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Thread: Common Steroid for fighters

  1. #1

    Common Steroid for fighters

    Its obvious that a large amount of fighters use performance enhancers. What do you think is the most commonly used steroid by MMA fighters?

    Ive seen alot of the test positive for nandrolone, but wouldnt this cause weight gain, making it hard for them to meet their class?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Deca is often used in competitive sports not as much for the edge but for joint pain.

    I am guessing testosterone would be the #1 choice. Winstrol to not gain too much weigh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    eq is real popular lean gains and most importantly for fighters it helps their cardio crazy amounts, with the extra rbc,

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    masteron strength without weight gain stanzanol for endurance boxers use it alot also i read a few using nandrolone too dunno y either without test

  5. #5
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    What about anavar? It does not add much bulk and brings you long terms gain in both muscle building and fat reduction

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    masteron strength without weight gain stanzanol for endurance boxers use it alot also i read a few using nandrolone too dunno y either without test
    Why is stano good for endurance?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    cyclists and boxers use it as there preferred steroid

    Winstrol is an anabolic steroid. It is also commonly known under the name Stanozolol. Like all anabolic steroids, it is a synthetic derivation of the male hormone testosterone. Medically, Winstrol Stanozolol is often used to treat cases of angioedema, a condition that causes severe swelling of various body parts. Recreationally, Winstrol is used like any other anabolic steroid--to improve performance. Winstrol is available in both oral and injectable formats.

    Quality Muscle Growth
    There are many different types of anabolic steroids on the market. But allmost all of them have potential harmful side effects, Winstrol Stanozolol has many features that make it more attractive than other types. Winstrol Stanozolol helps to create quality muscle growth. Combined with a serious workout, Winstrol Stanozolol creates strong muscles without serious consequences.

    No Water Retention
    As it is known, many anabolic steroids encourage water retention. Winstrol Stanozolol doesn't cause water retention, which makes it a popular choice for many body builders as they get close to a show. Winstrol Stanozolol allows a bodybuilder to build muscle without retaining fluid that will get in the way of the hard, veiny, cut look that is an important part of a body builder's look.

    Boost Endurance Capabilities
    Winstrol Stanozolol increases the body's ability to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, including to the muscles. More red blood cells make it possible for the muscles to work harder, longer and recover quicker because of the added oxygen moving into them. This is the good reason to choose Winstrol as a performance-enhancing substance.

    No Bulky Appearance
    Some body builders and endurance athletes use Winstrol Stanozolol because it provides strength and endurance without creating bulk. Endurance athletes do not want to carry around any more weight than necessary, so they avoid bulky muscles at all times. Body builders lift weights to increase their muscle size, but want visible definition between muscle groups.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    cyclists and boxers use it as there preferred steroid

    Winstrol is an anabolic steroid. It is also commonly known under the name Stanozolol. Like all anabolic steroids, it is a synthetic derivation of the male hormone testosterone. Medically, Winstrol Stanozolol is often used to treat cases of angioedema, a condition that causes severe swelling of various body parts. Recreationally, Winstrol is used like any other anabolic steroid--to improve performance. Winstrol is available in both oral and injectable formats.

    Quality Muscle Growth
    There are many different types of anabolic steroids on the market. But allmost all of them have potential harmful side effects, Winstrol Stanozolol has many features that make it more attractive than other types. Winstrol Stanozolol helps to create quality muscle growth. Combined with a serious workout, Winstrol Stanozolol creates strong muscles without serious consequences.

    No Water Retention
    As it is known, many anabolic steroids encourage water retention. Winstrol Stanozolol doesn't cause water retention, which makes it a popular choice for many body builders as they get close to a show. Winstrol Stanozolol allows a bodybuilder to build muscle without retaining fluid that will get in the way of the hard, veiny, cut look that is an important part of a body builder's look.

    Boost Endurance Capabilities
    Winstrol Stanozolol increases the body's ability to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, including to the muscles. More red blood cells make it possible for the muscles to work harder, longer and recover quicker because of the added oxygen moving into them. This is the good reason to choose Winstrol as a performance-enhancing substance.

