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Thread: T3 and t5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    T3 and t5

    can anybody explain the diference between t3 and t5??? iv been doing some reaserch on here about t3 and i balieve you burn fat reli well on it but if take it with out a roid it is know to eat muscle aswell which is no good for me as im just out of pct and planning my next cycle for when i am ready. iv been adviced to drop body fat i am 16% at the mo. So due to loosing the muscle aswel as fat t3 arnt for me.... iv heard alot about t5 being h good for burning fat but cant find any info on what it does to your body.. would t5 allso eat my muscles??? links or opinions welcome

    cheers bezzy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    The difference between t3 and t5 is T3 is a thyroid hormone and there is no t5. There is a t4.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    The difference between t3 and t5 is T3 is a thyroid hormone and there is no t5. There is a t4.
    t3 is cytomel, t4 is synthroid. t4 converts into t3. t3 is the end result. muscle wasting is an individual thing. I havne' tnoticed any.
    I like t3+t4 at 50 mcg.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    there is a t5 just to let people know

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I stand corrected, there is a t5 but it doesn't have any bodybuilding applications

  6. #6
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    and to answer your question chemically the difference would be the number of iodine atoms t3 having 3 and t5 having 5

  7. #7
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    Aug 2010
    u think the 5 would allso eat some muscle you think its worth wile useing the t5 at the end of a pct to prep for my next cycle???

  8. #8
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    The link you PM'd me is for a supplement called T5 its not actually a thyroid hormone, it contains caffiene and some herbs. You could take that or one of any other 10,000 fat burning supps out there if you want.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    In the UK t5's are ECA

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    iv ben takeing stimulant x from anabolic extreme thinking they might b the same as t5s then.... just wanted to find out if they was ralated to each other. i hear lots of people rateing them for fat loss.... any one who has used t3 noticed muscle loss and is it same to take as you come off pct?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Most people here wouldn't take t3 without test support. If you're concerned about fat loss, i'd start in the diet section. Then talk about cardio. I'm gonna post an example i posted for someone earlier in the diet section.

    Lets say your thermogenic pills increase your metabolism by 2% So if your total daily energy expendature is 3000 calories right now thats an extra 60 calories a day you'd burn using it. Over 30 days that comes to 1800 calories you've burned and if you eat maintenance calories that makes it an 1800 calorie deficit.

    Ok now lets say you Dropped your diet to 300 calories a day below maintenance and did 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week. Every cardio session is probably gonna burn between 500-700calories. and thats 20 times over a 30 day period lets just say its 500 on the low end thats 20X500=10000 calories plus 30X the 300 cals from your diet equals 9000 calories. Thats a deficit of 19000 calories total.
    In my expierience with clients about every 4k cals they're in deficit they loose 1lb of fat. So in comparision to the extra .5lb of fat you'd burn with thermogenics the 5lbs you'd burn with diet and excercise seems like the most logical choice! Hope this makes sense

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    yeh thanks for you time scotty

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Scotty's advice seems really good. T3 was very good to me but I was on var at the time so I was on a mild anabolic at the time. Don't think I'd take T3 without some sort of anabolic, be it weak or strong unless I was like 70lbs overweight so muscle loss would be very low on the 'concerns' list lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I like the clen t3 combo, works great for weight loss.

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