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Thread: Weight gain problem.... Steroids?

  1. #1

    Weight gain problem.... Steroids?


    So I am really underweight BMI is about 16 (21 years old). I have been to doctor because of this and they have found absolutely nothing. Now they just passed me to dietian to see if I eat right or something.

    Well the problem is that I don't eat enough, BUT it is not because I don't want to. I just get horrible diarrhea, and feeling of being always completly full and near puking if I try to eat a lot more. I can get the BMI to 19 by eating a lot more, but then I just end up feeling sick(diarrhea) and full (no appeite) all the time. What is worse is it seems to be not the actual amount I eat, but the calories. I can drink olive oil from the bottle and if I take enough I feel full for the whole day and am not able to eat anything. If I force food down the throat I may even puke and get bad diarrhea. Sure I do gain weight then, but it hardly is a good long term plan...

    So maybe steroids or some other drug would help me to eat more? I am not going to get it illegally though, but should I ask the doc? Sure there are side effects, but living like this is no dream either...

    I know this is no medical board, but opinions?

  2. #2
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    You need to speak with your doctor about these issues, steroids are not the answer my friend...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
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    Btw, how often do you eat?? Much smaller meals more often can help...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Speak to your doc like Matt says. That's the best advice you could get.

  5. #5
    I have tried eating in many different ways... TBH there is 0% difference. If I eat once a day I am going to be able to eat about just as much if I eat 5 times a day. When I switch for some time it might seem like I can eat more. But then my appetite just goes down accordingly. Likewise if I swap to 3 from 5, it feels like I can't eat anything, but after couple days I can just eat a lot more on those meals. I prefer to eat less times a day(3-4) nowdays though, because teeth and stomach certainly likes it better.

    Going to gym does nothing (although I do get stronger and/or better stamina). No matter if I do all cardio, or no cardio.

    It may be a genetic thing... But still it sucks so much that I wonder if there are any drugs I could take. The doc has taken almost all tests from me that there are; nothing. And this is certainly no new issue, when I was younger my BMI was about 14...

  6. #6
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    Look into lyme disease . Google it. Sound like a good possibility but if not it still sounds like a possible bacteria. Have them check your blood and stool. Many natural cures out there also such as extra virgin pine nut oil if you dont want to do the heavy anti biotic route.

  7. #7
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    Hi, this is my first post and this topic couldn't be any more like my situation if it tried, i'm 22 and weigh a ridiculous (and what i think unhealthy) 63kg!!! I have also been and seen my doctor who has said that to him i am fine and that i should see a nutritionist or dietician. The symptoms and problems you describe above are exactly the same as mine and as you said no matter how many different eating routines you try nothing works. Also suffer from the feeling full and not wanting to eat problem, where as other times i can eat constantly all day.

    I have been going to the gym on and off for 18 months and unfortunately haven't been for the last 2 months due to being out of full time work . I was also having alot of trouble gaining the mass, strength was coming on easily but size wasn't. I have tried a few different supplements over the last few years and none seem to really help and sadly the high calorie intake ones taste awful! To be honest i've given up hope with doctors now, they are all too happy to help out over weight people, but don't seem willing to help those who are under weight. I feel that the last option is to give a course of steroids a go as i see no other way of gaining.

    Nooble have you been slim all your life or is it only in recent years that you've felt concerned about your weight? Mine is affecting me in a big way, i worry about the clothes i where, i worry about people looking and sometimes i just don't like going out and being seen at all. Do you ever feel the same? I really think doctors need to stand back and take a look at how this sort of situation actually affects people mentally, not just how they view you to be!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooble View Post

    So I am really underweight BMI is about 16 (21 years old). I have been to doctor because of this and they have found absolutely nothing. Now they just passed me to dietian to see if I eat right or something.

    Well the problem is that I don't eat enough, BUT it is not because I don't want to. I just get horrible diarrhea, and feeling of being always completly full and near puking if I try to eat a lot more. I can get the BMI to 19 by eating a lot more, but then I just end up feeling sick(diarrhea) and full (no appeite) all the time. What is worse is it seems to be not the actual amount I eat, but the calories. I can drink olive oil from the bottle and if I take enough I feel full for the whole day and am not able to eat anything. If I force food down the throat I may even puke and get bad diarrhea. Sure I do gain weight then, but it hardly is a good long term plan...

    So maybe steroids or some other drug would help me to eat more? I am not going to get it illegally though, but should I ask the doc? Sure there are side effects, but living like this is no dream either...

    I know this is no medical board, but opinions?
    I have a friend like this, and I do not want to scare you, please look into crohn's disease. He could not eat much of anything and had the same symptoms as you.
    Why are you drinking an entire bottle of olive oil?

  9. #9
    Theres quite a few supps out there that will increase your appetite aswell, but if your just going to get diarrhea theres probally something wrong.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooble View Post

    So I am really underweight BMI is about 16 (21 years old). I have been to doctor because of this and they have found absolutely nothing. Now they just passed me to dietian to see if I eat right or something.

