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Thread: 10 days out

  1. #1

    10 days out

    Hey Mike, I am 10 days out now and gonna give your shitloading advice a 100% go. My show is on Sat morning prejudging at 9am. I am planning on shitloading at 6am, then eat ckn and swt potatoe at 9. When i eat my 6am shitload meal, I was gonna start with pancakes. Is Regular Syrup ok to eat with that?? I know the sugars are fine, but being that it is liquid, I didnt want that to affect how my body responds to the other foods. After that I was gonna eat Krispy Cream donuts( does it matter what kind?), chips, Chips Ahoy cookies. Then eat a snickers bar 30min before going on stage?

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I would literally throw up on stage if I flooded my body with that many simple sugars after 16 weeks of clean eating. Hope it works out well for you. Please post pics if you have any. You better be lean as can be and dry as the desert to follow this protocol.

  3. #3
    Just following Mikes guidelline for his shitloading technique this time. Have ate pancakes previously in shows and loved it. I had no problems with the sugar intake. Just wanted to try something more aggresive this time to see how I respond. Should have some pics on here in a few days. But yes, Im pretty hard right now. Also trying a whole new water and sodium protocol this time. My last show did a typical carb deplete and load and had water high and tapered it off to very little friday. Came in very flat but has hard as hell. Ill post of pic of that show to give you an idea of how i look. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Copy of Copy of Tindol 047.jpg 
Views:	240 
Size:	79.7 KB 
ID:	111655

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    All sounds good just remember no fluids, no water...doesn't matter what krispy cream...good luck...XXL

  5. #5
    Thanks bro. Hey wanted to check something with ya. On the day of the show, prejudging is at 9am. I plan to shitload at 6am, then was gonna eat ckn steak, and sweet potatoe, I had someone that does a version of this type of carb load and says that it would hurt to stay on the junk all day as long as I didnt take in any water. He said to try eating high starchy carb foods like spaghetti or lasagna, and he said pizza or even hamburgers and fries. What is your opinion of this.

    So far I am following what you have laid out to the T and I am looking AWESOME right now. I am taking in about 5 to 6 gms of sodium per day. I have always salted my foods pretty heavy. So I havent dropped it at all. I was planning on just cutting salt out Friday. Is that gonna be ok???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I do not usually manipulate sodium but do what you have stated. as fr food choices, it dowsn't really matter, as long as there is no water and you are dry ,minimum 6 hours without fluid you should be ok. Like i said for food choices there is no miracle combination i would try to avoide foods with MSG...good luck...XXL

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