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Is it sufficient? Hehe, you tell us!
How do you feel each time you workout? How do you feel overall?
No one can tell you what a sufficient rest time is, only you can.
For example, this is my routine:
Day1: Back/Biceps/Traps
Day2: OFF
Day3: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
Day4: OFF
Day5: Legs/Calf
Day6: OFF
Day7: OFF
Day8: OFF
I also sleep 9-10 hours everyday and consume 3200 calories a day.
This is sufficient for me... but might not be for you. The way I tell if I have enough rest is by the overall feeling. The feeling of internal fatique. Your nervous system also has to recover, just because your muscles are not sore anymore, that does not mean you are fully recovered.
You should be feeling great and well rested each time you go to the gym in order to give your maximum every time. If you feel like this then you know the rest time is sufficient enough.