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    its the new thing to do try it lol

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur View Post
    so you're saying you only do the body pump classes at the gym now ??

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    it was a said "experienced as i am".....those body pump classes that some gym's (like my 24 Hr) offer....

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