Im running HGH now but i reckon for a first timer sck with Gear do a 10wk Test Cycle
I cannot believe there are 3 pages of this nonsense...
I said it back on page 1, this guy is a tool...
BUAHYAHAHAHAHAH WOW!!!! I know you. YOU are no different than every other f*cking newbie that comes on here and thinks they know it all. This is just hilarious reading your responses at this point!!! We are telling you HOW to get to 180/200... WE decided to keep going hence why we are 230+lbs. The same diet applies for ANYONE wanting to gain size, going to 200 or 250. Stopping and mainting at any weight is their choice. YOU keep thinking you know it all and you have the biggest appetite of all... which i laughed at soooo hard!! Keep going buddy, youre on your way! BUAHAHAHA F*cking clown.
You literally made no point by that. Age and weight/size determines advice given. So again, youre a F*cking retard.
Let's get this straight right here, right now. YOU DO NOT EAT ALOT!!! I get 2000 calories before lunch everyday. What you perceive to be alot of food is a snack when you are talking about gaining. Now get over yourself and accept the fact that you have a TON of work to do on your diet and go get after it.
Also, as Haz and myself have mentioned, all that junk food/fast food you are eating is not nutritious. It is made up mostly of empty calories that pass through your system without being absorbed and futhermore make it harder for you digestive system to absorb good calories. For example, if you sit down with a whey shake and a cheeseburger, you may as well throw the whey shake down the toliet cause that is where it is headed anyway.
I am going to ask you again, when is the last time you force fed yourself? If you have never had the pleasure, I suggest trying it. Then you can come on here and whine about how much you supposedly eat.
unfortunately this thread will end up closed if this keeps up.....
I tried being civil..... I gave the advice that I thought to be best. My advice will not change.....
If the flaming continues - this will have to be closed.
ok so if i make another username down the line youl actually be helpful? and actually describe the difference between hgh and steroids throughly? your advice is eat and eat, i just ate my 3rd meal an hour ago and probably 3 more to go and im not even working out. if i was i would be eating more intensely and healthier.
make a note to yourself..... we have staff members that check IP addresses..... If you create another account - your IP will be banned.
I'm not telling you that to be a smartass..... it's true. Your best bet is to start researching a little more and forget that this ever happened.
ok i didnt know junk food was THAT bad for you to tell you the truth. why do people get fat off of fast food if it goes right through you? i would have thought id be at least getting some fat on me but no metabolism too fast. how is 2000 calories not a lot in 3 meals? the average person eats that much in a day, by the end of the night i will have eaten around 4000 easily. its small compared to what you eat but your on roids and easily over 200 pounds so you cant compare really.
HAZ, can you please lock this thread. I literally cannot take the small minded nieveness coming from this kid even after all the perfectly sound advice and points we've all made. Simply look ^. If someone doesnt get it, fine, but the blatent argueing is absurd at this point (3 pages worth).
Stop feeding this troll, fellas.
I doubt the kid is even 20. He sounds a lot like the high school kids I coach. As most of you know, I have 2 sons (14 and 16) and their buddies ask them all the time if I could recommend a cycle for them to look like my boys. My boys tell them all the time, that while I won't lie about my AAS, my sons got their physiques and athleticism through hard work, lots of food, and genetics. My 14yr old is quite thin (according to my family's standards), he is 5'8 and 140lbs. My 16 yr old is 6'2 and 195 (one of the top safety/linebacker recruits in the country). They eat tons of good food, everyday (my grocery bill is outrageous, thank God for my NFL pension, lol).
So stop the conversation with this kid. He's one of the types that need to learn the hard way.
ok you can close the thread now.
Yes, it does compare. How do I know, because when I was twenty I was not over 200lbs. I was 180 at 6'2" and looked like a beanpole. My arms were a whopping 14 inches, and I was wearing a size 30 waist pant. I know am in a 34 waist and weigh 250lbs. BTW I am 36 now. Do the math, that's 70lbs over 16 years!!! I could have done better, could have done it quicker, could have done it with less hazard to my endo system, but guess what I was like you and wouldn't listen. That is where the aggrevation you are getting is coming from. Most of us here were your size or close to it, and know what it takes. Not because we read a magazine or have a theory, but because we have lived it.
I am telling you this from the bottom of my heart, you can gain the weight you want with proper diet and exercise. It will not be easy, it will not happen fast. It will take years of dedication and hard work. If you try to take the easy road, it will burn you in the end. I am sure you have heard the old saying, "nothing easy is worth having".
If your metabolism is as efficient as you say it is of course the diets compare. Your exercise, lifestyle, and metabolism will determine the number of calories you need. Quit guessing how many you are getting and start writing them down. Another hint, until you put it on paper it is meaningless and impossible to follow or document results. Data collection is an important part of this game, all the way from caloric intake to blood test. Do the math on your BMI and your total daily expenditure and decide how many calories you need and then design a diet accordingly. There are plenty of example of how to do the math in the diet section, and plenty of sample diet plans that you can tweak to your specific needs.
I am not telling you do not use AAS, how the hell could I say that with a straight face. What I, and most of the others, are trying to tell you is nail down a training split and a diet first. Get them handled NOW! Once they are in the books and you have followed them for let's say at least a year, then come back and revisit the AAS decision. At that point you may decide you don't need them to achieve you goals and have saved yourself not only time and money, but also the risk to your endocrine system. These are extremely powerful drugs you are talking about taking and should not be taken lightly. I'm not sure if anyone has let you in on the secret, but they are as or more addictive than anything out there including coke and h. Yes, that's right, I said it and you seriously need to listen.... these drugs, both hgh and AAS, are extremely addictive. There are other dangers we are not even talking about, do you have male pattern baldness in your family, do you have a history of diabetes in your family, do you have a history of heart problems in your family, cancer, have you had acne, and the list goes on.
