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hgh gives you the ability to eat almost anything you want and lose fat from the first dose that enter your blood, you dont need to wait 2 months or 5 month it all starts the moment you put it in your blood. the igf levels rise and youre back to age 18, ofcourse you need consistancy of daily injections.
the big advantage and the reason we use hgh, is so we as bodybuilders can have normal life and eat like normal people, not in quantity but in whatever we eat... restaurants..sushi..pizza..etc
inorder to really see a difference in lean muscle mass that is BIG, you do need steroids....if hgh done by itelf it will grow you lean but slower and it will be more of a fat burner with slow lean growth more of a swimmer type growth, since swimmers are the main users of the high gh very low AAS approach,
you can just lose fat by doing cardio and take some clen and t3 BUT you will not keep all the muscle and you will NOT be able to eat anything you want unless t3 doses are high but high to very high t3 doses flatten you and make you look worse than a person that never entered a gym. with gh you can jut EAT lol