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Thread: [b]please critique[/b] my planned 2011 lean mass cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    [b]please critique[/b] my planned 2011 lean mass cycle


    please could I get some critique to finalise this years cycle to put on a bit of lean mass for 2011.

    24, 5'8'', 13st, body fat 14% (last checked Oct with bioimpedance)
    5 cycles since 2008: 1-3: 12 wks sus 2m/week with 2 ml deca... Nolva 20mg ED PCT and 5000iu hcg wks 12-15
    cycle 4: 12 Wks Test P 100mg EOD Bold 200mg/wk (Same PCT)
    Cycle 5: MX197 4ml/wk 12 wks (again same pct)

    Diet is 30g protein from turkey breast, chicken breast and whey shakes every 3 hours 7am-10pm.

    90g Carbs 7am, then 40g carbs every 3 hours up to 7pm. 90g Carb post training.Mostly from brown rice,potatoes,pasta,bananas and oats.

    So to break down im thinking:
    Test E 500mg/Week Week 1-12
    Tren A 300mg/week Week 1-12 OR Eq 400mg/wk (haven't made up my mind yet)
    D/bol 50mg ED Week 1-4

    PCT Nolva 40mg ED week 13
    20mg ED week 14-16

    HCG 5000iu PW Week 12-14

    Muchos appreciatos guys.
    Last edited by icon1612; 01-13-2011 at 05:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Dude, you are going to hate me for this....

    But you could have got to where you are now without 5 cycles in 2 years. You are not carrying much muscle...

    Looking at the above, without doing the math on totoal cals...I would say you will need to increase cals. From what I can make out...that looks more like a cutting diet.

    Big difference between Tren E and EQ Bro.
    Last edited by terraj; 01-13-2011 at 03:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Yeah the Pics arent of my best ever shape, they are early stages of training and the most recent is Jan 2009 i think...ill explain why...

    My training hasn't been consistent as trying for a baby, a pregnant G.F and then sadly a miscarriage threw training off for a long time and only really started again sept last year. (was clean all autumn 2009 to restore HPTA and sperm development, gf fell pregnant, thought ''great ill do some steroids again'' ....miscarriage....F**k need to stop steroids to try for a baby again....may 2010, GF falls preg with child! so far so good, started a sus/deca cycle last Oct/nov to get a kick start and try regain some sadly lost size....complicated story I know, now having my 12 weeks off cycle and planning ahead for march 2011!)

    And apologies I meant Tren A, not Tren E!
    Last edited by icon1612; 01-13-2011 at 05:34 AM.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    5 cycles and your only 13 stone, you should not cycle again until you have sorted your diet out, please dont say you have a great diet because from the pics and stats you dont, its pointless in you taking steroids because you dont have a diet to support any kind of muscle tissue, take a brak for a couple of years and build a base naturally via diet and hard training, forget drugs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Like i said yeah 5 cycles, with a hell of a disaster in between and had to stop training for almost a year and size went down dramatically add to that depression and not eating and u lookin at me fallin from 15+ to 11 stone...only starting to recover now and get it back.Thanks 4 the advice.

    My circumstances aside, looking solely at the stack would anyone care to make any adjustments to the STACK? lets assume that by march/april I can hike back up to my PB 15st based on my climb from 11 to 13 already!

    I know this may ruffle a few feathers within the forum, I know many disagree with my choice to do gear, However I simply looking to regain the lean mass I once had quickly, maintaining my diet now wont be a problem, and the diet was only cleaned up last autumn to what is listed above. My choice to do steroids isnt taken lightly, i have done a few cycles now and know that 'crossing over to the dark side' beats natural training any day. Im not looking to become the next Jay Cutler and compete, just have a bit of lean mass for 2011
    Last edited by icon1612; 01-13-2011 at 06:11 AM.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You dont need steroids, you need to re-gain your weight by adjusting your diet to suit, there is no point in starting steroids because you dont have any kind of diet to maintain muscle tissue, that is clear, you need to change it now and keep with it and build back the weight naturally, for gods sake you have done 5 cycles and your only 13 stone your diet sucks, steroids wont help you.

    What is wrong with people!!

    steroids are not a miracle cure for a bad diet, your diet will put you the weight back on.

    This pictures you posted show that you shouldnt be using steroids, forget them and sort your diet out.

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