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Thread: From what I've seen, you guys are the best...can you help me?

  1. #1

    From what I've seen, you guys are the best...can you help me?

    Hey People, I have been doing some research and I have to guys seem to really know your stuff. With that said, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me out getting back into the gym. Iam 33, Im 6' 3" 185lbs and I have been a lean guy my whole life. I just got married and me and my wife have joined a local gym. I've been poking around this site, but everything I'm finding regarding workout routines is specifically towards certain body parts. Can someone offer me a good beginner routine. My goal is to add a little size to my frame and I think I need to focus on the basics (compound lifts) I plan on incorperating the basics ...squats, dead lifts, power clings, bench. I did a lot of squating when I was on my college cycling team, and I know it's a must. But I am a little confused on what days to do certain lifts, how many sets, amd how many reps. I believe I need to keep my reps down with heavier weight to add size, but I know nothing about the little details. Can you offer me some advice on a routine? I'd really appreciate any pointers you can offer me because it seems you guys really know your stuff!! Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Okay I am in a hurry but here is a good starting log, keep the reps in the 5-11 range and if they aren't in there throw in squats and deads.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pin it to win it!
    How many days a week are you able to lift? I can set you up with a decent beginner routine. Are you looking for a 3,4, or 5 day routine?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    id say one body part a day....legs/back/chest/shoulders/arm. i rest one the weekend then start up again on monday. feel free to add in a day of rest in the week if needed.

    as far as reps id say stick around the 8-10 rep range.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    How many days a week are you able to lift? I can set you up with a decent beginner routine. Are you looking for a 3,4, or 5 day routine?
    we need to know this before we can offer a good program.. how many days are you going to lift?? 3,4,or5??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Ready to help, let us know about the amount of time you have to devote to your program.

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBuck6 View Post
    Okay I am in a hurry but here is a good starting log, keep the reps in the 5-11 range and if they aren't in there throw in squats and deads.
    I like this.

  8. #8
    Thanks for the replies guys...I will lift 5 days/wk. Due to my schedule I will lift monday, wed,thurs, fri, sat mornings. taking tues/sundays off. I have to be at work at 6:45 am (just got to work lol) so I will probably be the first person at the gym @ 5am with a little more than an hour to lift.
    A very good friend of mine wrote up a sched but I wanted to run it past you guys so you can critique honest, you won't hurt MY feelings

    Monday/friday... Bench press 3X10 or 4X6
    Close grip bench press 3X10 or 4X6
    Shoulders- dumb bells 3X10 (super set them?)
    Machine workout 3X10 (don't know what he means there?)
    Tricep dumb bells 3X10 kickouts
    Bent bar triceps (skull crushers maybe?)
    Wednesday Back 3X10 (nothig written in particular so I don't know?)
    Legs Squats 4X6 or 3X10
    Leg extensions 3X10
    Leg Curls 3X10

  9. #9
    Sorry, didnt mean to finish there

    Wednesday continued...
    Biceps w? dumbells 3X10 (concentration curls)
    Bent bar curls 3X10

    Tues (which I have to take off due to sched) and Thurs 20-30min cardio
    ***I still ride my road bike so cycling will probably be my cardio once or twice a week? 30 min?

    Then he said to do abs everyday except my days off
    What do you guys think?
    He was a collegiate wrestler and this is what he does (he's 42 and still in great shape)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by autokraftgt View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys...I will lift 5 days/wk. Due to my schedule I will lift monday, wed,thurs, fri, sat mornings. taking tues/sundays off. I have to be at work at 6:45 am (just got to work lol) so I will probably be the first person at the gym @ 5am with a little more than an hour to lift.
    A very good friend of mine wrote up a sched but I wanted to run it past you guys so you can critique honest, you won't hurt MY feelings

    Monday/friday... Bench press 3X10 or 4X6
    Close grip bench press 3X10 or 4X6
    Shoulders- dumb bells 3X10 (super set them?)
    Machine workout 3X10 (don't know what he means there?)
    Tricep dumb bells 3X10 kickouts
    Bent bar triceps (skull crushers maybe?)
    Wednesday Back 3X10 (nothig written in particular so I don't know?)
    Legs Squats 4X6 or 3X10
    Leg extensions 3X10
    Leg Curls 3X10
    I have no idea what that says but with your schedule this is what I would do...

    Mon - Chest, Triceps
    Tues - OFF
    Weds - Shoulders
    Thurs - Legs/Abs
    Fri - OFF
    Sat - Back/Biceps
    Sun - OFF

    With your build you are an extreme hardgainer, 5 days might be too much. But if you really want 5 days a week I would do this....

    Mon - Chest
    Tues - OFF
    Weds - Shoulders
    Thurs - Legs
    Fri - Tricep/Bicep/Abs
    Sat - Back
    Sun - OFF

    I would stick to low rep (6-8) heavy weight, and try to limit the cardio to off days and only 30 min max. Large muscles should have 15-18 sets and small ones about 8 sets. You also probably need to eat a ton of good food to put on any LBM with your build.....but you can adjust that as needed. 3500 CLEAN calories a day minimum.

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