I am by no means one of the experts around here, and I am just trying to tell you what I believe is true. I promise you I have seen many people just like you come and go in the twenty or so years that I have been doing this stuff (took a few years off here and there but that's a different story), and the ones that are successful have a dedication to diet and training split first before anything else.
It's not pathetic, it just is what it is and if you want to change it stop the noise coming from the jaws and put some food in there!!! Also, and nobody wants to hear this, but genetics are the biggest factor in any of this. Some people are just born bigger than others. Again it's not a bad thing, it just is what it is.
Quit worrying about where you are today and start dedicating yourself to being what you want in the future. Have a vision and make it your reality. Step one.. put your plan on paper. Write down your goals, and then write down your diet and training split to get there. After that it's easy, just go work your plan!!!
Last edited by HitIt; 10-12-2010 at 06:53 PM.
My point was that my kids both have very high metabolisms and it takes a shit ton of food for them to gain weight. I feel it in my pocket book every week. That's all I'm saying. You don't need AAS, you need to eat more and properly. And you need to stop acting like an ass and take the advice from very experienced people that are trying to help you.
ok so if your kid who 4 inches shorter and weighs the same as me need to eat a lot to gain weigh, does that give any idea just how much food i need to eat? ok let me give you an idea of how scrawny i am, as far as body type im almost like leonardo dicaprio in the basketball diaries. someone here tell me you looked like him and not lie.
I gained almost 60 lbs naturaly before cycling. I thought I had a fast metabolism also, when I got older it slowed down. You don't know if you are a hard gainer, your too young.
Have you had your test levels checked? being 20 they are prob very high naturaly.
As for hgh, if your growth plates haven't sealed yet you could really mess your self up with hgh, not to mention if you can't afford food you can't afford hgh.
Again, there is your answer. Eat. Sorry the only answer is EAT. it's not all at once, you need to learn what and when, it makes a difference and YES junk foods are that bad, Full of empty calories. It makes a HUGE difference of what you eat and when you eat it. If you eat exactly the same foods as someone who is competitive body building but you eat it at different times/intervals and will get different results not only due to the individual body but due to how/when the food is processed.
I use to eat TONS of food. I use to eat a LOT of green salads and other food I though was healthy. I was 5' 8" and could not get past about 155 working out 5x a week for years.
Eating can be a job. Sometimes you have to eat when you dont really want to but you know you will feel better later. I can definably tell if I did not eat right 2 hrs before I worked out, I burn out fast.
1gm of GOOD Clean protein will only maintain you, not help you grow or gain weigh. You need 1.5g or if you really want to bulk 2g.
Good it sounds like you are coming around!
Always remember this is not going to be easy, the diet and food requirements to transform yourself will be challenging on the best days. I have a plate full of food I really don't want to go eat waiting on me right now. My trick is just take a bite and swallow it down with water like it's medicine. It gets old fast and I wish there was some easier way to do it, but there just isn't. Doesn't matter if you use AAS or not, without proper nutrition it's all a waste of time. Also, when we speak of proper nutrition we are referring to proper nutrition to grow, not just eat healthy. If it's as bad as you say, plan on 6k calories plus a day, and I don't care what anybody says, that's a helluva lot of food and supplements. Oh yeah, supplements..... get some! Weight gain, protein, BCAAs, vitamens, and a good post workout sup like dark matter (not plugging I just happen to use it).
Last edited by AlphaMaleDawg; 10-12-2010 at 09:59 PM.
I wouldn't even worry about his cycle because of his knowledge put forth he is going to get fake gear and not know the difference.
No one on this board is here to keep you from your goals. They are here to help you and are just giving opinions on what will work best for you. Steroids will help you reach your goals, but not without proper diet and nutrition(the most important part).
Be honest with yourself and get a solid diet/workout for six months to start with and you will be amazed by your results and will not want to cycle till the time is right. I am 5'11 and was 138lbs before so I have been in your shoes. I'm now 50lbs heavier and am only now going to start a cycle. Give it time and work hard. You will get there but listen to they guys on the board. They know what they are talking about!
Im not gonna try to knock you becuase it seems like you know everything!Bro stop doubting yourself!!Have some confidence and listen to guys like Vette,I was 18 yrs old when i did my first cycle and i regret it greatly becuase i thought there was no other way even though every summer of my high school years i would put on 10 lbs naturally!!That was alot of weight naturally or with the use of steriods,I did it with heavy weight gainer and eating every two hours on the clock.Why did i do steriods becuase i thought i knew everything and was too impatient!
What im trying to say is go to the diet section do alot of research,take creatine,protein,and alot of food and people will think you are juicing and do this for a year.I had friends that were always getting accused of juicing when they were just going balls to the walls naturally.So what im getting at is have some faith in your self and get educated and if you apply all the info you get you will be very happy with your natural gains.Ive been in your place and im telling you this becuase i wish someone would of sat me down and told me the info your getting!!!
Tom, you come on a bodybuilding forum and ask for advice and everyone as told you the best advice for someone with your stats, yet you want to disregard the advice. Even if you did cycle its going to be pointless because you dont have any kind of stable diet to support muscle growth or maintain muscle tissue so when you come off the cycle you will lose everything.
You will kill your natural testosterone, which will make you feel like an emotional wreak and do you really want to be coping with low test problems, do you have any idea what you may have to deal with!! you cant gain weight now you will be wasting your time when your on cycle because taking steroids wont supplement a bad diet, the food your eating isnt muscle building food, its sh1t.
Ive had to edit your post on the 2nd to last page and if you carry on flamming you will be banned, now stop acting like a 10yr old and listen and learn. We can help you but your going to have to take the blinkers off and listen to bodybuilders who know what they are taking about.
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