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Thread: clomid half life and kick in time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    clomid half life and kick in time

    hey guys,

    since clomid has a half life of 5-7 days, why do we only take it for like 4 weeks??

    doesn't this half life indicates that it actually will take like 4-6 weeks to stable blood levels and kick in ??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Clomid kicks in, in a matter or hours/days.

    Studies show doses of Clomid at between 50-100mg/ED can double LH values in hypogondal males.

    A drug/compound does not have to reach stable blood plasma concentrations to become effective.

    AI's reduce serum estrogen levels in hours.

    Exogenous testosterone (long estered) do not become effective ONLY when steady plasma levels are reached in 7-8 weeks of continuous use. It become's effective immediately. Enan peaks TT in 4-5 days, then declines, that doesnt mean its effects dont exert themselves when androgen levels are climbing and declining.

    Labido, strength, energy all increase in days on long ester's, such as Enan and Cyp.

    The positive effects from STEADY serum levels are MORE PRONOUNCED as the net effect is greater, but it doesnt mean the effects when a hormones/compound is increasing/decreasing do NOT exist at all.

    Think about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    swifto swifto hehe, thanks bro i now understand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Clomid kicks in, in a matter or hours/days.

    Studies show doses of Clomid at between 50-100mg/ED can double LH values in hypogondal males.

    A drug/compound does not have to reach stable blood plasma concentrations to become effective.

    AI's reduce serum estrogen levels in hours.

    Exogenous testosterone (long estered) do not become effective ONLY when steady plasma levels are reached in 7-8 weeks of continuous use. It become's effective immediately. Enan peaks TT in 4-5 days, then declines, that doesnt mean its effects dont exert themselves when androgen levels are climbing and declining.

    Labido, strength, energy all increase in days on long ester's, such as Enan and Cyp.

    The positive effects from STEADY serum levels are MORE PRONOUNCED as the net effect is greater, but it doesnt mean the effects when a hormones/compound is increasing/decreasing do NOT exist at all.

    Think about it.
    Thanks Swifto.. i just got my nolva and clomid and i was curious about this as well.

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