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Thread: T-bol only cycle

  1. #1

    T-bol only cycle

    What are average gains for a 6-8 week cycle at 40mg a day? I plan on running something for a lean bulk towards summer, and might wanna give OT a go before jumping into injectables. By that time I will hopefully be able to get site checks on here lol. I know I could go with halodrol but I would be much more comfortable just going with the real thing. I found a site that Im fairly sure is legit.... and Im waiting to order until I am possitive, but what gains/ sides should be expected for such a cycle? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    KOP, PA
    I dont know the answer to your question but am looking forward to somebody giving some input you and I are in the same place in terms of progression id like to test the waters before committing to 12 weeks of test and whatever else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    did 6 weeks of 40mg/day 2in the am and 2in the pm. gains minimal 4-5lbs, but it does give you a good noticebale strength gain, clean no pct neccesarry i had no problems with this. need to add an injectable with this to reap its full benefits.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    calgary alberta canada
    Tbol is a decent hardening oral imo but if you want a lean bulk I'd definitely add in test...if you dont want a long cycle you could do 6 weeks with prop and tbol. A cost effective and decent short cycle.

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