please could I get some critique to finalise this years cycle to put on a bit of lean mass for 2011.
24, 5'8'', 13st, body fat 14% (last checked Oct with bioimpedance)
5 cycles since 2008: 1-3: 12 wks sus 2m/week with 2 ml deca... Nolva 20mg ED PCT and 5000iu hcg wks 12-15
cycle 4: 12 Wks Test P 100mg EOD Bold 200mg/wk (Same PCT)
Cycle 5: MX197 4ml/wk 12 wks (again same pct)
Diet is 30g protein from turkey breast, chicken breast and whey shakes every 3 hours 7am-10pm.
90g Carbs 7am, then 40g carbs every 3 hours up to 7pm. 90g Carb post training.Mostly from brown rice,potatoes,pasta,bananas and oats.
So to break down im thinking:
Test E 500mg/Week Week 1-12
Tren A 300mg/week Week 1-12 OR Eq 400mg/wk (haven't made up my mind yet)
D/bol 50mg ED Week 1-4
PCT Nolva 40mg ED week 13
20mg ED week 14-16
HCG 5000iu PW Week 12-14
Muchos appreciatos guys.