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Thread: Need some advice on this "light" cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles

    Cool Need some advice on this "light" cycle

    I was originally not too keen on the needles, but after reading up, I think some of this stuff looks pretty good. So now I'm thinking of maybe stacking...Deca/Anavar/Clen and coming off with clomid. I'm looking for a little mass (15-25lbs) and cutting up the rest.
    What do you guys think of this stack and do you guys have any advice on the dosages?

    I'm 28, 5'9 180lbs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    If you're getting ** anavar, or you can get it cheap...then cool...but anavar cycles get expensive.....really fast. But let's assume you get it cheap, or are outrageously rich... Try

    Deca 400-450mg
    Anavar 40mg ed split into even doses just for the hell of it..not sure if iit makes a diff. , but better safe than sorry.
    Clen 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off throughout... Start at 1 pill and increase to a max dosage of 7 pills and not to exceed 2 weeks stints at a time, then switch to an ECA for two weeks, then repeat clen procedure.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The deca at 400 is a good dose. You could even pump up the anavar dose if you wanted but 40mg's would be fine. I've used it at 100 mg's with no problems at all, one of the safest IMO.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    bro , if your gonna do it, then just do it right. go with t200 at 600mgs per week, deca at 400mgs per week for 10 weeks. if you want a good junp start, which i highly recommend, run dbol at 40mgs per day for the first 4 weeks then discontinue it.

    that would be no harder than the cycle you recommended, and alot cheaper. the best part being, you will get double the gains.

  5. #5
    I agree with Big Kev. Drop the clen if you want to gain some serious mass. IMO, the Deca, Dbol, Sust stack is the best cycle for acheiving your goals. Post results after your cycle.
    Grow in peace.

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