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Thread: if your a vet does will you have the same sides on tren as a novice ??

  1. #1

    if your a vet does will you have the same sides on tren as a novice ??

    just sitting here at work reading the threads about tren.
    ive been researching tren now for about 2 months and will do so for a while longer.

    i see alot of people saying its not for beginners cuz of the sides....

    does this mean if you have been cycling for years the sides from tren wont hit you as hard or even be present???

    or does it mean that you know your body so well that you know whats going on and how to handle it. or just that they hit you just as hard but your experinced enough to deal with it ??

    also are there any ways to cut down the sides other then pinning ed with the ace ester.....??

    let me know what you guys think and throw in your .02 as you see fit.

  2. #2
    ps can a mod fix the title to say "If your a vet will you have the same sides from tren as a nocie "

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    The sides will hit you the same no matter if you are a newb or a vet. The reason they say you should not take tren until you are experienced is cuz you will not know how to handle the sides when/if they arise. Besides you probably do not even need tren to achieve your goals if you are a newb so jumping into the harsh stuff is pointless.

  4. #4
    AHHH I SEE so what are type of goals do you need to have to need tren.

    im not being a dick im just wondering. i hear tren makes you as hard as a rock. can other compounds do the same for a newb and why cant they do it for a vet. ???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    There's a lot of compounds that aid in the fat burning process and help to get you harder, but more importantly, it really comes down to diet and training. If you're on point w/ those, you'll be in good shape.
    The sides of tren will be the same no matter how many times you've cycled.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Masteron's appearance effects are similar to Tren only without the strength gains, muscle tissue growth, and nasty sides.

    As stated above, if you know what you're doing naturally, there's no need for Tren IMHO. It's VERY potent and strong and I'll never run it again as I reach my goals each run with much milder compounds.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given

    Your avatar could be used in the treatment of Fina Dick...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Tren is a great compound but it's not something beginners should mess with. More experienced bodybuilders know how their bodies react to compounds..... they know the course of action to take if something starts going wrong..... and they are generally more well prepared to take on something with more strenuous side effects.

    The lack of sleep and fvcked up dreams from tren can really get to someone...... it screws with your training..... your diet.... etc. You really have to understand and respect it..... you have to start at a lower dosage and work your way up. Everyones threshold is different and inexperienced guys tend to push the envelope and end up wayyyy over their head.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    sounds like a fvcked up trip.

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