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Thread: ok here goes

  1. #1

    ok here goes

    started lifting in highschool was in powerlifting was in the 180 class im 5'8 well its been a couple of years and im 23 now had gained alot of weight over the years but got back at lifting in december, when i started i was about 265

    i think there i was at about 250
    and this is me a about a month from there

    and this is me now at around 235

    im having trouble gaining muscle im about where i want to weigh but i just want to pack on some more muscle im trying to see if any of u guys would recomend that i get on eqiupoise

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't think EQ is your answer.

    If I were you, I'd focus on getting lean, not packing on muscle.

    Hows your diet and cardio schedule?

  3. #3
    30 min of cardio a day 5 times a week along with my workout monday chest sholders tuesday bicep abs wed chest sholders thursday bicep and abs again and friday all cardio cardio consists of 15min on elliptical and 15 min on treadmill

  4. #4
    diet is scrambles eggs for b fast along with protein drink snak between lunch lunch i eat a meal from somthing like a nutrisystem diet snak again dinner also scrambled eggs 2 egg whites and 1 yoke but i have to admit it is hard on me to keep at it all week

  5. #5
    I usually workout in the mornings dont know if that matters

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Eq will do very little for you with such a high bodyfat. Try doing your cardio on an empty stomach in the morning and check out the diet section here. Your diet needs help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Great job on the results so far tho. Noticeable difference.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Too young to need any cycle of any sort. Cardio every morning on an empty stomach and lift in the evenings, remove most fats and all simple sugars, kick your water intake up to 120 oz a day. I disagree about the fat burning as a priority, if you add muscle and eat clean you will burn fat and accomplish more in a shorter period of time. Don't get discouraged when the results come slow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    More cardio bro - I would really focus on diet and at least 50 min's cardio every morning pre-breakfast. You will have some mass that will continue to show more as your BF decreases. You most likely have high E2 which is working against you in every way. Lower that BF my good man then worry about increasing mass!

    Good job so far and good luck the rest of the way!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Agreed with all of the above - forget EQ or any other AAS right now. You need to get your diet in check big time before every considering AAS. We'll be happy to help you out over in the diet section.

  11. #11
    your weight lifting workouts are just

    and abs...

    What about upper back? lower back? tri's?

    and... the other 50% of your body.....

    thighs / hams / glutes / calves..

    I think an overall higher RMR could be achieved with some leg training.

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