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Thread: high dose cycle, 1.5-2 grams experience needed

  1. #1
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    Apr 2010

    high dose cycle, 1.5-2 grams experience needed

    just finishing up a short suspension and anadrol cycle (5 weeks) after a while off gear, pretty good results considering the short time on, about equal to normal 10-12 week cycles. i started at a moderate dose the first week then worked up to 120mg/day of susp and 200mg/day of anadrol with zero side effects. i've never really had many sides with aas, this cycle was too hopefuly boost up my strength for a powerlifting comp i did, wich i won (just a regional level) i really wanted to learn how high of doses i could use since if i got any sides witht he susp by the next day i could just lower it, but now for future cycles i'd like to increase the doses alot and see how big i can get (i'd like to start competing in bodybuilding competitions)

    i'd like some vets with past cycles in the 2g+ androgens/week to comment on some good cycles in this range, my main goals at this time is to bulk as much as possible.. i was thinking of:

    1-12 1g test e
    1-12 500mg deca
    1-12 500mg EQ
    1-6 50mg dbol/day

    i plan on doing this cycle, followed by some time off then a slightly longer cycle leading into a competition, i've never used tren before but i plan to use it in my next cycle

    any comments from people with experience in this dosage range, good or bad, are greatly appreciated

    27 y/o
    many past cycles, mainly 500-750mg test with an oral

  2. #2
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    if you don't know that you need to run test 1-2 weeks longer than deca, then i doubt you should be running that cycle with those doses

  3. #3
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    yeah sorry should have added in that instead of starting pct 1-2 weeks after the last inj of a long ester like test e i usualy take susp/prop for a week or two then go right into pct so i'd run both for 12 weeks then just prop/susp for another two weeks..i dont really count that into my cycle length, but i guess i should have mentioned that

  4. #4
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    If your gaining on lower doses, why add more?

    You in some sort of mega rush? If so, get ready for your sides to increase.

    Whats your entire cycle history?

  5. #5
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    i've cycled on and off since my early twenties, couldnt name every exact cycle but i started off with 250 test e/week, then i'd add in an oral like d-bol at a low dose untill i worked my way up too 500mg sustanon with 30mgdbol/day (i used that same cycle probly 6 times in a row) kept getting good gains untill i started really working and eating hard while i was off that i was still the same size by the time i started on again, then i bumped up to 750mg for a few, then i had to take a long time off untill my susp and anadrol cycle. you said get ready for more sides..thats exactly what im pushing for, i've never really had any at the doses i've used, since im getting into competing now i'd like to find out how high i can go to get maximun gains with the least sides, obviously i dont want any, but if i can use much higher doses and continue to not have any sides then i figure i miaswell. i'll admit my last cycle was one of the few that i didnt seek any medical supervision (im from canada and its free anyways, so i usualy get checked up) but on 500mg of sust and 50mg of dbol everything was looking fine, i've visited a endo twice when i was younger (kinda annoying to actualy see one for some reason) and both times a few weeks after pct my test levels were right where they should be, my doses are moderate but if i can stay healthy on much more i'd like too try to atleast see how big of an impact it will have on my growth

  6. #6
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    You've got BW done on cycle?

    BP, RBC, liver enzymes, lipids, etc... All perfect on cycle?

  7. #7
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    Why should you want to use more when you can use less and still have no sides? Doesnt make sense to me at all.

    When your body starts to build a tolerance (it will), what is your cycle going to look like after this one, if this one is dosed at, for example, 2g's Test Enan per week and 50mg/ED Dbol with 1g Deca weekly?

  8. #8
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    ^^^^^ My thoughts exactly.

  9. #9
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    the reason i want to use more is to grow more, i know im getting good gains with no sides at a moderate dose wich most would consider lucky and leave it at that, but i'd really like to start pushing my muscular limits and if i can do that with minimal sides i'd like too. and usualy my blood work is done towards the end of my cycle, and yes other than slightly high blood pressure everything is within good limits (towards the higher averages but nothing my doctor is alarmed about at all) my rbc used to be pretty high but now i donate blood regularly and now thats right where it should be aswell

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan5568 View Post
    the reason i want to use more is to grow more, i know im getting good gains with no sides at a moderate dose wich most would consider lucky and leave it at that, but i'd really like to start pushing my muscular limits and if i can do that with minimal sides i'd like too. and usualy my blood work is done towards the end of my cycle, and yes other than slightly high blood pressure everything is within good limits (towards the higher averages but nothing my doctor is alarmed about at all) my rbc used to be pretty high but now i donate blood regularly and now thats right where it should be aswell
    Your logic is flawed though. Your not looking ahead AFTER this high dosed cycle? What next in regards to doses?

    Before you know it your going to be pushing the boundaries of what I'd label "abuse".