    No Bulky Appearance
    Some body builders and endurance athletes use Winstrol Stanozolol because it provides strength and endurance without creating bulk. Endurance athletes do not want to carry around any more weight than necessary, so they avoid bulky muscles at all times. Body builders lift weights to increase their muscle size, but want visible definition between muscle groups.
    Win/Primo was my only cycle till date...this was 15 yrs ago. Amazing results - strength, quality muscles, and abs so well defined that I didn't even have to work out my

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    SUSPENSION all the way...

  10. #10
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    Anavar I'm told is the best for cutting. Winn sicks out all the water and is good for bodybuilders but not fighters. Anavar would be part of my cutting cycle for sho!

  11. #11
    Winny is definitely good as the last agent after a bulking cycle, while the test is wearing off , the winny helps you rid of all excess water and keep a little more quality muscle than you would have kept without winny.

  12. #12
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    Got to be really careful with winny usage, can cause brittle tendons and cartiledge which makes for a lot of injuries.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    wouldn't low dose test be the way to go?

  15. #15
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    I think the reason you hear about so many athletes use of nandrolone is not that everyone is on it, but rather it take so long to clear that it causes a lot of people who really are not using it while competing to test positive anyway. I think one of the reasons many use it is that In addition to its benefit for the joints, nandrolone also has great healing abilities. Naturally this would apply to MMA bigtime since Healing is a major part of any MMA fighters life.

    Just my 2 cents,


  16. #16
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    Stanazole bad choice as it dries out your joints and can hurt like sh!t...Nandralone always a bad choice as it's metabolites can stay in your body for upto 18 month post last injection, that's why a lot of people test positive for it, testosterone bad choice as well, water retention and potencial hard time meeting weight classes due to the water, cutting water and improper water manipulation can be devostating for a fighter as 2% dehydration reduces mental and phisical performance by what is the best choice; it's cheque drops highly androgenic, anabolic, no water retantion, very short half life can be literally dropped out less then week before the event and test clean as a someone hire me for as a stregth coach / nutritionist for MMA...hahahaha i want to try something new other then training bodybuilders, and MMA is my next venture...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Guerilla View Post
    Its obvious that a large amount of fighters use performance enhancers. What do you think is the most commonly used steroid by MMA fighters?

    Ive seen alot of the test positive for nandrolone, but wouldnt this cause weight gain, making it hard for them to meet their class?
    For quick agression HALO and CHEQUE drops are real popular with fighters and powerlifters.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    Stanazole bad choice as it dries out your joints and can hurt like sh!t...Nandralone always a bad choice as it's metabolites can stay in your body for upto 18 month post last injection, that's why a lot of people test positive for it, testosterone bad choice as well, water retention and potencial hard time meeting weight classes due to the water, cutting water and improper water manipulation can be devostating for a fighter as 2% dehydration reduces mental and phisical performance by what is the best choice; it's cheque drops highly androgenic, anabolic, no water retantion, very short half life can be literally dropped out less then week before the event and test clean as a someone hire me for as a stregth coach / nutritionist for MMA...hahahaha i want to try something new other then training bodybuilders, and MMA is my next venture...
    Mike i can be your first protege. Come meet me in Houston =)

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Some Beach Florida U.S.A
    Best Steroids for Lean Out

    1) Primobolan
    2) Anavar
    3) Winstrol
    4) Testosterone Propionate
    5) Trenbolone
    6) Masteron

  20. #20
    Outside of test prop and peptides, the best would probably be the orals. It still boggles my mind that anyone would use winstrol before a fight as the joints and connective tissue take enough of a beating from just training and that particular AAS will only exacerbate that issue.

  21. #21
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    ChrisX hit me up with your stats, goals etc and we can work something out...XXL

  22. #22
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    The cheque drops sound interesting. Has anyone on here personaly used them? What are the most common side effects? Would it be possible to just use them for a week or two and stop with minimal side effects?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    bump on cheek drops.. also what bout the eq and making cardio better wouldn't that benefit fighters... and if so wouldn't test be required?

