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Thread: first full AAS cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    first full AAS cycle

    hey guys,

    ok so here it goes. I have taken about 5 or 6 PH cycles in the past. but i the only AAS cycle i have ran was a solo Dbol cycle at 30mg for 5 weeks, with nolva/clomid for PCT. gains were great.

    I now was able to get my hands on teste/dbol/winny and the PCT to go along with my cycle.

    i just wanted to take it slow because it is my first total cycle so i was just wondering what you guys thought i should do.

    I have been researching like a mad man lately and i am finding different info everywhere. but here is what i was thinking:

    Test e: wks 1-10 250 twice per week
    Dbol: wks 1-5 50mg ed
    Oral Winny: wks 7-11 50 mg ed
    Nolva: wks 3-11 20mg ed

    Nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 100/50/50/25
    starting wk 12

    i also picked up some HCG but i have been seeing different info everywhere. i read that you shouldnt take it for more than 2-3 week with a 30 day break. but then i also saw ppl starting it like week three and taking it every 3-5 days total of 500iu a week. but i also read that it may not be needed with a shorter cycle like the one i have set up.

    any imput would be great guys, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    1st of all what are your stats?

    A dbol only cycle was a bad idea, all cycles should be test based buddy!

    Test E and dbol will be fine for your 1st cycle.

    Dont run nolva during cycle, find an AI like a-dex or l-dex.

    hcg run @ 250iu X 2 per week

    This all depends on your stats so
    Bf %

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Currently 236


    Well i researched i saw mixed views about it...some saying what you stated but then there were also individuals that said they had great resaults. i made sure to dose it kinda low and have a solid pct.

    ok, i wanted to just harden up a bit toward the end of my cycle.

    ill get on the AI.

    for the hgc should i start it about week three then stop at week 10? then start my PCT week 12. it will be about 12-14 days after my last pin

    i greatly appreciate you help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    goood luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    Quote Originally Posted by bdzemske View Post


    Currently 236


    Well i researched i saw mixed views about it...some saying what you stated but then there were also individuals that said they had great resaults. i made sure to dose it kinda low and have a solid pct.

    ok, i wanted to just harden up a bit toward the end of my cycle.

    ill get on the AI.

    for the hgc should i start it about week three then stop at week 10? then start my PCT week 12. it will be about 12-14 days after my last pin

    i greatly appreciate you help
    Yes they may have got great results, but it is best to stick to 1 compound for your 1st cycle to see how you react, i wouldnt usually suggest dbol aswell, but since you have alread ran it, you would know how you react.
    Start hcg week once and end 1 week before starting pct.

    It seems you have done more reasearch than most do, and your stats seem fine. Altho the age is a bit of a consern but i cannot talk. but i still think its better to wait a yr.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    thanks a lot, yeah i have researched alot on this site as well as just googled my cycle.

    you dont think a jump from 30 to 50 will effect me much do you? like everything thing was working fine and all when i was dosing at 30. but i have 50mg tabs this time. just trying to avoid any sexual sides ya know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    if i cant afford to get adex at the moment, but i have tons of nolva on hand is it ok to just run 20mgs ed? i know an AI would be best but will a SERM be ok?

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