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Thread: t3 and clen schedules

  1. #1

    t3 and clen schedules

    Does anyone have a good idea of how to cycle these two together. I have seen some threads on one or the other, but not on both. I know I have seen a 5 on 5 off on t3 and a 2week on 2 week off on clen, also I have seen taking clen on the 2 off days opposite of t3. Anyone have any input on this??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    With t3 i preffer low dose for longer period of time, meaning 12.5 or 25MCG for 10-12 week for clen i hate it, usless drug in my opinion, downregulates beta receptor fast and looses it's effect in 2 week, ECA stack will work indeffinitly does not down regulate beta receptor responsible for stimulating fat oxidation, in my opinion far better choice long term...and it's effectivness might be 1% lower then that of clen, but thta's just my 0.02 cents...

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