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Thread: Hitting my shoulders and arms twice a week

  1. #1

    Hitting my shoulders and arms twice a week

    Ok so sometime next week im starting my 2nd cycle, Test-e 250, Deca 300, D-bol, and maybe tren too
    my arms are at 17 inches and im becoming frustrated because ive been trying so long to get at least an inch but my first cycle didnt help a bit, so my question is would it be ok to do arms and shoulders twice a week?
    i'll post a schedule im creating in a little bit.

  2. #2
    Barbell Shoulder press 4x10-15
    Dumbell side laterals 4x12-15
    Barbell upright rows 3x12
    Pec deck reversal (rear delts) 2x12-15
    Dumbell rear delt laterals 2x12-15

    Dumbell shrugs 5x15-20

    Dips 4x20
    -superset with-
    Dumbell curls 4x12-15

    EZ-Bar Skull Crushers 4x10-12
    Concentration Curls 4x12-15

    V-bar cable pushdowns 3x15-20
    Hammer Curls 3x12-15

    Dumbell overhead presses 3x12-15
    EZ bar 21s 3x21

    Pull ups 4x10-15
    Barbell T-bar Rows 4x10-12
    Lat Pull downs 3x12-15
    Cable Rows 3x12

    Barbell Shrugs 3x15-20
    Dumbell Shrugs 3x15-20

    Legpress 4x12-15
    leg extensions 4x12
    reverse extensions 4x12
    Im sorry I will add more exercises to legs but I have a slip disc and iam limited to bending movements that involve my lower back so no squats
    would be cool if you could recommend me more exercises, also i'll be hitting calves every other day with my traps

    10 min cardio

    Barbell Bench Press 4x8-10
    Incline barbell bench 3x12-15
    Incline DB bench 3x10-12
    Incline flyes 3x15-20
    low cable crossovers 3x15-20

    DB shoulder press 3x10-12
    DB side laterals 4x12-15
    DB rear laterals 4x12-15
    upright rows 3x12

    DB Shrugs 5x15-20

    Same as tuesday but only 3 sets per exercise
    10 min HIIT cardio
    Crunches 4x25
    scissor kicks 4x25
    Reverse crunches 3x25

    Last edited by DYNAMIK; 10-07-2010 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Theres the workout^ please let me know what you think, what would you change about it?

  4. #4
    Oops sorry bout that im not done with it yet..

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    If you aren't growing, then i'd look at your diet..

    also, if you must train them 2x week..
    in workout one do high rep
    in workout 2 do heavy weight and low rep...

    that always works for me.. max change = max adaptation..
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yes, first thing would be your diet. I would personally still do them once a week because they get hit doing chest more than you know an sometimes depending on the person one better workout with more rest is better than two. Same with your arms. But, lower your reps and makes sure you increase your weight in those reps (of perhaps 8) every workout while on cycle. Even if it is only 2 pounds in the sets. Time your rest between the sets also to be sure you are consistant with your last workout. Making a log of every workout helps a lot if your not already.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Please tell me your height and age. I see an obvious problem with your routine that is limiting your arm growth, but have to go to the store with my wife. If you give me that info I will make some suggestions that I believe will change your sticking point within a month.

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