    Well the problem is that I don't eat enough, BUT it is not because I don't want to. I just get horrible diarrhea, and feeling of being always completly full and near puking if I try to eat a lot more. I can get the BMI to 19 by eating a lot more, but then I just end up feeling sick(diarrhea) and full (no appeite) all the time. What is worse is it seems to be not the actual amount I eat, but the calories. I can drink olive oil from the bottle and if I take enough I feel full for the whole day and am not able to eat anything. If I force food down the throat I may even puke and get bad diarrhea. Sure I do gain weight then, but it hardly is a good long term plan...

    So maybe steroids or some other drug would help me to eat more? I am not going to get it illegally though, but should I ask the doc? Sure there are side effects, but living like this is no dream either...

    I know this is no medical board, but opinions?
    A fairly common diagnosis would be some sort of digestive disease, but no one here will be able to give you medical advice (nor do they want to, nor should you take it). Please make an appoitnment with your doctor. My first instict is to ask about your fiber consumption. Sounds to me likes is nil. However, increasing it if you have some sort of bowel obstruction (which it also sounds like) will make it worse.

    Do you have stomach pain?

    Are you bloated?

    Make an appt. bro....Steroids are ABSOLUTLEY not the answer - especially concidering you have to eat 17x as much as you are now AND you are way to young.

  11. #11
    I have had pretty much every bloodtest taken that you can take... everything seems fine. The doc is considering an endoscopy.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    Theres quite a few supps out there that will increase your appetite aswell, but if your just going to get diarrhea theres probally something wrong.
    I know this lady named Mary Jane, she could potentially help....

  13. #13
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    lol mary jane heck yeah that shit will make you want to order half the the menu off the taco bell drive through

    Have you tried finding a food that you really enjoy that doesn't fill you up? Raw nuts, PBJs..

    Also theres a lot to be said about eating the moment you wake up and eating RIGHT before bed. If you can train yourself to do this.. Have quick to make food ready and just do it.. you will be adding a lot of extra calories. Most humans are wired to be awake for an hour or more then eat their first meal, and eat their last at 6 pm and none else before bed. Rewire your brain on that.

    Also I agree with the others. I don't want to scare you either but there are deseases out there that prevent your body from digesting food properly, or give the symptoms you are describing. Keep doing research on your own and find a good doctor.

  14. #14
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    Maybe watch your fat consumption. FAT usually equals more bowel movements. At least for me.

    But if you cant eat enough will out getting diarrhea then you defiantly cant take AAS.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooble View Post
    I have had pretty much every bloodtest taken that you can take... everything seems fine. The doc is considering an endoscopy.
    Make sure they have checked specifically for those listed above like the crohn's and the Lyme Disease. The Lyme Disease also passes itself of a Crohns and many others so get them checked. It does not show up in standard blood test and they may have to do stool test.

  16. #16
    Stool tests taken too...

    Now I got appointed to gastroscopy... But I don't think anything will turn up. Will see.

    It seems more like a genetic issue combined with bad case of IBS.... The diarrhea I get happens pretty much always on mornings if I eat something.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooble View Post
    Stool tests taken too...

    Now I got appointed to gastroscopy... But I don't think anything will turn up. Will see.

    It seems more like a genetic issue combined with bad case of IBS.... The diarrhea I get happens pretty much always on mornings if I eat something.
    IBS usually points to some type of digestive problem or disease like we listed above. Besides them taking the blood and stool test ASK your doctor if they looked for the lyme and Crohns disease. The olive oil or any oil will make you less hungry. Some oils such as Virgin pine nut oil 1 table spoon 2 or 3x a day is supposed to help with several digestive problems.

    Bottom line, AAS is not the answer.

  18. #18
    Crohn's disease was tested...

    I am not sure about lyme's it very well may have been tested, but I find it very unlikely that I have it. Though I have many times very short attention and am pretty depressed (suprisingly...).

    For the weight part it really seems like an appetite issue. Of course the diarrhea makes it worse.

    Anyway I read that steroid called anavar is used by elders with weight problems...

  19. #19
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    Here's a suggestion - quit reading. In all seriousness, no amount of drugs in all world are going to help you gain weight if you can't eat. You aren't following that. are you? I am not tring to be a prick, I'm just telling you the facts. AAS+Knowledge+Training+Recovery+about 50 other influential factors+FOOD = mass.

    What if you tried either blending your food (oats, milk and Peanut butter) or just eat as much high caloric food as possible. Example, you don't have to eat that much peanut butter to get 2,000 10 tablespoons over an entire day is nothing.

  20. #20
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    OK listen... FORGET about steroids. You need to find the source of your problem. Using and AAS with only complicate things. It may not be what you want to hear (I'm sure it's not) but it's the truth and there is not quick cure except to find out what the problem is.

  21. #21
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    Go to google type in your city and natropath/nutritionist or functional medicine..

    Find a practitioner go see them, could be 1 million things your in the wrong place.


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