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If you cant afford to keep doing gear then you certainly need not to be using insulin. While it initially is cheaper, theres a lot to get in order to make it work good for muscle and not buidling fat. You will need a tub of dextrose or some other simple carb drink. Then you need 8-10g of simple carbs PER IU you take DAILY... then you need to sort out your protein intake as it has affects on how its transported into the muscle via Slin. Then theres your meals you NEED to eat 1.5 hours after every slin shot bc you CANNOT eat anything with fat in it. But beyond ALL that.... running slin alone just isnt effective. It needs to be run WITH aas to get desired results, or you will just be storing fat and getting fatter. Bottom line is there is no easy way out. No cheap way. If you cant afford aas, slin isnt for you and you need to go back to being natty.