  24. #24
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    mike xxl id like your opinion... im 3-0 as a pro lhw and have a fight coming up may 14th.

  25. #25
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    What about HALO? I keep seeing it being compaired to cheque drops when I googled them.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    Stanazole bad choice as it dries out your joints and can hurt like sh!t...Nandralone always a bad choice as it's metabolites can stay in your body for upto 18 month post last injection, that's why a lot of people test positive for it, testosterone bad choice as well, water retention and potencial hard time meeting weight classes due to the water, cutting water and improper water manipulation can be devostating for a fighter as 2% dehydration reduces mental and phisical performance by what is the best choice; it's cheque drops highly androgenic, anabolic, no water retantion, very short half life can be literally dropped out less then week before the event and test clean as a someone hire me for as a stregth coach / nutritionist for MMA...hahahaha i want to try something new other then training bodybuilders, and MMA is my next venture...
    THANKS for that reply. youve pointed out the pros of cheque drops,what would be the cons?? also how would halo compare to c.d in your opinion.
    also whilst wre on subject. if you could chose other meds for a fighter what would they be? ive no doubt EPO would be one. or would it? have you any info on b-vit inj ive read they increase RBC. would you go for hgh?
    Last edited by BUDGIE; 04-07-2011 at 04:58 AM.

  27. #27
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    Alot of suggestions in here, I am getting most people like cutting versus bulking. Do the cutting cycles help burn fat or do you have to diet and cardio just as hard with out the supplementation? Thanks

  28. #28
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    I am a martial artist and I am curious about Anavar, it seems to be the best choice for someone not wanting to gain much and lost fat if there is some. Can you take this on its own?


  29. #29
    I've been involved in MMA for quite awhile. Nearly every competative fighter I've known has run something. Most common I've seen is anavar by itself, or low dose test + var.

  30. #30
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    Aug 2004
    Most performance athletes are looking for two things

    1. Endurance
    2. Recovery from injury

    Test is a no-brainer, EQ and Nandrolone are probably real popular in this crowd.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  31. #31
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    HGH would be great for recover post fight, to heal up and conective tissue that might have been damaged trough the fight etc. Halo would likely be a good choice as well as it is very androgenic just like chequ drops...Vit -B inection will help with carbohydrate metabolism and production of energy but i don't feel it would be enuogh to be worth the bother...EPO yes and is good in cardio based sports however MMA is not realy cardio in its purety, it more of a muscle endurance type of activity, perhaps a preasure chamber would create enough of a benift, that's why a lot of fighters train in high altitudes, simulating a preasure chamers. The bad on cheque drops as it highly androgenic the sides will be like any other highly androgenic steroid some level of stress on kidneys, liver, rough oily skin, acne etc.

  32. #32
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    Ohh and i would stay away from any nandrolone based products, even known they will be great on conective tissue they metabolize extremely slow and can make people test positive even 18 month after injection, not good if your sport is being tested...Winstrol / stanazol i would stay away from as it drys up your joints and can make for hard training with acky elbows, shoulders, knees etc. HGH while traing can also stiffen up your joints and make for hard training that's why i recomend it for after fight recovery. Test can cause water retantion and make difficult making weight later on anyway that's all i can think of for now...XXL

  33. #33
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    Come on people.....halo days 1- 7 before fight...too often forgotten.......pure unadulterated strength...

  34. #34
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    Ask chael sonnen, he does TRT

  35. #35
    what is eq?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by daddy36 View Post
    mike xxl id like your opinion... im 3-0 as a pro lhw and have a fight coming up may 14th.
    This might be late Bro, but anytime you need more help hit me up on a PM, becasue i am just trying to get into the MMA side of training and making weight etc. i am willing to do all work for free...bodybuidling type of personal training is very old to me and i have few ideas for MMA world that maybe are not being done yet, so it excites me a lot more then BBing programs...XXL

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by monksy View Post
    what is eq?
    It is: Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclynate)

  38. #38
    Hey mike xxl I sent an email to you with some questions and stats. I have a fight in october I'm looking to get ready for.

  39. #39
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    Mma1027 i heve replied to your e-mail

  40. #40
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    test prop

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