I posted this info in the new male members forum as well..
Age - 28
Height - 6'2
Weight - 190 (current)
Bf% - If i post a picture can someone help me figure that out?
Little history -
Cycle history - Novice, but now thanks to this site i am learning every day. When i was 19 i took dbol for about 8 weeks. I was super naive and just did what a friend was doing. Back then i weighed about 150! I jumped up to about 170 during that time period. Crazy how that cycle ended, but the guy i got it from OD'd on oxycodon. So my cycle stopped, never did a pct, just stopped. Surprisingly.. i was able to keep almost all of that weight gain. I continued to lift and for the longest time stayed about 170lbs. I've been lifting off and on since i was about 19.. always more so on than off.
Flash forward to today, i'm turning 28 end of the month. Still naive about steroids, once again i got started on them 6 weeks ago with a new friend. Basically i made the mistake of getting into them again, just going on the advice of a friend.. and now here i sit, 6 weeks into a cycle and i'm just now doing my own research. Trying to educate myself and see if i can get help from you guys.
I started this cycle, at 170lbs 6 weeks ago and i'm up to 190 now. For the last 6 weeks i have been doing the below.
Taking 1cc sustanon 250 /week split out into 2 shots spaced out a week.
Taking 1cc nandrolone deca 200 /week split out into 2 shots spaced out a week.
So we're pulling .5cc sust and .5cc of the deca into the syringe and injecting that on ie: Saturdays and Wednesdays.
The dosage has been the same since we started. Here's where my questions start!
*reminder, i know i did a very stupid thing getting started on this without the prior knowledge, but thats done now.. i can't go backwards in time.. so tough love aside, just some straight up with me help would be nice!*
1. Is this dosage low? normal? i don't think its high based off what i've been reading lately. Should my dosages be any different?
2. How should i finish out this cycle? Based off what i've read, since i'm using deca i should do this for another 6 weeks.. stopping the deca 2 weeks before the sust?
3. Here's a big one! I don't think he got enough sust to go past 6 weeks, he has a vial of anadrol 50 that he said we'd switch to after the sust. Is that a bad move? General thoughts on this situation?
4. He has Arimidex for the pct.. i've been reading about using clomid and novladex being a recommended stack, is that more advised?
I'm sure i have alot more questions and alot more to learn. I'm trying to make up for my ignorance thats lead me here.
Just want to say thank you for taking the time to read all this and listen. Anyone who has some advise to help me out, i really appreciate it!