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Thread: My first DECA cycle, NEED ADVICE PLEASE!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You have already had your first injection, so you may as well know that Deca takes 5 to 6 weeks to actually kick in so a Deca cycle needs to be run for at least 10 weeks, 12 is best.
    You must run test with Deca or your libido will suffer and test needs to be run at a higher dosage than deca.
    If you are injecting twice per week it needs to be no more than 4 days apart, for eg Mon and Thur, not Mon and Fri.
    200mg of Deca per week probably won't do that much for you anyway and with this being your first cycle you would have been much better off with a test only cycle and save stacking other compounds for future cycles, if you intend to continue cycling in the future.
    Whoever is advising you at your gym is misinforming you.

  2. #2

    Exclamation My first DECA cycle, NEED ADVICE PLEASE!!!

    A guy at the gym recomended a 5 week deca cycle for bulking up and gaining muscle mass. The vial says Nandrolon Phenil Propionat 100mg/ml ; Nandrolon Decanoat 100mg/ml. and im pinning 1ml twice a week (mondays and fridays).

    So my questions are the following: Is this enough for bulking up and gaining mass? Do I need to take anything else along with the deca? Will i need post cycle treatment? any other advice and/or info will be greatly appreciated. keep in mind that this is my first cycle and it will go for 5 weeks. thanks guys!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Def go on a deca only cycle and **** up your dick for many many months and feel extremely depressed... Read some info about compounds and deca. This is your first post and that proves you need so much more reading to do before even considering it. And you need to read even more if you ask if you should do a deca only cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Doviyutief View Post
    A guy at the gym recomended a 5 week deca cycle for bulking up and gaining muscle mass. The vial says Nandrolon Phenil Propionat 100mg/ml ; Nandrolon Decanoat 100mg/ml. and im pinning 1ml twice a week (mondays and fridays).

    So my questions are the following: Is this enough for bulking up and gaining mass? Do I need to take anything else along with the deca? Will i need post cycle treatment? any other advice and/or info will be greatly appreciated. keep in mind that this is my first cycle and it will go for 5 weeks. thanks guys!
    Do a little research on deca..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    B.C Canada
    Stats ?

    PCT knowledge:?
    Cycle exp:?
    Training exp:?
    Diet details:?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizdizzle View Post
    Stats ?

    PCT knowledge:?
    Cycle exp:?
    Training exp:?
    Diet details:?
    PCT Knowledge:Not a lot
    Cycle exp: first timer
    Training exp: advanced

    I know i may sound a little ignorant at the moment but i did my fair share of research about deca. maybe my sources were not good enough and that is why i posted the question on this forum.
    Just to give you some background info about myself, I am a mountain guide and last december i had surgery on my shoulder and during my recovery time i lost a lot of muscle tone and mass. so far ive been training at the gym and havent seen much progress. i have to guide a trip on april and i need to be good by then so the deca is to speed things up so to speak. please if im doing anything wrong (and i know i might) tell me how to fix it. last monday i had my first shot and this friday im supposed to have my second.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I am going to try not to are lucky you came here before you seriously messed yourself up.

    1. deca only is fail
    2. your 22
    3. 5-8 150
    4. not a lot of pct knowledge
    5.never listen to "the guy at the gym"
    6. 17% bf is a little high.

    Your young man and at that weight you have tonz of growth that can occur for you naturally before you turn to the use of gear. I would say that you need to start with diet first and foremost. Hit up the diet section its unreal have some real diet gurus here. There are some great videos stickied in the section as well you should hit up.

    I would take the next couple years to build a great base and educate yourself on the knowledge thats needed to run a nice safe beginner cycle. if you have any more questions feel free to ask but everyone on this whole board would tell you 100% you should not cycle. good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    stop get off... and get ur ass on pct asap.. You need to learn alot more!

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
    Join Date
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    New Hampshire
    Listen to these guys. Deca is bad stuff for your age.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    North West United States
    Since you started to inject yourself before finding out what your up against I will talk plainly. Deca alone will make it so your dick wont work. If there is someone you like having sex with stop injecting your self. If your single and dont like to masturbate I guess your good to go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    I am going to try not to are lucky you came here before you seriously messed yourself up.

    1. deca only is fail
    2. your 22
    3. 5-8 150
    4. not a lot of pct knowledge
    5.never listen to "the guy at the gym"
    6. 17% bf is a little high.

    Your young man and at that weight you have tonz of growth that can occur for you naturally before you turn to the use of gear. I would say that you need to start with diet first and foremost. Hit up the diet section its unreal have some real diet gurus here. There are some great videos stickied in the section as well you should hit up.

    I would take the next couple years to build a great base and educate yourself on the knowledge thats needed to run a nice safe beginner cycle. if you have any more questions feel free to ask but everyone on this whole board would tell you 100% you should not cycle. good luck

    This sums it all up.

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