I do read a ton but rarely post(sorry). I am 6'1 215 (usually between 200-225), I have done plenty of cycles with that being said here is what I am contemplating.
I usually do a test(cyp or sus), add anadrol. This usually blows me up pretty quickly of course alot of water weight. I have done T3 in the pass which is a awesome drug for the midsection, so my thinking is if I add that to the mix it might control some of the weight gain. I also will add some Arimidex. I also have plenty of HCG and nolva. What about adding Clen to the mix.
My goal is to be a leaner 220 without sacrificing my strength. When I eat good I can go to low 200's but I hate to do it. I like to eat and drink my sweet tea.lol