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Thread: Another woman playing head games....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Another woman playing head games....


    well I broke of my relationship about a year ago with my xgirlfriend, because I wanted to meet other women and did not want to be tied down to one person. We pretty much left on good terms and otherwise had a great relationship.

    Two weeks ago while I was out at a bar in the hamptons I see her walking around with her friends. So she comes over and we start bullshitting like old time. She was telling me about her xboyfriend and how he is in jail for harrasing her for the past two months, so I ask her to come meet me at my house later and we have the most unbelievable night. I could tell she felt the same way about it that I did(at least thats what I thought), so we hung out again strait for the next three nights and all I can think about every day is I can't wait to see her again tonight.

    Well... she was supposed to me me at my house the next night but never showed up. So I call her and get no answer, and leave her a message to call me back. Then I call again the next day and the same thing happens. The phone will ring twise and then go strait to the voice mail(which usually happens when someone sees the call and presses the end button). It is driving me crazy. So I call again and again.(just to let you know I never call a girl more than once, after that it is up to them to call me back) but this time is different. I don't know what is wrong with me. I wish I never seen her at that bar, and even worse told her to come over.

    Im thinking she got back with her boyfriend... not sure though. A week goes by and now her cell phone number is disconnected. What do I do? I have her house number but I feel wierd calling there because I have only called it like once in my life, and I don't want to look desperate. Now I am feeling like a jackass and all of my friends keep telling me to delete her number and forget about her. But I can't, she is haunting my mind, and it is getting really annoying. When im at the gym I am trying to concentrate on my workout and then she pops into my head.

    Any of you guys have any good suggestions on how to fix this problem? I have hung out with other chicks, but she is still always on my mind. Maybe its a pride thing that I know I want her so bad and she went to someone else. But the way she acted the other day did not seem that way.

    Any suggestions you guys can give me on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Forget about her. It's obvious the feelings aren't mutual. Move on to someone new. I hate head games and refue to play them. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Take your own advise and don't call again until she returns your phone calls. Even then, it does not sound like she is too interested in anything serious.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, i know what ur going through. Best thing for that is find urself another girl and forget about ur x. Good lucK!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Forget about this girl, bro. The more attention you give her, the less she will want you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Move on need to hash on the past...even though you had fun with her over those days...doesn't mean the candle was re-lit...there is better and brighter ladies out there who will repect you for who you are. She was just passing time by.

  7. #7
    The only thing that will get your mind off your ex is time and another girl. Remember there are always bigger fish to fry out there.
    Best of Luck,

    Last edited by usualsuspect; 07-16-2003 at 11:25 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I just got out of your same situation, but mine was worse because we saw each other about 4 months after we stopped dating and the feelings were still there for me...and to make it worse i fell right back in the same trap in only one night. Then no calls no warning, just a slap in the fuckin face like i meant nothing to her. It took me about 2 more months to get over her, luckily i found a great girl this last weekend that has kept my mind off of it most of the time...but trust me bro it will be hard to sleep for a while, if your like me that shit will eat at you like a sick parasite...

    Just chalk it up as a loss and learn from your mistakes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    you always want what you can't have

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Thanks for the help everyone. I think its time to get over her, again.

    I will be better off anyway, I want to keep focused on my cycle and keep that as my first priority. Having a women over every night will just mess up my current routine.

    If she calls, then we will take it from there. If not, Ohh well...... Im sure time will cure what I am feeling right now.

    This is the reason now that when I meet someone that I try to keep the relationship only sexual. Anything past that and this happens. Well I guess I will take this as a learning experience and Im sure at 22 years old I will have plenty more in the future.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Bro, maybe I'm wrong but you sound pussy whipped. Hell, you guys split up, hooked up after months of split up, and already you're ringing her phone off of the hook? Where are your balls, bro? NEVER LET THE WOMAN GET THE UPPER HAND OF YOU.

    I probably live every man's fantasy. When I was 37, I hooked up with a beautiful, sexy, and fine 20 year old coworker. From the start, the woman told me that she wanted to get me "pussy whipped". It never happened. In fact, she got fucking addicted to me. Now, I'm 41 and she'll be 24 in a couple of months. We have always been in "off n on" relationships and we are currently on right now. For as long as I've known her, she gets pissed if I am seeing another woman, even when we're not dating. But what bugs her more is that I've known of her seeing other guys when we weren't dating and I never nag her about it.

    "Boy....You're not supposed to get pussy whipped. You're supposed to WHIP THAT PUSSY!!!"- "Boomerang"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Peam is want what you can't have and it kills you.

    "Yesterday is gone, live for today, because tomorrow may never come"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1

    "Boy....You're not supposed to get pussy whipped. You're supposed to WHIP THAT PUSSY!!!"- "Boomerang"
    That is fucking hilarious... But seriously though, i know where you're coming from nocturnal- i'm in a similar situation right now with an ex-gf, we're always on and off and i really hate the fact that i stress over her but what can you do, right?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    you're fucked. there is nothing you can do about it. i still think about my "ex" all the time even though we have ceased >all< communication for over a year now, and i've been with 3 other girls since her.

    get a lobotomy...=)

    -- cb

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Brotha you got played!!! F*ck that Bioch. You need to get on with bigger better things.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturnal59

    Any of you guys have any good suggestions on how to fix this problem? I have hung out with other chicks, but she is still always on my mind. Maybe its a pride thing that I know I want her so bad and she went to someone else. But the way she acted the other day did not seem that way.
    im bumping this because the same shiit just happend to me earlier today... me and this girl we're seeing each other, shes cool as hell, and all of a sudden she drops me for some older dude. I had no clue this was gonna happen. Being 21 and in school, it just sucks..... just a lil depressed bout it.........

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Strut99GT
    The more attention you give her, the less she will want you.
    So true, leave her be.

  18. #18
    alevok Guest
    delete her number, move on, if she calls just hang up on her, it is obvious she is playing with you, dont let her enjoy that game further

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