    I dont give a shit if your BW comes back impeccable, high doses cause side effects (cause and effect theory).

    Higher doses will also prolong HPTA restoration IMHO, becuase of more receptor activity at the hypothalamus, pituitary
    and testes.

    Your being impatient and you need to start looking at the bigger picture, not what gains your going to make in 12 weeks on a recklessly dosed cycle.

  11. #11
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    an older bodybuilder once told me ... "this sport is a marathon ... not a sprint"

    some food for thought... ?

  12. #12
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    if lower doses work dont raise it. look into hgh if your not already on, it will add another dimension

  13. #13
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    i really appreciate your input swiftoe, i've actualy read alot from you and have based most of my pct's after your recommendations, so i want you to know im not trying to argue you as im sure your much more knowledgeable than me, and i understand what your getting at..if i want to take more now to get bigger, once that stops producing results i'll move onto more and more ect.. you asked what next after some of these cycles? well i dont plan on continuing to keep bumping up the doses once i reach my maximum tolerance, i'd like to keep taking as much as possible untill the side effects outway the benifets, then i'll stop and continue to use the highest amount possible without any serious sides, at that point i'll just work with the body i have at those doses and try to make the best of it. i realize that though i may not have any noticable negative effects now i could still be doing damage to my body, but i dont plan on changing my safety procautions that i've been using like taking plenty of time off between and getting regular doctor check-ups wich may be why i havnt noticed many effects so far

  14. #14
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    @ dec11 - i actualy know a pro that i've talked to about that, but he doesnt condone the use of any drugs atall to people that arent making a living off the sport, so though we're freinds he wont talk to me at all about cycles,doses,or sources untill im competing at atleast a provincial level. he says if i ever do make it then he'll make sure i have and know everything i need to move forward from there (wouldnt feel safe about getting or using things like hgh or slin without his guidence anyways) his opinion is that only people who can sopport their families and make it as a pro should be using drugs for bodybuilding and using for vanity is as bad as any other illict drug, but if i do place well in contests then i will start looking into things like hgh,slin,igf-1 ect i know hgh would probly be safer than high doses of androgens but its hard to get legit shit around here, thats my main concern for now

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan5568 View Post
    i really appreciate your input swiftoe, i've actualy read alot from you and have based most of my pct's after your recommendations, so i want you to know im not trying to argue you as im sure your much more knowledgeable than me, and i understand what your getting at..if i want to take more now to get bigger, once that stops producing results i'll move onto more and more ect.. you asked what next after some of these cycles? well i dont plan on continuing to keep bumping up the doses once i reach my maximum tolerance, i'd like to keep taking as much as possible untill the side effects outway the benifets, then i'll stop and continue to use the highest amount possible without any serious sides, at that point i'll just work with the body i have at those doses and try to make the best of it. i realize that though i may not have any noticable negative effects now i could still be doing damage to my body, but i dont plan on changing my safety procautions that i've been using like taking plenty of time off between and getting regular doctor check-ups wich may be why i havnt noticed many effects so far

    Thats all well and good, but the sooner you understand that bodybuilding is not a sprint the better.

    Your 27 years old, not 57 years old competing in a master's trying to make heavyweight.

  16. #16
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    yeah actualy i've thought about things some more. i miaswell keep taking the lowest dose possible to still get benifets from, instead of the maximun dose without getting side effects, even gradualy increasing every so often to get out of plataues and continuing to make gains would still only have me at the doses i was planning on using anyways, and i'll have made an equal amount of gains by then anyways with smaller amounts. i think my main reason for wanting to jump into so much gear was just curiousity of how much i can handle and how insane the results would be..but thats not really too justifying.

    thanks so much for the input everyone!

    but still if anyone with an insanely high dosing history wants to comment on the positive-negative effects please do so XD

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I've ran many methods of cycling which includes various high dose cycles for various lengths. From my experience of using and advising other body-builders on high dose I would say before you go down this route you need to have an extensive cycle history so you can go back and see how you respond to various compounds vs side effects. I would also agree with Swifto that you don't need to jump to high dose if your still experiencing gains with moderate dose and even if you weren't still experiencing gains I would look at other areas of fault before you start going down the high dose route.

    When I used high dose the sides were harsh especially when i ran these types of cycles over many weeks, but I must admit that when I started to introduce short burst cycles into my cycling plans this is when I built and completely changed my whole structure with very little sides. You have to look at where you going to end up if you start high dose cycles now at your age, majority of the time more doesn't always mean bigger or better gains.

  18. #18
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    thanks for the input marcus, i dont doubt i'll eventualy be using some fairly high doses..but i realize now and agree that if somebody chooses too, they really need to have their shit planned out and know exactly what to run, what to expect..ect pretty much just be experienced..wich only comes along with building your way up like everyone has been saying

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