I've been HGH for 18 weeks now... I've got only 2 weeks left but my source is out of stock so it looks like I'll have to take a break. Anyone have the facts about this?? I was told NEVER to go off of HGH (5 days on, 2 days rest but other than that stay on it). So if I am forced into a break before I can acquire some more product is there a time period that's safe before it's effects start to reverse?? Honestly I've not seen any real effects, well I think my sleep is a bit better but that's about it but I was told it can take up to a year before a body starts to really respond to it... I'm down with that but this break has me worried that I'm not doing myself any favors and I hope I don't have to start all the way over on this all the time ON cycle!
I'm 49, going to be 50 in Jan... I'm using this to help my body stay healthy as I'm HIV POZ.
Thanks for the advice.