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Thread: How much to wait after Anavar only cycle ?

  1. #1

    How much to wait after Anavar only cycle ?

    28 (today)
    18% BF
    5 years of lifting naturally

    I plan to run Var alone to cut down then start Test E cycle.

    So 8 weeks of Var followed by 2 weeks of PCT. So can I run test after 1 month ??

    Another question about Var , should I run an AI and HCG along?? Is Nolva and clomid good for PCT ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    No, you still need to wait the allotted time plus blood work. Var is very mild even at high dosages so HCG wouldn't be a necessity IMO but that's your call. AI's same deal.

    BTW, Test will increase LBM and decrease adipose tissue....

  3. #3
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    Run a low dose of the test along with the anavar while cutting.

  4. #4
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    Yep agreed with HP as usual.

    No need at all for an AI or HCG with var.

    Wait before starting another cycle, and get BW to confirm.

  5. #5
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    the only remaining issue is with libido. some say var enhances. for me, it shuts me down, so I am probably not going to do a var only cycle again. My woman even notices when I'm on a var only without me telling her what I'm doing.

  6. #6
    I don't want to waste time on a Test E , on a caloric dificit. I know recovery from Var is very fast and I'll do blood work before and after.

    Really helpful answer about unneccessity of AI and HCG. How much dose of Test E I should run with Var ?? But if I run test won't I need more recovery and PCT protocols than Var alone?

    Do I really need test? Because its only 8 weeks cycle. I don't need my libido these 8 weeks.

  7. #7
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    It's personal preference. You can run it solo or stacked. Stacked will have more pronounced effects but regardless it's your call.

  8. #8
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    u want to run var to cut down......what does that even mean? I know what u think it means. But, I think you're a little confused about what var is.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    u want to run var to cut down......what does that even mean? I know what u think it means. But, I think you're a little confused about what var is.
    Maybe I wrote it in a confusing way. I am cutting down to low BF % , so I can bulk effeciently on Test E. So rather than cutting naturally for 3 months , I want to add Var to have better results. So my main method to cut down is diet , not Var. My choice for Var is because of fast recovery , which will allow me to run test cycle before summer.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Cut naturally for a few months and then hit your test e cycle, try carb cycling which will hold onto your tissue and this will create a great window to spring into your test e cycle, dont be shutting down your system and going through recovery, cut naturally with a solid diet plan.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolStroybro View Post
    I don't want to waste time on a Test E , on a caloric dificit. I know recovery from Var is very fast and I'll do blood work before and after.

    Really helpful answer about unneccessity of AI and HCG. How much dose of Test E I should run with Var ?? But if I run test won't I need more recovery and PCT protocols than Var alone?

    Do I really need test? Because its only 8 weeks cycle. I don't need my libido these 8 weeks.
    LOL about not needing the libido... (probably the only other one here that would agree with ya about this)

    PCT length should always be time on = time off, so with or without the test you should still be taking an 8 week break post cycle.

    I'm currently running a cycle similar to yours in order to cut body fat down in prep for a future bulking cycle. I'm running 40mg of var per day and sustanon 250 once every 5 days. I feel the test base adds some advantages that you might not get without it (in addition to libido) including increased recovery & energy. Although the var is good with increasing actual recovery time I'm feeling very fatigued on it (on week 5 now) and think the test is helping counter that.
    Last edited by SergeantCarbs; 11-02-2010 at 01:18 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    LOL about not needing the libido... (probably the only other one here that would agree with ya about this)

    PCT length should always be time on = time off, so with or without the test you should still be taking an 8 week break post cycle.

    I'm currently running a cycle similar to yours in order to cut body fat down in prep for a future bulking cycle. I'm running 40mg of var per day and sustanon 250 once every 5 days. I feel the test base adds some advantages that you might not get without it (in addition to libido) including increased recovery & energy. Although the var is good with increasing actual recovery time I'm feeling very fatigued on it (on week 5 now) and think the test is helping counter that.
    What is your PCT protocol and what are the accessories for such cycle? Do u have a log?

  13. #13
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    My PCT will be clomid 100/50/50 & Novadex 40/20/20 starting 2-3 weeks after the cycle. I don't have a published log but feel free to ask me anything about it.

  14. #14
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    so im also interseted in this. how low of a test dose is ok to do.with var say 60mg ed..i didnt shut down at all done two cycles.
    really want to try test but want to keep my hair.....not trying to hyjack ur thread,

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by laveycraft View Post
    so im also interseted in this. how low of a test dose is ok to do.with var say 60mg ed..i didnt shut down at all done two cycles.
    really want to try test but want to keep my hair.....not trying to hyjack ur thread,
    no hijack. I am also interested.

  16. #16
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    By far I'm no expert in the different types of test available and can only share my own experience with using susatnon 250 so far. I do feel that generally you will see people suggesting too high a dosage and taking it to often. For example with Susatnon I usually see it recomended as 500 to 1000 mg per week, taken every 3-4 days. I've found that taking 250 ever 5 days is enough to put me in an anabolic state. I also think I could extend this to once every 7 days but havent experimented stretching it further. (I was seeing good results with the anavar at only 40 mg per day - at this point the test probably hasnt fully kicked in yet for this cycle)

    I think a person is either anabolic or they are not and that taking more at that point doesnt increase results, it only increases the side effects. So taking the least amount as possibile to produce results is the way to go. This is only my personal opinion so please take what was said with a grain of salt.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeantCarbs View Post
    By far I'm no expert in the different types of test available and can only share my own experience with using susatnon 250 so far. I do feel that generally you will see people suggesting too high a dosage and taking it to often. For example with Susatnon I usually see it recomended as 500 to 1000 mg per week, taken every 3-4 days. I've found that taking 250 ever 5 days is enough to put me in an anabolic state. I also think I could extend this to once every 7 days but havent experimented stretching it further. (I was seeing good results with the anavar at only 40 mg per day - at this point the test probably hasnt fully kicked in yet for this cycle)

    I think a person is either anabolic or they are not and that taking more at that point doesnt increase results, it only increases the side effects. So taking the least amount as possibile to produce results is the way to go. This is only my personal opinion so please take what was said with a grain of salt.
    so u take 1 cc of sus 250. every five days? how did that go for you. thanks man

  18. #18
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    you should really just try to cut down naturaly, but if your determined to take something..use some clen or ephedrine, you'll loose alot more fat faster plus you wont be shut down at all. it'll burn up some muscle but it would be better than var, and if your taking test e after anyways you will gain it back

  19. #19
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    lay off the cell tech brah

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by laveycraft View Post
    so u take 1 cc of sus 250. every five days? how did that go for you. thanks man
    Yes, 1 shot every 5 days. Going good so far. My weight has remained the same for the last 3-4 weeks now but my waist is shrinking by a 1/2" per week. Dieting naturally, a 1/2" from my waist would take me about 2 lbs of fat loss - so I thinking I'm adding to my LBM while continuing to loss fat.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan5568 View Post
    you should really just try to cut down naturaly, but if your determined to take something..use some clen or ephedrine, you'll loose alot more fat faster plus you wont be shut down at all. it'll burn up some muscle but it would be better than var, and if your taking test e after anyways you will gain it back
    Just my own personal experience but Ive seen no increased fat loss when taking clen compared to not taking it. It did show some advantages with being anti-catabolic while dieting but overall did not think it was worth shakes, lack of sleep, muscle cramping.

  22. #22
    I did 2 weeks of clen and results are above average. I am looking to add some muscles since it is only 8 weeks cycle.

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