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Thread: Preparing for my next cycle ANAVAR only.

  1. #1

    Preparing for my next cycle ANAVAR only.

    Hi! i am new in this forum but it is not my first time in using aas.

    please help me with this anavar only cycle.

    since this will be my third cycle and preparing for it, i need your advise.

    i want to start a new cycle which is anavar only and i will be running it 8-10weeks at 50-80mgs/day let's say 50/50/50/80/80/80/80/80.

    now my little problem is...
    i know that anavar does not aromatize or convert to estrogen however i've been hearing and read some threads that it can shut you down ( but i think it depends in every person, IMO ) so my question is, can i take AI while on anavar cycle? my purpose of AI (like ADEX or AROMASIN) is to somehow increase my testo levels in case anavar shuts me down.

    proviron is not my option because i get facial hair ( so please skip this one if any of you thinking of this )

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The gym or the kitchen

    Are you scared to pin?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    hcg? while on cycle

  5. #5
    @chev, no im not scared to pin. im pretty happy of my physq now. i just want to try something new which is anavar only cycle.
    @cro.. i cant find hcg. all i can find and available is AI.

    so any advise? can i take AI while on anavar cycle? my purpose of AI (like ADEX or AROMASIN) is to somehow increase my testo levels in case anavar shuts me down.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    An ai wont help you here. Any aas, no matter how "mild", will shut down your natural testosterone eventually. I would highly advise running at least a TRT dose of test at maybe 150-200mg a week for the length of the cycle.
    The only reason I can think that someone would try an Anavar only cycle is that either they wont pin, or they are trying to run a cycle so shiort and so light that they think it wont affect their natural test.

    I am willing to bet that the amount and legth of time that you plan on running your anavar will shut you down. Also, there is no reason to taper up your dose, the half life of anavar is something like 8 hours. Split your dose evenly. I had great results with anavar at 100mg a day for 6 weeks. But i ran it with a very low dose of test. I recovered just fine with a normal pct of an ai, a serm and some hcg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    i think aromasin will do. i know it increases test. deffinetely not adex.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I would reccomend 60-80mg/day for a max of 8 weeks splitting up the doses twice/day. Make sure you have your support and pct lined up BEFORE you start. Keep your diet, cardio and training in check and you will like the results. No need for an AI and var WILL shut you down.....jmo.....

    besides, what are your stats???

    If your bf is 15% or above save your $$ and spend some time fixing your diet. Your gains will be better if your bf is on the low side....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    A recent study showed that people taking 80 mg Anavar/day for 12 weeks had their testosterone suppressed by 2/3.

    But this is just an average. My testosterone was suppressed by 98% after only 8 weeks on 60-65 mg Anavar/day. At least I hope it is Anavar, because I ordered it from China. Anyway, the stuff is very very mild and effective, just like Anavar. But the suppression was brutal.

    I actually got the same idea like Testomaniac (if he didn't read my thread accidentally.) I would want to take anastrozole from the start of my current cycle, because otherwise I have no chance to keep the gains (Unless I use SARMs or perhaps HcG.) The use of anastrozole as a testosterone support should be theoretically possible with non-aromatizing steroids. At least I think so, based on my knowledge. But I doubt that anybody took non-aromatizing orals with anti-estrogens.

    As for Testomaniac's cycle, after my 2-years' experience with steroids, I would recommend short cycles, 5-6 weeks, because the longer you run it, the more difficult it is to keep the gains. Exogenous testosterone will definitely suppress your endogenous levels even deeper.

  10. #10
    thank you for all of your advise guys! i really appreciate it.
    my pct is already prepared as well as my anavar. =) plus, i bought more aromasin in case anavar shuts me down hard. ( based on my research and advises got from you guys, anavar will shut me down) so i will try the aromasin for testo support since i have great testo support of aromasin on my last cycle. ( i will update you guys with this "anavar and armosain" if i push through )
    but i think i might follow millionairemurph's testo dose of 150-200mg/week as well. ( still thinking of this and i will update you guys with this also )
    Last edited by testomaniac; 12-09-2010 at 06:47 PM.

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